Ara mostrant els elements 42460-42479 de 42488

    Z-scan methods for ultrashort pulsed laser microprocessing of transparent materials 

    Caballero Lucas, Francesc (Data de defensa: 2019-10-15)

    The use of femtosecond lasers has recently gained attention as a result of the recognition to Gérard Mourou and Donna Strickland with the award of the Nobel Prize in Physics 2018 "for their method of generating high-intensity, ...

    Zafimaniry: l'invention d'une tribu. Art ethnique, patrimoine immatériel et tourisme dans une communauté de Madagascar 

    Mancinelli, Fabiola (Data de defensa: 2013-12-10)

    Cette thèse a pour objectif la description et l'analyse des dynamiques de production et valorisation de l'identité Zafimaniry à partir de trois domaines différents: l'art ethnique, le patrimoine immatériel et le tourisme. Les ...

    Zeb1 en las células estrelladas del páncreas: implicación en la oncogénesis pancreática dependiente de Kras 

    Sangrador Escrig, Irene (Data de defensa: 2018-06-28)

    El factor de transcripción Zeb1 tiene un papel crucial en la oncogénesis mediada por Kras. En el adenocarcinoma ductal de páncreas (ACDP), Zeb1 muestra una elevada expresión en los miofibroblastos, la cual se correlaciona ...

    Zeb1, un gen implicat en la repressió transcripcional de l'E-Cadherina durant la transició epiteli-mesènquima. Caracterització del mecanisme de regulació de la seva expressió 

    Guaita Esteruelas, Sandra (Data de defensa: 2005-09-21)

    Durant la transició Epiteli-Mesènquima (TEM), el factor de transcripció Snail reprimeix la transcripció de l'E-cadherina unint-se a les caixes E presents en el promotor d'aquest gen.<br/>Les cèl·lules que expressen Snail ...

    Zebrafish and mouse models for studying deubiquitinating enzyme genes as candidates for retinal dystrophies 

    Toulis, Vasileios (Data de defensa: 2020-07-20)

    The retina consists of several structured layers of highly specialized neurons that capture and process light stimuli enabling vision. Such a fine architecture turns retinal differentiation into an extremely complex event ...

    Zebrafish lateral line system: The roles of Eya1 in migrating primordium and Notch signaling in hair cell development and regeneration 

    Wibowo, Indra (Data de defensa: 2011-07-04)

    The purpose of this thesis is to introduce and demonstrate several biological processes or phenomena using posterior lateral line system of zebrafish as a model. The first part of this work focuses on the highly dynamic ...

    Zen aesthetic: development and influence in culture and contemporary painting of China, Japan and USA = La estética Zen: desarrollo e influencia en la cultura y la pintura contemporánea de China, Japón y EE. UU 

    Zeng, Xi (Data de defensa: 2017-09-29)

    No other form of Oriental philosophy has had such a widespread, positive effect on culture and international contemporary painting as Zen Aesthetic. Owing to the birth of Zen Buddhism in China, its extraordinary boom and ...

    Zeolitic imidazolate framework-8: control of particle size and shape and its self-assembly 

    Avci, Civan (Data de defensa: 2018-12-19)

    Esta Tesis tiene como objetivo dar al lector una idea sobre las nuevas perspectivas abiertas en la manipulación controlada de Metal-Organic Frameworks con precisión nanométrica y sus consecuencias en las propiedades finales ...

    Zero-field anisotropic spin hamiltonians in first-row transition metal complexes: theory, models and applications 

    Maurice, Rémi (Data de defensa: 2011-06-20)

    Aquest treball presenta l’estudi teòric de l’anisotropia magnètica en complexos de metalls de transició, combinant esquemes de càlcul multiconfiguracionals relativistes amb derivacions analítiques basades en la teoria del ...

    Zero-knowledge proofs and isogeny-based cryptosystems 

    Silva Velón, Javier (Data de defensa: 2021-03-11)

    In this thesis, we present some public-key cryptographic schemes. This work is divided in two halves. The rst half deals with zero-knowledge proofs in the classical setting and under falsi able assumptions. In particular, ...

    Zero-knowledge proofs for self-sovereign identities in decentralized services 

    Salleras, Xavier (Data de defensa: 2023-03-13)

    Telecommunication systems such as mobile communications are evolving over time, and thanks to that, many digital services have arisen in the last decade. Usually, these services ask their users to provide sensitive information ...

    Zero-thickness interface elements in petroleum geomechanics : sand production and hydraulic fracture 

    Garolera Vinent, Daniel (Data de defensa: 2017-09-18)

    This thesis describes the extension of the Finite Element Method with zero-thickness interface elements (FEM+z) to 3D, large and complex problems in geomaterials, with special interest in petroleum geomechanics. This general ...

    Zero-touch service orchestration in 5G and beyond mobile networks 

    Dalgkitsis, Anestis (Data de defensa: 2023-11-07)

    (English) The expeditious growth and development of Beyond-5G and 6G networks inaugurated a new sector in the research of cellular networking. Automation and scaling are now considered a necessity to cope with the anticipated ...

    Zigots monopronucleats: origen, desenvolupament i constitució cromosòmica 

    Mateo Cuadros, Sílvi (Data de defensa: 2018-01-25)

    L’observació de zigots amb un únic pronucli (PN) idos corpuscles polars (CP) en el moment de la valoració de la fecundació es dóna entre el 3%-6% deis oocits inseminats mitjanant injecció intracitoplasmatica d’un espermatozoide ...

    Zinc homeostasis and disease : Impact on breast cancer progression and infection severity 

    Vogel González, Marina (Data de defensa: 2021-09-03)

    Zinc is an essential trace element with structural, catalytic and signaling roles in our body. At cellular level, zinc homeostasis participates in fundamental functions such as cell proliferation, migration, differentiation ...

    Zinc-iodide redox flow battery for next generation of solar energy storage 

    Chakraborty, Monalisa (Data de defensa: 2022-10-28)

    La creixent demanda global de fonts d’energia renovables a la xarxa elèctrica va crear la necessitat d’introduir sistemes d’emmagatzematge d’energia a gran escala (ESS), bateries de flux redox (RFB). La bateria de flux ...

    Zipf extensions and their applications for modeling the degree sequences of real networks 

    Duarte-López, Ariel (Data de defensa: 2021-02-05)

    The Zipf distribution, also known as discrete Pareto distribution, attracts considerable attention because it helps describe skewed data from many natural as well as man-made systems. Under the Zipf distribution, the ...

    Zomo nampülkafe weichafe: entre despojos coloniales y resistencias de género en Chile y el Wallmapu 

    Rain Rain, Alicia Del Pilar (Data de defensa: 2020-10-28)

    En la present tesi busco identificar el paper i impacte de la diàspora i el retorn a l’Wallmapu a les identitats culturals i de gènere, específicament, en dones Maputxe de Xile. La meva aproximació a aquest estudi ha estat ...

    Zona variable de confort térmico 

    Chávez del Valle, Francisco Javier (Data de defensa: 2002-05-24)

    Uno de los motivos de este trabajo es hacer una reflexión sobre el concepto actual de "confort en la arquitectura", sobre la dirección dominante que en este sentido han tomado los diseñadores contemporáneos y sobre las ...

    Zooplankton structure and dynamics in Mediterranean marshes (Empordà Wetlands): a size-based approach 

    Brucet Balmaña, Sandra (Data de defensa: 2003-11-04)

    Zooplankton community structure (composition, diversity, dynamics and trophic relationships) of Mediterranian marshes, has been analysed by means of a size based approach. <br/>In temporary basins the shape of the biomass-size ...