Mostrando ítems 41-60 de 199

    La arquitectura de la complejidad : fundamentos para el método transdisciplinar 

    Obon San José, David (Fecha de defensa: 2017-10-17)

    The present research aims to introduce the Complexity Theory to the architectural discipline. This scientific theory allows us to conceive the idea of self-organization, that is, architecture without architects. If classical ...

    El conjunto urbano moderno de la Plaza Independencia de Concepción, Chile : 1955-1970 

    Ortega Culaciati, Valentina Sofia (Fecha de defensa: 2018-01-16)

    The city of Concepción, has been greatly transformed by the occurrence of several seismic events. During the XX century, modern architecture found, in these events, the agent that allowed its introduction and consolidation ...

    Edificios que hacen ciudad : la arquitectura de Gordon Bunshaft para la Gran Manzana : 1947-1967 = Buildings that make city: Gordon Bunshaft’s architecture for the Big Apple : 1947-1967 

    Parga Vázquez, Andrea María (Fecha de defensa: 2018-01-17)

    The construction of each building appears with respect to the space between others. These volumes give way to future edifications. Each proposal participates in the inexhaustible character of the urban complex that surrounds ...

    Álvaro Siza en el Berlín dividido : el proyecto urbano en los márgenes (1976-1988) 

    Doménech Rodríguez, Marta (Fecha de defensa: 2017-09-15)

    This doctoral thesis, entitled "Alvaro Siza in divided Berlin. The urban project at the margins (1976-1988)” deals with the contemporary validity of architecture in its urban dimension for the construction of the contemporary ...

    Sergio Bernardes: el desafío de la técnica 

    Vanderlei, Alexandre Bahia (Fecha de defensa: 2017-09-21)

    Sergio Bernardes is considered one of the most important architects of the second generation of cariocas modern architects. Little is known about the work of Bernardes. Until today there are few publications about the ...

    Notas sobre (des)función en arquitectura 

    Bota, David (Fecha de defensa: 2008-06-03)

    Una historia de la función, el concepto que revolucionó la arquitectura del siglo XX, está aún por escribir; éste permanece tan evidente como impreciso, subentendido como si siempre hubiera estado ahí. Esta tesis propone ...

    Habitar un monumento : la ciudad de Antonio Prado como síntesis de la arquitectura de una región 

    Rech, Roberta (Fecha de defensa: 2017-06-07)

    The city of Antonio Prado, located in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil started to be built at late nineteenth century by immigrants from the northern region of Italy, who left their homeland in the pursuit of new opportunities ...

    Alberto Piwonka : en el cruce de las ideas de la modernidad en Chile 

    Molina Baeza, Cristóbal, 1976- (Fecha de defensa: 2016-09-13)

    This thesis proposes the study of the intersection of ideas comprised in the academic and architectural work of Alberto Piwonka in the cultural, social, technological, and aesthetic context of Chile during the forties, ...

    La casa japonesa a través del cine de Yasujiro Ozu 

    Peris, Marta (Fecha de defensa: 2016-01-22)

    Through the films of Yashijuro Ozu, this thesis studies the Japanese house as a support for a way of living. The Japanese understanding of space, ma, includes the creation of an ambience that transcends the physical, built ...

    Mies' two-way span 

    Mantovani Genari, Eduardo (Fecha de defensa: 2015-07-17)

    The 50' x50' House Project (1951-1952) introduces the construction of a new formal system in the work of Mies van der Rohe (1886-1969): the two-way span buildings. In 1951, at age 65 and after more than a decade in the ...

    La estructuración del espacio arquitectónico por la gravedad y la luz 

    Linares de la Torre, Óscar (Fecha de defensa: 2015-02-02)

    Architecture is based on the relationship between matter and its absence, space. Matter, which arranged by the laws of gravity creates space, we name structure. The character of this space depends on the interaction between ...

    De lo inconmensurable a lo mensurable : proceso dialéctico desde el imaginario al proyecto del edificio Richards Medical Research Laboratories 1957-1964 

    Delpino, Rossana (Fecha de defensa: 2016-09-13)

    This dissertation analyses Louis Kahn’s independent work until 1957 period in which he designed the Richards Medical Research Laboratories at the University of Pennsylvania. The Richards Medical Research Laboratories marks ...

    Enrique del Moral : el debate mexicano entre tradición y modernidad : 1946-1963 

    García García, Eunice del Carmen (Fecha de defensa: 2016-01-15)

    Enrique del Moral: The mexican debate between tradition and modernity 1946-1963. This thesis arises from the interest in discovering the theoretical and practical background that led the architect Enrique del Moral to a ...

    Luz del norte 

    Orden, Verónica Analía (Fecha de defensa: 2010-04-27)

    An infinite gray roof with different degrees of transparency is displayed with authority on a Scandinavia made of pieces, fragmented. However, the sky that covers these lands unifies it. The light passes through it and ...

    Place, sketch and architecture : an in-situ approach to contemporary design. 

    Harris, Sebastian Francis (Fecha de defensa: 2016-07-04)

    Esta tesis analiza cómo el croquis in-situ puede profundizar la conexión entre la arquitectura y el lugar en todas las etapas del proceso proyectual. La primera parte considera cómo el croquis in-situ puede estructurar las ...

    New principles and variations in the architecture of Alvar Aalto : Competition entry for the hospital complex of Zagreb, Yugoslavia (1930-1931) 

    Zmijanovic, Vladanka (Fecha de defensa: 2016-06-13)

    The thesis is based on the beginning of the creation of Aalto's architectural language where are observed and analyzed some new principles, one step away from his first projects of "Functionalism", "extracted" from a vast ...

    Five forms of emotion : Kazuo Shinohara and the house as a work of art 

    Massip-Bosch, Enric (Fecha de defensa: 2016-04-29)

    This research presents the work of the Japanese architect Kazuo Shinohara (1925-2006) and studies five of his residential designs as epitome of his oeuvre. lts development is understood as a continuous quest to reconcile ...

    Paisatges d'autopista : la seqüència com a lectura paisatgística 

    Vidal-Casanovas, Eugènia (Fecha de defensa: 2016-02-05)

    The motorway is one of the privileged viewpoints of the contemporary landscape. Is it possible, however, to also conceive it as a creator of new landscapes? A landscape not only understood as a geographical space but also ...

    La vivienda colectiva en la construcción de la Ciudad de México : casas de vecindad y unidades habitacionales 

    Reyes Meza, Arais (Fecha de defensa: 2016-02-05)

    The present doctoral thesis is about the universal theme of the relationship between architecture and city, more specifically, a research carried out on the question of the existing bond between the architectural form of ...

    Incidencia del lugar en la obra de Arne Jacobsen (1950–1964) 

    Martín Carbonell, Pol (Fecha de defensa: 2016-02-04)

    Taking in consideration the inclusion and adaptation of the new modern American post-war models, the aim is to distinguish the aspects and conditions of place, among other conditions, which derived in the formal decisions ...