Gadolinia-doped UO2 reactivity and redox-sensitive radionuclides mobility: implications for long-term safety of deep geological repositories 

    García Gómez, Sonia (Date of defense: 2024-03-08)

    (English) High-level radioactive waste, such as spent nuclear fuel (SNF) from nuclear power plants, remains dangerous for hundreds of thousands of years. To manage them properly and avoid harm to human health and the ...

    Towards the recovery of rare earth elements from end-of-life products : hydrometallurgical routes and mathematical modelling of extraction systems 

    Obón Estrada, Eleonora (Date of defense: 2019-11-27)

    The rare earth elements (REEs) are essential ingredients for the development of modern industry and the transition to a more sustainable economy model. The unique physicochemical features of these elements, such as their ...