Now showing items 1-15 of 15
Tozzi, Caterina (Date of defense: 2021-04-30)
Organelles are the smallest functional parts of eukaryotic cells. Among them, some are membrane-bound such as the nucleus, the endoplasmic reticulum, or the Golgi apparatus, each of them with essential biological functions. ...
Yániz Fernández, Francisco Javier (Date of defense: 2002-11-29)
El tratamiento intrínseco de cuestiones relacionadas con la Teoría de Control no lineal a través de la aplicación de técnicas propias de la geometría diferencial ha sido en los últimos años un tema de interés para muy ...
Chrysokentis, Georgios (Date of defense: 2019-04-03)
This thesis develops a large eddy simulation framework for engineering applications using the finite element method. It focuses on the numerical formulation, the wall modelling approach as well as the generation of turbulent ...
Zhang, Kuang (Date of defense: 2015-06-10)
Graphene deposited on a substrate often exhibits out-of-plane deformations with different features and origins. Networks of localized wrinkles have been observed in graphene synthesized through CVD, as a result of compressive ...
Prieto Martínez, Pere Daniel (Date of defense: 2014-10-02)
Geometrical physics is a relatively young branch of applied mathematics that was initiated by the 60's and the 70's when A. Lichnerowicz, W.M. Tulczyjew and J.M. Souriau, among many others, began to study various topics ...
Mosaffa, Payman (Date of defense: 2017-11-11)
This thesis presents a hybrid vertex/cell-centred approach to mechanically simulate planar cellular monolayers undergoing cell reorganisation. Cell centres are represented by a triangular nodal network, while the cell ...
Muixí Ballonga, Alba (Date of defense: 2020-11-30)
This thesis proposes a new computational model for the efficient simulation of crack propagation, through the combination of a phase-field model in small subdomains around crack tips and a discontinuous model in the rest ...
Vila Pérez, Jordi (Date of defense: 2021-02-10)
The aerospace community is challenged as of today for being able to manage accurate overnight computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations of compressible flow problems. Well-established CFD solvers based on second-order ...
Codony, David (Date of defense: 2021-03-01)
This PhD thesis focuses on the development of mathematical and computational models for flexoelectricity, a relatively new electromechanical coupling that is present in any dielectric at the micron and sub-micron scales. ...
Gaset Rifà, Jordi (Date of defense: 2018-07-25)
The theories of gravity are one of the most important topics in theoretical physics and mathematical physics nowadays. The classical formulation of gravity uses the Hilbert-Einstein Lagrangian, which is a singular ...
Olivares Mañas, Edgar (Date of defense: 2018-11-09)
This thesis is focused on particle transport in the context of high computing performance (HPC) in its widest range, from the numerical modeling to the physics involved, including its parallelization and post-process. The ...
Asadipour, Nina (Date of defense: 2016-03-04)
We present a cell-centred model for the simulation of multicellular soft tissues that takes into account the underlying active process at the cytoskeletal level, and allows for active and passive cell-cell reorganisation ...
Casoni Rero, Eva (Date of defense: 2011-10-14)
Aquesta tesi doctoral proposa formulacions de Galerkin Discontinu (DG) d’alt ordre per la captura de shocks, obtenint alhora solucions altament precises per problemes de flux compressible. En les últimes dècades, la ...
Li, Bin (Date of defense: 2016-03-08)
Fracture mechanics of brittle materials has focused on bulk materials with isotropic surface energy. In this situation different physical principles for crack path selection are very similar or even equivalent. The situation ...
Torres-Sánchez, Alejandro (Date of defense: 2017-07-11)
Lipid membranes are thin objects that form the main separation structure in cells. They have remarkable mechanical properties; while behaving as a solid shell against bending, they exhibit in-plane fluidity. These two ...