Ara mostrant els elements 41-60 de 207

    A contribution to unobtrusive video-based measurement of respiratory signals 

    Mateu Mateus, Marc (Data de defensa: 2020-12-01)

    Due to the growing popularity of video-based methods for physiological signal measurement, and taking into account the technological advancements of these type of devices, this work proposes a series of new novel methods ...

    Contributions to the energy management of industrial refrigeration systems: a data-driven perspective 

    Cirera Balcells, Josep (Data de defensa: 2020-09-18)

    Nowadays, energy management has gained attention due to the constant increment of energy consumption in industry and the pollution problems that this fact supposes. On this subject, one of the main industrial sectors, the ...

    Active gate drivers for high-frequency application of SiC MOSFETs 

    Paredes Camacho, Alejandro (Data de defensa: 2020-07-17)

    The trend in the development of power converters is focused on efficient systems with high power density, reliability and low cost. The challenges to cover the new power converters requirements are mainly concentered on ...

    Reliability-aware circuit design to mitigate impact of device defects and variability in emerging memristor-based applications 

    Escudero López, Manuel (Data de defensa: 2020-05-22)

    In the last decades, semiconductor industry has fostered a fast downscale in technology, propelling the large scale integration of CMOS-based systems. The benefits in miniaturization are numerous, highlighting faster ...

    Design and process developments towards an optimal 6.5 kV SiC power MOSFET 

    Soler, Victor (Data de defensa: 2019-11-26)

    A sustainable future requires efficient power electronic converters at any stage of the electrical energy consumption. Silicon carbide (SiC) is one of the most technologically advanced wide bandgap semiconductors that can ...

    Acoustic underwater target tracking methods using autonomous vehicles 

    Masmitjà i Rusinyol, Ivan (Data de defensa: 2020-01-21)

    Marine ecological research related to the increasing importance which the fisheries sector has reached so far, new methods and tools to study the biological components of our oceans are needed. The capacity to measure ...

    Advanced energy management strategies for HVAC systems in smart buildings 

    Sala Cardoso, Enric (Data de defensa: 2019-12-16)

    The efficacy of the energy management systems at dealing with energy consumption in buildings has been a topic with a growing interest in recent years due to the ever-increasing global energy demand and the large percentage ...

    Aportaciones al dimensionamiento y gestión de energía de un tren de potencia eléctrico híbrido para vehículos industriales con ciclos de conducción repetitivos y agresivos 

    Cortez, Ernest (Data de defensa: 2019-12-11)

    Currently, the interest for helping mitigate the emission of greenhouse gases caused by high fuel consumption in industrial vehicles has increased. In order to the reduction of fuel consumption in an industrial vehicle, ...

    MOS interface improvement based on boron treatments for high channel mobility SiC MOSFETs 

    Cabello Fusarés, Maria (Data de defensa: 2019-12-02)

    Although silicon (Si) is used in most current commercial power semiconductor components, Si capabilities are insufficient for new energy conversion requirements. Some of its important limitations are related with power ...

    In pursuit of autonomous distributed satellite systems 

    Araguz López, Carles (Data de defensa: 2019-12-05)

    Satellite imagery has become an essential resource for environmental, humanitarian, and industrial endeavours. As a means to satisfy the requirements of new applications and user needs, novel Earth Observation (EO) systems ...

    Sigma-Delta control of charge trapping in heterogeneous devices 

    Bheesayagari, Chenna Reddy (Data de defensa: 2019-11-04)

    Dielectric charging represents a major reliability issue in a variety of semiconductor devices. The accumulation of charge in dielectric layers of a device often alters its performance, affecting its circuital features and ...

    Design, fabrication and characterisation of interdigitated back-contacted c-Si solar cells based on transition metal oxides 

    Masmitjà Rusiñol, Gerard (Data de defensa: 2019-09-25)

    The photovoltaic industry is mainly dominated by crystalline silicon (c-Si) solar cells, in which contact selectivity is usually achieved by doping the wafer surfaces with phosphorous (n+) and boron (p+) by means of high ...

    Optoelectronic optimization of photocatalytic processes for wastewater treatment 

    Tapia Tlatelpa, Tecilli (Data de defensa: 2019-10-03)

    Water pollution is an alarming problem that endangers the health of all living beings. The textile industry is listed as one of the most contaminating industries, since in order to carry out its dyeing and finishing ...

    Estudio de la viabilidad de la estimación del grado de adherencia a estilos de vida saludables a partir de medidas cardíacas oportunistas 

    Ferrer Mileo, Víctor (Data de defensa: 2019-10-11)

    In recent times, developed countries have experienced an increase of several diseases related to non-healthy lifestyles. Nevertheless, as an individual, it is difficult to know the degree of adherence to a healthy lifestyle ...

    Characterization of damage evolution on metallic components using ultrasonic non-destructive methods 

    Piñal Moctezuma, Juan Fernando (Data de defensa: 2019-09-27)

    When fatigue is considered, it is expected that structures and machinery eventually fail. Still, when this damage is unexpected, besides of the negative economic impact that it produces, life of people could be potentially ...

    Active gate switching control of IGBT to improve efficiency in high power density converters 

    Ghorbani, Hamidreza (Data de defensa: 2019-09-18)

    Insulated gate bipolar transistor (IGBT) power semiconductors are widely employed in industrial applications. This power switch capability in high voltage blocking and high current-carrying has expanded its use in power ...

    Modeling, control and design of AC microgrids in islanded mode 

    Rey López, Juan Manuel (Data de defensa: 2016-07-16)

    The present doctoral thesis is focused on the analysis and design of control strategies for the secondary control layer of islanded AC microgrids without the use of communications. The work is submitted as a compendium of ...

    Optimization of a CSI inverter and DC/DC elevator with silicon carbide devices, for applications in electric traction systems 

    Fernández Palomeque, Efrén Esteban (Data de defensa: 2019-03-20)

    The applications of electric traction systems currently focus on developing technologies with greater energy efficiency and lower environmental impact. Manufacturers of hybrid and electric vehicles are looking for ways to ...

    Contribucions a l'optimització dels sistemes de test i caracterització de drivers electrònics per diodes láser : mètode de modelatge de la resposta òptica en temperatura dels diodes làser i programació en entorn Pspice 

    Borràs Cristòfol, Ramon (Data de defensa: 2019-03-22)

    La recerca duta a terme en aquesta tesi doctoral ha tingut com a principal objectiu millorar els sistemes de test i de caracterització de la resposta òptica dels díodes làser. La recerca s'ha orientat en l'estudi de la ...

    Interdigitated back contacts solar cell based on thin crystalline silicon substrates 

    Jin, Chen (Data de defensa: 2018-10-31)

    This thesis contributes to the fabrication technology of c-Si solar cells on thin substrates based on Interdigitated Back-Contacted (IBC) structures. The potential of this structure to obtain high efficiencies is well-known. ...