Development of a Positive Organizational Culture (POC) towards Well-being, Resilience, and Corporate Innovation. A Research-Action Proposal in the Relevant Business Environment of the Almussafes Industrial Area.


Ortiz Vázquez, Antonio ORCID


Salanova, Marisa ORCID

Llorens Gumbau, Susana ORCID


Salanova, Marisa ORCID

Data de defensa



174 p.


Universitat Jaume I. Escola de Doctorat

Programa de doctorat

Programa de Doctorat en Psicologia


The main objective of this thesis is to expand knowledge in Positive Organizational Psychology by defining and operationalizing "Positive Organizational Culture" and studying its relationship with psychosocial variables through Positive Psychological Interventions. To achieve this, three research questions are addressed: 1) What is the current state of the literature on Organizational Culture and Positive Psychological Interventions? 2) How is Positive Organizational Culture conceptualized and operationalized? 3) What is the impact of interventions such as Appreciative Survey Feedback, Leader Coach, and Healthy Emotionality on Positive Organizational Culture and the psychosocial variables of the HERO Model in an industrial sector company? The thesis is structured with a systematic review (Chapter 2) and two empirical studies (Chapters 3 and 4). The findings support the main objective of the thesis and confirm the proposed hypotheses, contributing to understanding the importance of Positive Organizational Culture in organizational well-being.

Paraules clau

Positive organizational culture; Positive psychological intervention; Well-being; Industrial sector


159.9 - Psicologia

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2024_Tesis_Ortíz Vázquez_Antonio.pdf




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