Mostrando ítems 61-80 de 194
Villaescusa Serrano, Núria (Fecha de defensa: 2016-10-14)
This Thesis analyses the predictive ability of the Cash Flow Statement with respect to earnings management. Using case method research, we define a model based on incentives and opportunities together with the Cash flow ...
Puig-Pey Clavería, Ana (Fecha de defensa: 2011-02-02)
The thesis "The architect: training, competences and professional practice" study and analyze the relationships between the professional competences acquired during the training period and the professional competences ...
Guzman Pedraza, Tulia Carolina (Fecha de defensa: 2015-07-29)
Innovative behaviour is presented as a concept to analyse the employees¿ active participation. There is no agreement regarding the innovative behaviour definition, though it refers to an employee's intentional introduction ...
Sícoli Pósleman, Claudia Irene (Fecha de defensa: 2016-07-04)
This thesis has been developed within the framework of Corporate Social responsibility (CSR) concept, due to analyze the importance of the Social License to Operate (SLO) in the context of extractive mining sector of Peru, ...
Quiroga Persivale, Guillermo Tomás (Fecha de defensa: 2016-07-04)
This thesis addresses new business models that allow firms in emerging economies to be globally competitive through strategic innovations. lt also seeks far the strategic nucleus of these firms in these economies to reflect ...
Plana Erta, Dolors (Fecha de defensa: 2016-07-13)
La implantació de l'EEES ha plantejat profundes transformacions en l'educació superior al posar l'atenció en el procés d'aprenentatge de l'estudiant en lloc d'estar, com fins ara, focalitzat en el procés d'ensenyament del ...
Batalla García, Cristina (Fecha de defensa: 2015-07-17)
En la industria del automóvil es muy común utilizar la misma línea para la fabricación de diversas versiones de un mismo modelo. En la presente tesis nos centraremos en aquellas líneas de montaje donde circulan unidades ...
Mesones Málaga, Gustavo Omar (Fecha de defensa: 2016-07-04)
This thesis develops a model evaluation in class of the critical thinking competence in mathematics, which was applied in the association of private schools ADECOPA constituted by 24 institutions with a population of 20,000 ...
Morgan Rozas, Milagros (Fecha de defensa: 2016-07-06)
This thesis aims to propose an alternative model for the management of academic knowledge in Peruvian universities, to integrate their processes and principal users. This descriptive research uses Multiple Case Study ...
Montalbetti Solari, Pablo (Fecha de defensa: 2016-07-05)
Family-owned businesses have been an object of study for decades. Likewise, family protocols and their usefulness for these enterprises have been the subject of research, especially in hispanic countries where their ...
Maratuech Pinzás, José Alfonso (Fecha de defensa: 2016-07-05)
Since ancient times, the ports have had an irreplaceable role as places of material displacement and cultural contact. First, because there were no means far air transportation, which even today day is teasible only for ...
Arbelo Pérez, Marta (Fecha de defensa: 2016-07-17)
The remarkable growth and diversification tourism has experienced worldwide has increased competitiveness in the sector. In this context, Spain’s leading position as the main tourist destination in Europe may be in danger. ...
Adrianzen Cabrera, .Carlos Manuel (Fecha de defensa: 2016-07-06)
This research explores on what degree the macroeconomic climate influenced the commercial banks profitability in an emerging economy, on the basis commercial banks and the peruvian economy quartely data, over a long period ...
Mussons Torras, Marc (Fecha de defensa: 2016-05-12)
The investigation aims to establish the most influential factors to measure entrepreneurial credibility on post-compulsory education, determining the variables that affects directly and indirectly on a future student ...
Moliné Boixareu, Joan Ignasi (Fecha de defensa: 2016-05-12)
The purchase management is strategic, being crucial to choose the right suppliers and therefore having the appropriate criteria. In order to make a proposal regarding standardized criteria for selection of suppliers current ...
Xiqués Triquell, Jordi (Fecha de defensa: 2016-04-04)
This research aims to enumerate, classify and validate the variables defining a roundabout in terms of geometric, dynamic, road-safety and accident prevention. In the first instance an initial list of variables has been ...
Toro Carnevali, Daniela (Fecha de defensa: 2016-03-18)
When people are faced with changes in their familiar environment they need others to help them decipher what is happening, understand in which sense this situation is affecting them and how can they withstand such changes. ...
Trullàs Casasayas, Irene (Fecha de defensa: 2016-02-03)
This thesis based on classical models of student satisfaction and their antecedents in the field of higher education aims to deepen and develop a new marketing model for higher education. The antecedents of students' ...
Rico Flor, Jesús (Fecha de defensa: 2016-02-03)
Practitioners participation in strategy formulation has a significant influence in strategy implementation. Formulation and implementation are interdependent processes. Although historically formulation has received more ...
Gouza, Assia (Fecha de defensa: 2016-02-04)
The knowledge transfer in traditional enterprises has been deeply studied, although there are no articles to be treated within the university spin-off companies, which often operate in dynamic environments. In this paper ...