Programa de Doctorat en Recursos Naturals i Medi Ambient

La Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Barcelona Tech (UPC) és una institució pública de recerca i d'educació superior en els àmbits de l'enginyeria, l'arquitectura i les ciències.

L’activitat dels seus campus i centres fan de la UPC un punt de referència i, en complicitat amb el teixit productiu, són agent i motor de canvi econòmic i social, en posar en valor la recerca bàsica i aplicada i transferir tecnologia i coneixement a la societat.

Els investigadors i investigadores de la UPC treballen des dels laboratoris i centres de recerca per augmentar la producció científica, valoritzar-la socialment a través de la transferència de resultats i continuar liderant projectes internacionals d’excel·lència, ja sigui a partir d’iniciatives pròpies o en col·laboració amb altres centres de recerca i universitats d’arreu del món.


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Envíos recientes

Processing and characterization of metallic glasses prepared by centrifugal atomization 

Cegarra Salges, Sasha Alejandra (Fecha de defensa: 2024-06-20)

(English) The production of metallic glasses presents an opportunity for advancing materials science and engineering applications, offering a unique combination of mechanical characteristics that traditional materials ...

Tendencias y dinámica de los episodios de contaminación por ozono troposférico en España 

Massagué Obradors, Jordi (Fecha de defensa: 2024-10-29)

(English) Tropospheric ozone (O3) is a secondary gaseous photochemical pollutant with adverse effects on health, ecosystems, and materials, and it contributes to the greenhouse effect. 94% of the urban population in Europe ...

Desarrollo de una metodología para el diseño de una ruta de turismo sostenible, “La Ruta del Oro”, con base en la valoración de sus patrimonios: geológico, minero, biodiverso, histórico y cultural, primera fase: municipio de El Tambo-Nariño, Colombia 

Delgado Martínez, Aida Mercedes (Fecha de defensa: 2024-02-09)

(English) The municipality of El Tambo is in the department of Nariño, Colombia, it is an integral part of the Andes Mountain Range, it belongs to the two most important geographical features of this in Colombia, “El Nudo ...

Assessment and characterization of subsidence in the Catalan potash basin 

Sidki Rius, Nor (Fecha de defensa: 2023-12-13)

(English) The importance of potash is inevitable to life on the planet earth as it is required by living mechanisms including plants, animals and human beings. In Europe, this vital ore is produced mainly by Germany and ...

Air quality inside city public commuting buses: physico-chemical and biological characterisation 

Fernández Iriarte, Amaia (Fecha de defensa: 2023-07-06)

(English) This PhD thesis focuses on identifying the factors that control the concentrations of inhalable particles, pollutant gases, and bioaerosols inside public buses in Barcelona. The study was conducted in the ...

Contribution to the hydrogeological knowledge of the high mountain karst aquifer of the Port del Comte (SE, Pyrenees) 

Herms Canellas, Joan Ignasi (Fecha de defensa: 2022-06-02)

This thesis has aimed to improve the hydrogeological knowledge of the Port del Comte Massif (PCM), a karstic aquifer system located in the south-eastern sector of the Pyrenees that plays a strategic role in the provision ...

Environmental and occupational characterisation of coals and dust from coal mining 

Trechera Ruiz, Pedro (Fecha de defensa: 2022-01-13)

The main objective of this PhD thesis is the study of coal mine dust patterns produced by different types of mining operations and different types of coal. In addition, the potential links between oxidative potential (OP) ...

Albitization of the granitic basement of the Guilleries and Roc de Frausa Massifs (NE Spain) in relationship to the Permian - Triassic palaeosurface 

Fàbrega Alsina, Carles (Fecha de defensa: 2020-12-17)

The granitic basement below the Triassic unconformity in the Guilleries and Roc de Frausa massifs (NE Iberia), presents widespread red stained facies characterized by plagioclase albitization, biotite chlhoritization, ...

Tractament d'emissions gasoses amb altes càrregues d'amoníac mitjançant tecnologies biològiques avançades 

Morral Molto, Eloi (Fecha de defensa: 2021-12-03)

The growth in world population has led to a significant increase in the generation of wastes (solid, liquid and gaseous). Waste gas is probably the major issue in the case of waste treatment, due to the fact that once the ...

Study and optimisation of copper bioleaching process for electronic waste valorisation 

Benzal Montes, Eva (Fecha de defensa: 2021-01-28)

In the current economical context, the use of waste material with economic potential should be a priority. In this sense, the increasing production of electrical and electronic equipment waste (WEEE) makes these materials ...

Modelling of liberation in Ta- and W-rich minerals 

Hamid, Sarbast Ahmad (Fecha de defensa: 2019-12-18)

With the general trend across all commodities towards the treatment of lower grade and medium grade ores, it is becoming increasingly important to develop the proper design for comprehensive mineralogical characterization ...

Strategic minerals milling modelling of high pressure grinding rolls and process parameters dependency 

Anticoi Sudzuki, Hernán (Fecha de defensa: 2019-12-18)

Comminution is the most energy consuming process in mining industry, where nearly 60 % of the electricity expenditure is due to grinding purposes. In the nature most of the ore minerals are found, finely disseminated and ...

Modelització mitjançant dinàmica de fluids computacional del Mòdul Hidromètric del segle XIX de la Sèquia de Manresa 

Vives i Costa, Jordi (Fecha de defensa: 2019-07-15)

L’objectiu principal de la present Tesi Doctoral és verificar mitjançant tècniques de la Dinàmica de Fluids Computacional (CFD) la hipòtesi de que el Mòdul Hidromètric (MH) de la Sèquia de Manresa, construït durant el segle ...

Computational fluid dynamics techniques for fixed-bed biofilm systems modeling : numerical simulations and experimental characterization 

Prades Martell, Lledó (Fecha de defensa: 2018-12-13)

This thesis is focused on the development of one-phase and multiphase models using computational fluid dynamics (CFD) techniques to analyze biosystems behavior at mesoscale. In the first part, the operation of a fixed-bed ...

La contribució de la gestió d'operacions a la sostenibilitat de l'empresa 

Luján Blanco, Itziar (Fecha de defensa: 2018-02-05)

During the last decades deep changes have taken place in the competitive environment, which have forced companies to focus on strategies that allow them to differentiate themselves from their competitors and gain consumer ...

Metodologies singulars per a l'aprenentatge en l'aprofitament tecnològic dels recursos de la natura 

Torras Melenchón, Núria (Fecha de defensa: 2017-11-16)

For years, we are in the middle of a crisis of scientific and technological vocations, which is found year after year in the number of students enrolled in science and technology studies. If that trend continues, there ...

Geochemical and metallogenic model of the Santa Fe Sn-Zn-Pb-Ag-(In) deposit in the Central Andean tin belt 

Jiménez Franco, Ma. Abigail (Fecha de defensa: 2017-10-05)

The Santa Fe mining district is located in the Central Andean tin belt and contains several Sn-Zn-Pb-Ag deposits. From the economic point of view, the most important deposits of the district are Japo, Santa Fe and Morococala. ...

In situ groundwater remediation treatments : natural denitrification study and nano zero valent iron production 

Ribas Fargas, David (Fecha de defensa: 2017-03-14)

Freshwater is a scarce resource, threatened by an ongoing pollution, global climate change and industrialization. Among other freshwater sources, groundwater is by far the most important source of usable freshwater but due ...

Biomecànica dels dits de la mà com a factor pronòstic de la recuperació funcional de l'extremitat parètica en pacients amb ictus aguts. 

Ticó Falguera, Neus (Fecha de defensa: 2016-11-21)

Stroke is one of the most serious and common public health problems. Impairment of the upper extremity (UE) following stroke affects 50 - 80 % of patients. Full UE function is achieved in 79 % of patients with initial mild ...

Diseño, caracterización y aplicación de microelectrodos para el estudio de biopelículas sulfuroxidantes 

Guimerà Villalba, Xavier (Fecha de defensa: 2016-07-22)

This thesis is focused on the development of microsensors specially designed for biofilms monitoring and on the application of these devices to study and characterize different biofilms. Using micro-electromechanical ...
