Analysis of seismic pounding of moderate-height RC buildings with aligned slabs 

    Kharazian, Alireza (Date of defense: 2017-11-23)

    Collision between adjoining buildings is relevant, since the huge impact forces significantly modify the buildings dynamic behaviour. The separation required by the regulations avoids pounding; however, even in recent ...

    Análisis estructural sísmico de edificios de acero : un enfoque probabilista 

    Díaz Alvarado, Sergio Alberto (Date of defense: 2017-09-18)

    The main objective of this thesis is the probabilistic assessment of the expected seismic damage in steel buildings located in Mexico City. Although a deterministic analysis is performed both, seismic actions and buildings, ...

    Development of new GPR methodologies for soil and cement concrete pavement assessment 

    Rasol, Mezgeen Abdulrahman Rasol (Date of defense: 2021-01-20)

    The study of surface geology by means of Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) can provide information about abrupt lateral changes in the terrain. The location ofthese changes is very useful in seismic nanozonation studies, since ...

    Evaluación probabilista del riesgo sísmico de edificios en zonas urbanas 

    Aguilar Meléndez, Armando (Date of defense: 2011-07-23)

    In the present work a probabilistic methodology to estimate the seismic risk of buildings in urban areas is proposed. The seismic risk obtained through this methodology is expressed in terms of annual probabilities of ...

    Evaluación sísmica de edificios de mampostería no reforzada típicos de Barcelona : modelización y revisión de la aplicación del método del espectro de capacidad 

    Jiménez Pacheco, Juan Carlos (Date of defense: 2016-12-16)

    Currently, there are very few programs specialized in seismic analysis of unreinforced masonry buildings. Most studies have focused on the seismic behavior of the walls or (in a 3D level) have not integrated the flexibility ...

    Inspección no destructiva de estructuras mediante georradar : análisis de daños por corrosión y por otras patologías 

    Sossa Arancibia, Viviana Alejandra (Date of defense: 2021-03-11)

    This thesis aims to studythe capacities and limitations of Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) to support inspection, assessment, maintenance and rehabilitation tasks, helping to earlydetection and evaluation ofpathologies in ...

    New design considerations for seismic isolated buildings in Colombia 

    Piscal Arévalo, Carlos Mario (Date of defense: 2018-10-22)

    An important percentage of Colombian population is located in medium-to-high seismicity zones (NSR-10, 2010). Therefore, it is important to protect the buildings, principally the highly crowded ones, and those that are ...

    New timber - steel construction system for improved lateral resistance buildings 

    Segués Aguasca, Edgar (Date of defense: 2024-10-25)

    (Català) A la tecnologia proposada, els elements de fusta s'estableixen de qualsevol manera tradicional o innovadora (per exemple, entramat lleuger o pesat, CLT) i els elements d'acer s'instal·len com a exoestructura. ...

    Robust damage detection in smart structures 

    Gharibnezhad, Fahit (Date of defense: 2014-04-07)

    This thesis is devoted to present some novel techniques in Structural Health Monitoring (SHM). SHM is a developing field that tries to monitor structures to make sure that they remain in their desired condition to avoid ...

    Seismic vulnerability analysis of midheight steel buildings in Bogotá 

    Montaña Peña, Miguel Ángel (Date of defense: 2015-02-09)

    A number of mid-height steel buildings have been erected recently in Bogotá. Their seismic risk might be high, given the new microzonation of Bogotá and the lack of comprehensive previous studies; noticeably, the response ...

    Vulnerabilidad sísmica en edificaciones porticadas compuestas de acero y hormigón armado 

    Ugel Garrido, Ronald David (Date of defense: 2015-09-18)

    In this study it was assessed the seismic behavior of framed buildings with composite structure of steel and reinforced concrete (RC) in a specific configuration formed with lower levels with RC (primary structure) and ...