Anticooperación Norte Sur : cuando la coherencia es más importante que la ayuda. El caso de Ecuador y la "cooperación" española 

    Llistar, David (Fecha de defensa: 2016-01-29)

    The thesis states that, as economies become more internationalized and as monetary and physical transnational flows increase, the negative externalities associated with these flows also rise. Externalities are distributed ...

    The appliance of the concept of sustainability in human resource management in the corporate sector in Germany 

    Selvanathan, Tharshanan (Fecha de defensa: 2018-11-16)

    Decline of resources, increasing expectation of stakeholders and radical transparency imposed by new technologies urges multinational enterprises to define sustainability as an important driver, which affects Strategic and ...

    Consumer preference heterogeneity towards olive oil virgin extra : hypothetical and non-hypothetical choice experiments 

    Yangui, Ahmed (Fecha de defensa: 2014-05-29)

    The present dissertation aim a contributing to both agricultural economics and marketing literature by addressing specific issues related to discrete choice models and choice experiments. More precisely, this thesis focuses ...

    Consumer preferences for organic food: behavior building-up, importance of pricing, information and sensory issues 

    Avitia Rodríguez, Jessica Alejandra (Fecha de defensa: 2012-07-04)

    The aim of this thesis is to investigate Spanish consumers purchase motivations and behavior towards organic food by means of determining the key factors that take part on building their behavior. An important contribution ...