Now showing items 1-20 of 207

    Estrategias de control de potencia en inversores de generación distribuida ante un fallo desbalanceado de la red eléctrica 

    Iñiguez Amigot, José Ignacio (Date of defense: 2024-07-23)

    (English) This PhD thesis examines various reactive current injection techniques and strategies to address the challenges associated with power grid management during abnormal conditions. The aim is to offer new perspectives ...

    Design and analysis of battery chargers for electric vehicles based on multilevel neutral-point-clamped technology 

    Campos Salazar, José Manuel (Date of defense: 2024-07-23)

    (English) This thesis presents an exploration into the field of advanced battery charger design and control, addressing critical needs across a spectrum of modern applications. It first outlines the increasing importance ...

    Bringing self-awareness to the extreme edge: a distributed approach for adaptive energy management in WSNs applied to structural health monitoring 

    Arnaiz Martínez, David Mariano (Date of defense: 2024-07-02)

    (English) In today's landscape, data are increasingly becoming an invaluable resource to enhance decision-making, enable predictive insights, improving operational efficiency, among numerous other applications. Within the ...

    Use of nanoparticles for energy and sensing applications 

    Cedeño Mata, Kristel Michelle (Date of defense: 2024-06-17)

    (English) In this work, different nano, sub-micron, and microparticle materials have been embedded in various types of electrolytes, including ionic liquid gel polymer electrolytes (ILGPEs) and sodium chloride (NaCl), ...

    New synthesis methodologies to develop emerging chalcogenides and chalcohalides for photovoltaic applications 

    Caño Prades, Ivan (Date of defense: 2024-10-09)

    (English) Chalcogenide materials have been central to some of the most significant events in the history of photovoltaic energy, including the fabrication of the first solar cell in 1883 by Charles Fritts, which was based ...

    Development of silicon photonic structures for sensing and signal processing 

    Segura García, Daniel (Date of defense: 2021-03-19)

    (English) Silicon photonics is the opportunity that one of the most amazing materials in nature, silicon, has offered once its electronic technological possibilities are reaching its limit. The transparency of this material ...

    Contributions to the characterization and design optimization of power converters based on switching-cell arrays 

    Rafiezadeh, Roya (Date of defense: 2022-11-10)

    (English) The search for standardization in power converter design is motivated by the potential of a significant decrease in design time, a significant decrease in converter cost, and an increase in converter performance ...

    Low-power high-channel-count CMOS ROICs for multiplexed arrays of graphene transistors in large-area µECoG 

    Cisneros Fernández, Jose Agustín (Date of defense: 2022-07-07)

    (English) There is an increasing interest on the development of neural interfaces able to decipher the neural activity across multiple regions of the brain. The ultimate goal is understanding how the underlying brain ...

    Harnessing memristor circuits and device variability in emergent computing applications 

    Ntinas, Vasileios (Date of defense: 2022-04-04)

    (English) Nowadays, due to the increasing amount of information and its demanding processing, conventional CMOS technology and von Neumann computing architecture struggle to keep pace, as they meet their respective limitations ...

    Silicio macroporoso para cristales fotónicos y otras aplicaciones avanzadas 

    Vega Bru, Didac (Date of defense: 2022-01-14)

    (English) This thesis deals with the study of macroporous silicon structures and their application to different technological areas. Macroporous silicon is a material that was described, in the form in which it is used in ...

    Advanced c-Si solar cell structures: application of laser processes and optical nanostructures 

    Coll Valentí, Arnau (Date of defense: 2024-04-26)

    (English) This thesis works towards efficient and cost-effective methods to improve the performance of thin silicon solar cells. Focusing on two principal objectives, the Thesis develops novel techniques to enhance the ...

    Novel nanoelectronic circuits and systems 

    Rallis, Konstantinos (Date of defense: 2024-05-09)

    (English) Lately, in the rise of the era of 2D materials, Graphene is one of the materials that has been extensively investigated for its possible integration in computing devices and thus computing circuits. This is mainly ...

    Design and characterization of wearable antenna sensors for healthcare applications 

    El Gharbi, Mariam (Date of defense: 2023-10-06)

    (English) Wearable antenna sensors are a promising technology for developing new applications in the healthcare field since textiles are widely used by everyone due to the maturity of textile manufacturing. According to ...

    Modelling and optimization of industrial prosumers with renewable energy sources 

    Urbano González, Eva María (Date of defense: 2023-06-01)

    (English) The current energy transition fosters the insertion of renewable energies and system decentralisation intending to achieve a more secure, sustainable and efficient energy market. The industry can play a key role ...

    Development of textile capacitive sensor 

    Martínez Estrada, Marc (Date of defense: 2023-03-10)

    (English) Nowadays, the textile clothing industry is searching for new ways to add value to their products. Developments in textile sensors start to demonstrate their usability and possibilities when they are integrated ...

    Exploration of FDSOI back-biasing techniques to hinder cryptographic attacks based on leakage current 

    Palma Carmona, Kenneth (Date of defense: 2023-10-18)

    (English) Cryptography is the science that studies how to achieve secure communication between multiple parties. Under the assumption that any message transmitted is to be ultimately intercepted, the endeavors of cryptography ...

    Contributions to the design, development and evaluation of network processors for automotive zonal gateway controllers 

    González Mariño, Ángela (Date of defense: 2023-10-27)

    (English) This PhD dissertation analyzes the evolution of vehicular networks and focuses on the main network processing platform integrated in them: the Gateway (GW). First, a thorough analysis of state of the art technologies ...

    Deep learning based methodologies applied to industrial electromechanical systems monitoring 

    Arellano Espitia, Francisco (Date of defense: 2023-10-10)

    (English) In recent years, there has been significant attention from both the academic and industry sectors towards condition-based maintenance of rotating systems. This attention stems from the high relevance of these ...

    Design and multiparameter optimization of a multiphase SiC converter with operation under faults applied to an electric traction system 

    Acosta Cambranis, Fernando Geovany (Date of defense: 2023-07-11)

    (English) Greater interest in multiphase electrical systems has led to their increased use in electric traction, renewable energy generation, energy transmission, and various industrial applications. This growing interest ...

    Intelligent secondary control for energy management in a micro-grid by using multi-agent system 

    Selseleh Jonban, Mansour (Date of defense: 2023-06-09)

    (English) Nowadays, distributed energy resources are widely used to supply demand in micro grids especially in green buildings. These resources are usually connected by using power electronic converters, which act as ...