Programa de Doctorat Erasmus Mundus en Entorns Interactius i Cognitius

La Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Barcelona Tech (UPC) és una institució pública de recerca i d'educació superior en els àmbits de l'enginyeria, l'arquitectura i les ciències.

L’activitat dels seus campus i centres fan de la UPC un punt de referència i, en complicitat amb el teixit productiu, són agent i motor de canvi econòmic i social, en posar en valor la recerca bàsica i aplicada i transferir tecnologia i coneixement a la societat.

Els investigadors i investigadores de la UPC treballen des dels laboratoris i centres de recerca per augmentar la producció científica, valoritzar-la socialment a través de la transferència de resultats i continuar liderant projectes internacionals d’excel·lència, ja sigui a partir d’iniciatives pròpies o en col·laboració amb altres centres de recerca i universitats d’arreu del món.


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Enviaments recents

Digitizing arquetypal human expereience through physiological signals 

Ivonin, Leonid I. (Data de defensa: 2014-05-15)

The problem of capturing human experience is relevant in many application domains. In fact, the process of describing and sharing individual experience lies at the heart of human culture. This advancement came at a price ...

Human activity recognition using a wearable camera 

Tadesse, Girmaw Abebe (Data de defensa: 2018-04-26)

Advances in wearable technologies are facilitating the understanding of human activities using first-person vision (FPV) for a wide range of assistive applications. In this thesis, we propose robust multiple motion features ...

Emotions in archetypal media content 

Chang, Huang-Ming (Data de defensa: 2014-09-16)

Emotion is an intriguing and mysterious psychological phenomenon. While everyone seems to know what it is, researchers have not yet come to consensus on its definition, and many questions still remain unanswered. While ...

Context-aware home monitoring system for Parkinson's disease patietns : ambient and werable sensing for freezing of gait detection 

Takač, Boris (Data de defensa: 2014-12-15)

Parkinson’s disease (PD). It is characterized by brief episodes of inability to step, or by extremely short steps that typically occur on gait initiation or on turning while walking. The consequences of FOG are aggravated ...

ENGAGE-DEM : a model of engagement of people with dementia 

Perugia, Giulia (Data de defensa: 2018-12-21)

Dementia is a neurodegenerative disease that affects cognition, producing a reduction in thinking, problem-solving, and mnemonic abilities, functioning, preventing affected people to care for themselves and carry out ...

Identification, synchronisation and composition of user-generated videos 

Bano, Sophia (Data de defensa: 2016-01-27)

The increasing availability of smartphones is facilitating people to capture videos of their experience when attending events such as concerts, sports competitions and public rallies. Smartphones are equipped with inertial ...

Methods and models in signal processing for gait analysis using waist-worn accelerometer : a contribution to Parkinson’s disease 

Sayeed, Taufique (Data de defensa: 2015-07-16)

Parkinson's disease (PD) is a neurodegenerative disease that predominantly alters patients' motor performance and compromises the speed, the automaticity and fluidity of natural movements. After some years, patients fluctuate ...

Energy-aware home area networking 

Khan, Rafiullah (Data de defensa: 2014-12-16)

A study by Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL) revealed that about 60% of the office PCs are left powered-up 24/7 only to maintain the network connectivity for remote access, Voice-over-IP (VOIP) clients, Instant ...

Unifying interaction across distributed controls in a smart environment using anthropology-based computing to make human-computer interaction "Calm" 

Brown, John N.A. (Data de defensa: 2014-04-04)

Rather than adapt human behavior to suit a life surrounded by computerized systems, is it possible to adapt the systems to suit humans? Mark Weiser called for this fundamental change to the design and engineering of computer ...

Smartphone-based human activity recognition 

Reyes Ortiz, Jorge Luis (Data de defensa: 2014-11-28)

Human Activity Recognition (HAR) is a multidisciplinary research field that aims to gather data regarding people's behavior and their interaction with the environment in order to deliver valuable context-aware information. ...