A ocupaçao do espaço na fronteira Brasil-Uruguay: A construçao da cidade de Jaguarao 

    Duarte Martins, Roberto (Date of defense: 2002-10-29)

    Esta investigación tiene como objeto central de estudio la formación del mundo urbano en la zona de frontera del Brasil y Uruguay, abordando como caso de estudio la ciudad de Jaguarão.<br/>Se trata de una área geográfica ...

    A praça é o povo : intenção, projeto e multidão na arquitetura de Fábio Moura Penteado 

    Giroto, Ivo Renato (Date of defense: 2014-05-27)

    A presente tese analisa a obra do arquiteto paulista Fábio Penteado sob um eixo analítico predefinido, estruturado ao redor do conceito de multidão – ente s ocial que o arquiteto frequentemente evocava ao explicar a razão ...

    Agua y forma urbana en la América precolombina: el caso del Cusco como centro del poder inca. 

    Beltrán-Caballero, José Alejandro (Date of defense: 2013-10-25)

    El origen y desarrollo de algunas de las culturas preindustriales más importantes del mundo se basó en la aplicación de estrategias sostenibles para la gestión de los recursos hidráulicos. La investigación en el siglo XX ...

    Aleix Clapés (1846-1920) y Manuel Sayrach (1886-1937) : en los márgenes del modernismo 

    Lupercio Cruz, Carlos (Date of defense: 2013-07-03)

    The thesis shows the first monographs of Aleix Clapés and Manuel Sayrach, two important individuals of Catalonian culture, whose works were developed between 1880 and 1937; a long period which saw many importan historical ...

    Altres espais per a l'escena : entitats reciclades, associacions culturals i fàbriques de creació a Barcelona (1976-2020) 

    Alcázar Serrat, Tomàs Ivan (Date of defense: 2021-11-26)

    (English) The thesis investigates the relationships between architecture, urbanism and the arts. It relates recycling, adaptive reuse and architectural adaptations with urban dynamics, neighbourhood and artivist movements ...

    Architectural heritage of Yugoslav-socialist character: ideology, memory and identity 

    Stevanovic, Nina (Date of defense: 2017-09-07)

    "Architectural heritage of Yugoslav-socialist character: ideology, memory and identity" studies the ability of architecture to represent political and cultural endeavors and developments in the period from 1945 until 1990 ...

    Around and about the arts in Barcelona (1939-1960) : supporting roles, select circles and small venues 

    Martín-Nieva, Helena (Date of defense: 2023-06-15)

    (English) "Around and about the Arts in Barcelona" explores the slow, difficult introduction of music and visual arts of the avant-garde into the city between the years 1939 and 1960. It looks at the formation of a small ...

    Arquitectura moderna de Quito, 1954-1960 

    Monard Arciniegas, Alexka Shayarina (Date of defense: 2020-07-10)

    This doctoral thesis is a historical-critical discourse on the architecture of Quito between 1954 and 1960. It is based on different local voices expressed in word and deed about the city and its architecture in the context ...

    Arquitectura palimpsest (Versalles l'any 1701) 

    Faura Coll, Ramon (Date of defense: 2013-07-25)

    The thesis investigates the ideological and historical sense of an architecture based on change. Louis XIVs Palace of Versailles provides the thematic framework and serves as the object of investigation. The time frame is ...

    Arquitecturas matéricas 

    Trías de Bes, Juan (Date of defense: 2013-05-15)

    The "Material Architectures" PhD thesis is comprised of five parts: 1- An introduction to the formulation and the objective of the PhD thesis . I.e. an interrogarion of the qualities of Matter in the configuration of Form ...

    Arquitetura e projeto de Catalunha na transição entre os séculos XIX e XX : um olhar desde as discussões desenvolvidas no Ateneu Barcelonês 

    Barretto, Diogo Cardoso (Date of defense: 2017-07-12)

    With the modernity, the idea of architecture as art and autonomous artistic genre is questioned by movements such as Arts-and-Crafts, the Pre-Raphaelitism and the artistic and decorative manifestations such as Belgian ...

    Atles d'arquitectura teatral de Palma: ciutat, arquitectura i espai escènic 

    Aloy Bibiloni, Guillermo (Date of defense: 2022-10-18)

    The research of the place of theatre in Palma explores the existing, disappeared and closed spaces throughout the history of the city. This catalog includes 113 performance spaces, some with ostentatious will, but most of ...

    Atravesar la modernidad: la arquitectura de Harnden y Bombelli (1948-1971), entre la Guerra Fría y la tradición mediterránea 

    Garnica González-Barcena, Julio Fidel (Date of defense: 2022-10-03)

    At the end of 1949, the American architect Peter G. Harnden (1913-1971), then in charge of the Marshall Plan's exhibition center in Europe, and the young Italian architect Lanfranco Bombelli (1921-2008), trained in Switzerland ...

    Avances tecnológicos en representación gráfica : su influencia en el diseño arquitectónico 

    Oliva Santos, Raúl (Date of defense: 2016-01-15)

    As occurred with the blue antelope between 1799 and 1800, or the thylacine in 1936, in the year 2050, those who were educated under analogical technical drawing will constitute an extinct species. Throughout the whole of ...

    Bruno Taut e il Ministero della Cultura turco. Traiettorie professionali nella Turchia Repubblicana (1936-1938) 

    Gasco, Giorgio (Date of defense: 2007-10-15)

    La tesis se compone de cuatro partes. <br/>La primera tiene carácter introductivo, ofreciendo un visión general de la breve pero intensa experiencia profesional de Bruno Taut en Turquía. En particular evidencia como el ...

    Cartografías cinematográficas de Cali (1971-1995) : modernidad y espacio en el cine de Carlos Mayolo y Luis Ospina 

    Llorca, Joaquín (Date of defense: 2017-07-25)

    In addition to the documentary value of film material, cinema, as a product of modernity, is a relevant and valid instrument for the analysis of the city, its architecture and the society that produces them. The films are ...

    Ciudad de Museos: clústeres de museos en la ciudad contemporánea 

    Nikolić, Mila (Date of defense: 2011-04-01)

    En nuestra cultura el museo ocupa un lugar privilegiado simbólicamente, pero también físicamente, en la ciudad. Y no tan sólo lo ocupa, sino lo crea, lo define, lo cambia y le da significado. Esta tesis demuestra que ese ...

    Ciudad y Río: la construcción Histórica de un Paisaje (Santa Fe 1886-1952) 

    Fedele Abatidaga, Javier (Date of defense: 2010-04-16)

    El tema que aborda la tesis es la relación entre la entidad urbana y el hecho hidrográfico de un curso de agua como un río o la presencia de un mar; la manera en que son procesados en forma urbana los espacios de vinculación ...

    Ciutat Vella València : memoria del agua, estratigrafía urbana, reactivación de uso 

    Torres Astaburuaga, Adrián (Date of defense: 2018-12-14)

    Cities are rooted to the territory where they are located. Territorial variables determinate its morphogenesis and evolution. This research reconstitutes a urban landscape history, its hydraulic traces or the memory of ...

    Cosmos y teatro : dos historias paralelas 

    Martínez Quiroga, Amelia (Date of defense: 2015-11-13)

    The image of the great Cosmos and the perception that man has from himself in relation to it is in the thematic core of this study, much more than a reconstruction of the diverse categories of his own thought in regard to ...