Ara mostrant els elements 18242-18261 de 42932

    Evolution of the lithospheric mantle in NE Angola: implications for diamond exploration 

    Castillo i Oliver, Montgarri (Data de defensa: 2016-09-30)

    Angola is currently the 8th largest diamond producer in the world, but for historical reasons the subcontinental lithospheric mantle (SCLM) in the Congo-Kasai craton is still poorly studied. However, an understanding of ...

    Evolution of the male genitalia in the genus Limnebius Leach 1815, family Hydraenidae (Coleoptera) 

    Rudoy, Andrey (Data de defensa: 2016-10-17)

    In the present work I analysed different aspects of the evolution of genus Limnebius (Coleoptera, Hydraenidae), including its molecular evolution using mitochondrial (COI, 16S, tRNA-leu, NAD1) and nuclear markers (18S, ...

    Evolution of the media market and its legal framework in Bosnia and Herzegovina since the independence: special focus on defamation 

    Cendic, Kristina (Data de defensa: 2016-11-04)

    Encara que a Bòsnia i Hercegovina hi hagi un marc legislatiu que ofereix disposicions legals per a garantir la llibertat d’expressió, la seva aplicació real és molt dificultosa a causa dels comunistes i dels llegats de ...

    Evolution of the non-coding genome 

    Bello, Carla (Data de defensa: 2017-12-15)

    La identificación de elementos funcionales en el genoma no-codificante continúa siendo una tarea desafiante. La genómica comparativa puede ayudarnos a entender como estos elementos han evolucionado y cuáles son sus ...

    Evolution Of The Technical Behaviours During The Late Pleistocene And Early Holocene In North-Western Thailand, With Special Reference To The Lithic Industry From Tham Lod Rockshelter (District Pang Mapha, Mae Hong Son Province) 

    Chitkament, Thanon (Data de defensa: 2016-10-21)

    Presentem l’anàlisi dels conjunts d’instruments lítics que han estat excavats en els nivells 3 al 10, de Plistocè superior, en l’Abric Tham Lod (àrea d’excavació 2, sectors S20W10, i S21W10). Aquest abric calcari d’origen ...

    Evolution of the transcriptomic regulation in the primate lineage 

    Ferrández Peral, Luis (Data de defensa: 2022-06-08)

    The evolution of transcriptomes has been linked to the emergence of novel phenotypes. However, our knowledge on how isoform diversity has impacted recent human evolution is very limited. To fill this gap, we have performed ...

    Evolution of thermal tolerance and size of the geographic range in closely related species of water beetles 

    Hidalgo Galiana, Amparo (Data de defensa: 2014-12-19)

    This thesis studies a group of aquatic beetles (Agabus brunneus complex) that present important differences in the size of their geographic ranges. This complex is composed by an insular species (A. rufulus), a continental ...

    Evolution of tissue-specific transcriptomes across bilaterian animals 

    Mantica, Federica (Data de defensa: 2023-05-11)

    Regulated Gene Expression (rGE) and Alternative Splicing (rAS) are two of the main mechanisms contributing to tissue-phenotypic diversity within and between species. In this thesis, we aim at characterizing rGE and rAS ...

    The evolution of tourism destination image through travel guidebooks. The case of Barcelona 

    Suhett de Morais, Raul (Data de defensa: 2019-03-28)

    Les guies turístiques impreses son una font excepcional d’informació per a futurs turistes. Aquests llibres proporcionen consells, suggeriments, pistes, recomanacions i molt més per a que el viatger pugui entendre el Destí ...

    Evolution, biogeography and systematics of the genus Cymbalaria Hill 

    Carnicero Campmany, Pau (Data de defensa: 2017-06-16)

    Des de temps ancestrals la diversitat d’éssers vius del planeta ha fascinat i intrigat la humanitat. Com s’originen les espècies? Com han assolit la distribució geogràfica actual? En les darreres dècades, el gran avenç de ...

    Evolution, diversification and ecology of a clade of strictly subterranean beetles (Troglocharinus, Family Leiodidae) 

    Rizzo, Valeria (Data de defensa: 2015-10-08)

    The general aim of this dissertation is to investigate the evolution, the diversification and some ecological traits of the species of the strictly subterranean genus Troglocharinus Reitter, 1908. The genus Troglocharinus ...

    Evolutionary analysis of the genome load of loss-of-function variants and their contribution to immunodeficiencies 

    Valles Ibáñez, Guillem de (Data de defensa: 2016-11-16)

    Human genomes have been found to harbor an unexpected number of ~100 loss-of-function (LoF) variants, with ~20 of them in an homozygous state, in most cases without a visible effect despite its potential truncation of ...

    Evolutionary and functional patterns of the mandible and appendicular skeleton in Arvicola (Mammalia: Rodentia 

    Lopes Durão, Ana Filipa (Data de defensa: 2023-06-01)

    Els estudis ontogenètics comparatius entre espècies filogenèticament properes amb diferents tipus de locomoció són essencials per comprendre en quina mesura la funció pot afectar les diferents etapes del desenvolupament ...

    Evolutionary and plastic responses to global warming in jackdaws 

    Garcia Raventós, Aina (Data de defensa: 2024-02-20)

    L'escalfament global altera els ecosistemes i posa en perill la persistència de les espècies, provocant l'extinció de centenars d'espècies d'ocells. Per tant, el potencial que tenen les poblacions per adaptar-se a ambients ...

    Evolutionary Bags of Space-Time Features for Human Analysis 

    Ponce López, Víctor (Data de defensa: 2016-06-02)

    The representation (or feature) learning has been an emerging concept in the last years, since it collects a set of techniques that are present in any theoretical or practical methodology referring to artificial intelligence. ...

    Evolutionary dynamics of populations with genotype-phenotype map 

    Ibáñez Marcelo, Esther (Data de defensa: 2014-12-19)

    In this thesis we develop a multi-scale model of the evolutionary dynamics of a population of cells, which accounts for the mapping between genotype and phenotype as determined by a model of the gene regulatory network. ...

    Evolutionary dynamics of transcriptional and translational regulation in yeast 

    Blevins, William Robert (Data de defensa: 2020-01-17)

    All living organisms respond to environmental stimuli by modulating the activity of different genes. This response can occur across many locations throughout the cell such as at the level of transcription, translation, and ...

    Evolutionary ecology of range expansion in the colonizing plant Leontodon longirostris (Asteraceae) 

    Pedro Rodríguez, Manuel de (Data de defensa: 2021-04-19)

    L’interès per els processos eco-evolutius que determinen la capacitat d’expansió de la distribució de les espècies ha incrementat recentment com a conseqüència de l’increment de velocitat del canvi climàtic i global. Alguns ...

    Evolutionary genetics of homo neanderthalensis :adaptive traits and methodological problems 

    Gigli, Elena (Data de defensa: 2011-06-20)

    The evolutionary history of H. neanderthalensis, interwoven with that of H. sapiens, has always fascinated the scientific world. Recent adavncess in paleogenetics shedds new light on the phylogenetic relationship between ...

    Evolutionary genetics of malaria: genetic susceptibility and natural selection 

    Sikora, Martin (Data de defensa: 2010-06-04)

    Una de les forces selectives més fortes que han afectat a les poblacions humanes en la història més recent és el paràsit de la malària: Plasmodium falciparum, que és la causa de varis exemples d'adaptació induïda per ...