Discovering the tourism rainbow: an integrated approach to LGBTIQ+ tourism


Algueró Boronat, Mar ORCID


Moliner, Miguel Angel ORCID

Rodriguez-Artola, Rosa M. ORCID


Rodriguez-Artola, Rosa M. ORCID

Date of defense



137 p.


Universitat Jaume I. Escola de Doctorat

Doctorate programs

Programa de Doctorat en Màrqueting


This thesis examines the interplay between identity, inclusion, and memorable experiences as core dimensions of LGBTIQ+ tourism. Framed within an intersectional perspective, it positions identity as a central axis for understanding the motivations, perceptions, and experiences of LGBTIQ+ tourists. Through a compendium of three articles, the study delves into the influence of motivations on the creation of meaningful travel experiences, while highlighting the moderating role of gender identity and sexual orientation. The research further explores perceptions of queer-friendly destinations, revealing that authentic inclusivity in marketing and destination management not only fosters trust but also strengthens loyalty among LGBTIQ+ travelers. Additionally, it underscores the internal heterogeneity of the LGBTIQ+ community, demonstrating how socio-demographic factors shape travel preferences. The findings contribute to the academic discourse on tourism and gender studies, offering insights for fostering more inclusive, equitable, and identity-affirming tourism practices.


LGBTIQ+ tourism; Memorable experiences; Identity; Inclusion


30 -Social Sciences theories and methodologies. Sociography. Gender studies; 338 - Economic situation. Economic policy. Management of the economy. Economic planning. Production. Services. Tourism. Prices; 339 - Trade. Commerce. International economic relations. World economy

Knowledge Area

Ciencies econòmiques i empresarials


Compendi d'articles, Doctorat internacional


2025_Tesis_Alguero Boronat_Mar.pdf



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