Ara mostrant els elements 121-140 de 194
Roig Hernando, Jaume (Data de defensa: 2015-03-02)
The increasing interest in the real estate investment has led to the emergence of new real estate investment vehicles, adding more complexity to the real estate market which increasingly resembles to financial markets. ...
Ranaboldo, Matteo (Data de defensa: 2015-02-09)
Projects relying on renewable energies are a suitable and sustainable option to electrify isolated communities autonomously. These systems produce electricity in a clean and environmentally respectful way and their cost ...
Vilà Bonilla, Mariona (Data de defensa: 2014-12-10)
This thesis, entitled "Contributions to sequencing problems in JiT productive environments using heuristic, exact and hybrid procedures" consists of three publications that address the resolution of job sequencing problems ...
Esparza Masana, Ricard (Data de defensa: 2014-11-18)
The thesis aims to provide a complete overview of the specialization trends of the EU regions in the context of the regional innovation smart specialization strategy (RIS3), as well as to evaluate whether some priorities ...
Urdanegui Sibina, Rosella (Data de defensa: 2014-10-23)
La formación del personal es una estrategia clave para el desarrollo de las empresas, a pesar que su planificación impacta positivamente en los resultados organizacionales, escasamente se realiza. Es ampliamente conocido ...
Valdivieso Riofrío, Juan Carlos (Data de defensa: 2014-10-24)
La Base de Datos Mundial de Áreas Protegidas (WDPA World Database on Protected Areas), cataloga 130.709 áreas que cubren 24,23 millones de km2 (WDPA 2012). Estos espacios cubren más del 12% de la superficie terrestre ...
Keskes, Imen (Data de defensa: 2014-10-01)
In the present thesis a theoretical and empirical study of the relationship between transformational leadership (TL) styles and organizational commitment (OC) is performed. These two concepts are examined as multidimensional ...
Champin Michelena, Denisse (Data de defensa: 2014-10-23)
Objectives. Propose a model of management skills during the training through an Outcome based education. Materials and methods. Case study applied to a medical school conducted between 2010 and 2013. Data Collected from ...
Cano Pérez, Alberto (Data de defensa: 2014-06-20)
This document develops the doctoral thesis entitled "Modelado y resolución de problemas de secuenciación en contexto JIT/DS mediante BDP". Through a literature review we explain the problems, within the environment of the ...
Batlle Beltran, Marta (Data de defensa: 2014-06-02)
The research work was based on an analysis of the film industry and its prospects in terms of distribution and exhibition. The film industry is based on three processes: production, distribution and screening. The work ...
Yilmaz, Görken (Data de defensa: 2014-04-30)
Long Term Capacity Planning (LTCP) consists of deciding the type and amount of capacity of production systems for multiple periods in a long term planning horizon. It involves decisions related to strategic planning, such ...
Soler Vila, Eduardo (Data de defensa: 2014-02-18)
Some of the accounting scandals that have taken place in major companies throughout the world have forced the need to analyze in detail the quality of the accounting information submitted by companies. Enron, Parlamat or ...
Neves Monteiro, Denisson (Data de defensa: 2014-02-14)
A sustainable local development model is a guide for the development of strategies, it is no longer a single recipe. This includes aspects of the analysis of the region's potential, the diagnosis of the city’s problems, ...
Lordan, Oriol (Data de defensa: 2014-04-14)
Communication via air routes is an important issue in a world organized around a web-like city network. In this context, the robustness of network infrastructures, e.g. air transport networks, are a central issue in transport ...
Saavedra-Robinson, Luis Andrés (Data de defensa: 2013-09-27)
The existing industries are facing new challenges due to increasing international competition, this involves increasing needs for productivity, the design of new products and delivery times getting shorter. At the same ...
Ponce García, Maria Elena Laura (Data de defensa: 2013-11-06)
The thesis includes an overview of the e'.Ciution and current context for two international socioeconomic phenomena: migration and remittances of migrants to their country, its importance and impact on host economies in ...
Marques de Araújo, Luciano (Data de defensa: 2013-10-25)
The aim of this investigation is to understand how international project teams enable mature multinational enterprises (MNEs) to cope with knowledge diversity and political activity, two well-known disruptive organizational ...
Berbegal Mirabent, Jasmina (Data de defensa: 2012-06-28)
Competitiveness and excellence heavily rely on the capacity of regions to innovate and transfer knowledge from academic institutions to society. In a scenario where these values acquire a growing importance, universities ...
Mesa Correa, Diana (Data de defensa: 2013-09-27)
En 2007 comenzó la crisis económica y financiera de mayor complejidad e impacto desde la Gran Depresión (FMI, 2012). Las crisis económicas y financieras pueden afectar seriamente el desempeño de la empresa e incluso su ...
Chiaramonte Cipolla, Luis Alejandro (Data de defensa: 2013-09-06)
This thesis was conducted in order to study the existence of the relationship between lifelong learning and economic growth.The main objective was to develop a framework based on theory that encloses a larger set of variables ...