Now showing items 11783-11802 of 43219

    Economic action and reference points: an experimental analysis 

    Solà Belda, Carles (Date of defense: 2001-03-12)

    Aquesta tesi analitza diversos aspectes de les motivacions individuals i de les seves implicacions en processos econòmics. Específicament, analitzo en detall criteris normatius que poden aplicar els individus com són els ...

    Economic Activity and Atmospheric Pollution in Spain: An Input-Output Approach 

    Serrano Gutiérrez, Mònica (Date of defense: 2008-10-20)

    In this study we analyse some aspects of the interdependences between the economy and the environment by applying the input-output approach. Although economic activity affects the environment in many ways, in this study ...

    Economic and environmental viability of central solar heating plants with seasonal storage in the European residential sector: A systematic multi-objective optimization approach 

    Tulus, Victor (Date of defense: 2018-10-17)

    Alineant-se amb l'ambiciós paquet de mesures de la UE per 2030 que pretén reduir les emissions de gasos d'efecte hivernacle i reemplaçar les fonts de calor convencionals amb fonts renovables dins de nuclis urbans, les ...

    Economic Behavior and Personality Traits 

    Spantidaki-Kyriazi, Eva (Date of defense: 2024-06-11)

    This thesis comprises three chapters focusing on economic behavior and personality traits. In the first chapter, I investigate experimentally how subjects choose their partners and how they play depending on their ...

    Economic consequences of motherhood - the role of job disamenities 

    Felfe, Andrea Christina (Date of defense: 2008-07-15)

    Esta tesis evalúa el papel de las características no deseadas del trabajo - llamadas disamenities - en el contexto del balance entre trabajo y familia. Particularmente, se plantean las siguientes preguntas: ¿es el descenso ...

    Economic evaluation in health research: cohort simultation and applications 

    Pérez Álvarez, Nuria (Date of defense: 2014-07-23)

    Currently, resources that may be spent in health care are limited so it is necessary to rationalize their consumption and prioritise their allocation to the options with higher health outcome and economic sustainability. ...

    Economic evaluation of treatments for patients with localized prostate cancer 

    Becerra Bachino, Virginia (Date of defense: 2016-02-08)

    L'objectiu global d'aquesta tesi va ser avaluar l'eficiència, des de la perspectiva dels sistemes de salut, dels tractaments més establerts per als pacients diagnosticats amb càncer de pròstata localitzat. El "Estudi ...

    The Economic impact, location choices and assimilation of immigrants 

    Albert, Christoph (Date of defense: 2018-09-27)

    This dissertation consists of three self-contained essays. In the first chapter, I study the labor market impact of documented and undocumented immigration in a search model with non-random hiring that is parameterized ...

    An economic perspective on the challenges associated with tackling neglected diseases: from product development to implementation and adoption 

    Aerts, Céline (Date of defense: 2020-09-14)

    The World Health Organization (WHO) has identified over 20 neglected tropical diseases (NTDs), affecting 1.5 billion people worldwide (Uniting to combat neglected tropical diseases, 2017). While being all infectious diseases, ...

    Economic regulation and efficiency of electricity systems 

    Daví-Arderius, Daniel (Date of defense: 2020-10-09)

    Environmental awareness is of increasing concern for society and leads heavy pressure to adopt challenging political decisions. In this context, electricity systems are facing a massive transformation from the replacement ...

    Economic regulation for multi tenant infrastructures 

    León Gutiérrez, Xavier (Date of defense: 2013-07-05)

    Large scale computing infrastructures need scalable and effi cient resource allocation mechanisms to ful l the requirements of its participants and applications while the whole system is regulated to work e ciently. ...

    Economics as Seen by the Many Peaces 

    Bryant, Shawn Ross (Date of defense: 2016-09-15)

    Desde la presuposición de la pluralidad radical, esta disertación investiga interpretaciones distintas de la economía. El propósito es investigar y explorar el concepto de interpretaciones transracionales de la economía a ...

    The Economics of financial information in young firms 

    Guasch Mercadé, Martí (Date of defense: 2019-10-10)

    This thesis focuses on the use of accounting information to mitigate the severe information asymmetries existing between young firms and capital providers. The first chapter studies the importance of debt in early stage ...

    Economics of Internet interdomain interconnections 

    De Castro Arribas, Ignacio (Date of defense: 2015-07-20)

    Aquesta tesi estudia els aspectes econòmics de la interconnexió entre Ases, identifica desafiaments que amenacen el futur d'Internet i proposa solucions per resoldre'ls. Primerament vam realitzar el primer estudi analític ...

    Economics of ocean acidification and sea warming in the mediterranean 

    de Campos e Rodrigues, Luís Miguel (Date of defense: 2016-06-17)

    Esta tesis analiza los efectos socio-económicos de la acidificación oceánica y del calentamiento del Mediterráneo. Estas presiones ambientales vienen provocadas por el incremento de las emisiones de CO2 desde la Revolución ...

    Economics of organisations and development 

    Cusolito, Ana Paula (Date of defense: 2008-06-16)

    La presente tesis contiene tres ensayos sobre la Economía de las Organizaciones y el Desarrollo Económico. Cada capítulo se centra en un tópico distinto, cuya relevancia ha sido destacada por la literatura sobre Desarrollo ...

    Economies with externalities: regulation and incentives 

    Porteiro Fresco, Nicolás (Date of defense: 2002-04-17)

    La tesis consta de tres capítulos independientes en los que aplico técnicas de Organización Industrial y de Teoría de Juegos (tanto cooperativos como no cooperativos) a distintas interacciones económicas En todos los ...

    Economía circular de la Guadua angustifolia Kunth (GaK) como una alternativa de construcción sostenible 

    Torres Ruilova, Bismark Osmany (Date of defense: 2024-07-17)

    [spa] La presente tesis doctoral se centra en el aprovechamiento sostenible de la Guadua angustifolia Kunth (GaK), una especie de bambú predominante en las regiones tropicales y subtropicales, especialmente en América ...

    Economía de la Atención en redes sociales 

    Aldana Afanador, Pedro Nicolás (Date of defense: 2023-10-26)

    La comunicació és un dels objectes d'estudi que s'han incorporat més a diferents àrees del saber, per la qual cosa avui dia ha representat per a l'investigador a l'àrea un repte. Cada cop més, es requereixen llenguatges ...