Análisis del ciclo de vida en la construcción: evaluación de las etapas incorporadas de elementos de la vivienda y de su entorno urbano 

    Gámez García, Diana Carolina (Date of defense: 2020-05-29)

    The construction sector has the potential to contribute to the achievement of essential objectives of sustainable development, such as the fight against climate change, the defense of the environment or the design of cities. ...

    Participación del tejido social en el espacio urbano: aproximación a un sistema de indicadores para la evaluación de la sostenibilidad de iniciativas ciudadanas 

    Berigüete Alcántara, Fanny Esther (Date of defense: 2024-09-25)

    (English) In recent years, citizen participation has emerged as a fundamental pillar in building sustainable cities. This research addresses this phenomenon, focusing on the evaluation of Citizen Initiatives (CIs). The ...

    Urban cemetery biophilic integration for human well-being : an applied case study of Tehran, Iran 

    Mirbagheri, Mahsa (Date of defense: 2021-05-25)

    Cemeteries are an ancient reality, and while their basic function has not changed, their physical layout as well as the symbolic and emotional role within our societies has undergone profound transformations over time. The ...