Now showing items 1-20 of 29
Lordan, Oriol (Date of defense: 2014-04-14)
Communication via air routes is an important issue in a world organized around a web-like city network. In this context, the robustness of network infrastructures, e.g. air transport networks, are a central issue in transport ...
Zamudio Gutierrez, Alfredo (Date of defense: 2015-06-15)
Globalization has irreversibly transformed our reality. However, firms must work to develop new ideas that mitigate the negative effects of globalization, take advantage of its opportunities and propose new forms to make ...
Batlle Beltran, Marta (Date of defense: 2014-06-02)
The research work was based on an analysis of the film industry and its prospects in terms of distribution and exhibition. The film industry is based on three processes: production, distribution and screening. The work ...
Hernández Balbuena, Rubén (Date of defense: 2015-04-07)
In this thesis a supply chain of the real world is studied through a simulation model, in order to analyze the dynamic aspects of this system under different inventory management policies. The chain is comprised of a main ...
Aguilera Fierro, Pablo (Date of defense: 2017-01-24)
Since 2007 the Mexican Govemment introduced the fight against poverty as a top priority in its agenda,thus increasing the amount of resources allocated to minimize this social condition. Nevertheless, poverty levels in ...
Valdivieso Riofrío, Juan Carlos (Date of defense: 2014-10-24)
La Base de Datos Mundial de Áreas Protegidas (WDPA World Database on Protected Areas), cataloga 130.709 áreas que cubren 24,23 millones de km2 (WDPA 2012). Estos espacios cubren más del 12% de la superficie terrestre ...
Arjones Rodríguez, Roberto (Date of defense: 2016-02-08)
Business models can be considered as the 'logic of the firm' on how the firm creates and captures value for its stakeholders. It can be seen as a "reflection" of the strategy carried out. Thus, the present and future ...
Montero Flores, Roberto Elías (Date of defense: 2015-06-16)
The objective of the present investigation is to analyze two important issues that contribute in great measure to the economic growing of the country, as is the growing and permanence of the SMEs, framed in the access to ...
Suñé Torrents, Albert (Date of defense: 2004-07-14)
El resurgimiento de las teorías del aprendizaje, en el campo de la dirección estratégica, aparece como una posibilidad de explicar los resultados de la empresa más allá del paradigma ECR (estructura comportamiento resultados) ...
García Vences, Delia Esperanza (Date of defense: 2017-03-27)
Business activity has shown fundamental changes compared with women's micro-enterprises entrepreneurship due to their importance in the economy. This doctoral thesis come up from the particular interest to investigate ...
Torrents Arévalo, Juan Antonio (Date of defense: 2008-01-14)
Esta tesis pretende analizar la eficacia empresarial en el ámbito económico-financiero a través del análisis de ratios usados frecuentemente en el ámbito empresarial. La necesidad de encontrar valores, ratios o formulas ...
Alania Vera, Ricardo (Date of defense: 2015-11-10)
The thesis seeks to determine the best ways in wich the management work impacts in the creation of value in the organizational context. In this thesis is reviewed the context in which Peruvian organizations develop currently, ...
Arbelo Pérez, Marta (Date of defense: 2016-07-17)
The remarkable growth and diversification tourism has experienced worldwide has increased competitiveness in the sector. In this context, Spain’s leading position as the main tourist destination in Europe may be in danger. ...
Tarrats Pons, Elisenda (Date of defense: 2010-12-10)
La presente tesis doctoral analiza desde un punto de vista teórico y práctico, los factores psicosociales de éxito en la sucesión de la empresa familiar. Considerándose la sucesión como el acontecimiento más crítico que ...
Arrieta Quispe, María del Carmen (Date of defense: 2015-06-15)
The following doctoral thesis, through qualitative research, develops a case study conducted among students and graduates from the Business Administration and Finance major at UPC (Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas). ...
Planuch Prats, Carles (Date of defense: 2019-04-03)
Knowledge constitutes one of the key intangible assets for organizations. However, the mere possession of knowledge, however valuable it may be, does not necessarily imply obtaining a competitive advantage. It is necessary ...
Badrinas Ardèvol, Joan (Date of defense: 2016-02-22)
In business terms, the ultimate purpose of innovation is to generate profitable growth, however for mature industrial technology firms (LMTs), operating in mature markets, endeavours of innovation often result in the ...
Moll de Alba Cabot, Jaime (Date of defense: 2018-01-18)
The last decade has witnessed a renewed interest of the international community in industrial development as an engine of national economic growth. Industrialization offers responses to sluggish economic growth, poverty ...
Adrianzen Cabrera, .Carlos Manuel (Date of defense: 2016-07-06)
This research explores on what degree the macroeconomic climate influenced the commercial banks profitability in an emerging economy, on the basis commercial banks and the peruvian economy quartely data, over a long period ...
Ames Hidalgo, Freddy Joaquín (Date of defense: 2016-01-28)
Peru and its neighbors Chile and Colombia, have in common that have been and are exporters of commodities, besides economic strategies have pursued the same trend but at different times and for different reasons, since the ...