Universitat Jaume I. Escola de Doctorat
Programa de Doctorat en Psicologia
Currently, pornography consumption is one of the most prevalent online activities, increasing scientific interest in understanding its effects. In particular, the possibility of developing a pattern of abusive consumption, i.e., problematic pornography use (PPU), is one of the main concern. Therefore, in recent years, part of the literature has focused on the study of the mechanisms and factors involved in the onset and maintenance of PPU. However, evidence remains scarce, especially regarding the involvement of cognitive processes. This doctoral thesis aims to shed light on this issue by studying the involvement and etiological role of attentional inhibitory control, time perception processes, and subjective sexual arousal in PPU and other online problematic behaviors: gaming disorder and problematic binge-watching. Some of the main findings question the theoretical premises that place cognitive and executive processes as central etiopathological factors in problematic online behavior.
Problematic pornography use; Cognitive factors; Attentional inhibitory control; Time perception; Subjective sexual arousal
159.9 - Psicologia
Ciències de la Salut
Compendi d'articles, Doctorat internacional