Now showing items 31636-31655 of 42932

    On Collective Computation 

    Delgado Pin, Jordi (Date of defense: 1997-12-05)

    On Common Solutions to the Liar and the Sorites 

    Oms Sardans, Sergi (Date of defense: 2016-12-19)

    In this dissertation I examine some of the most relevant proposals of common solutions to the Liar and the Sorites paradoxes. In order to do that, I present first a definition of what a paradox is so that, with this at ...

    On Conflict and Power 

    Sánchez Pagès, Santiago (Date of defense: 2003-07-25)

    El propósito de esta tesis es el analizar a través de la Teoría de Juegos los incentivos de los agentes y grupos sociales a recurrir al conflicto y la confrontación para alcanzar sus objetivos.<br/>En su primera parte se ...

    On contractile actomyosin waves and their role in junctional remodeling during epithelial constriction 

    Sumi, Angughali Aheto (Date of defense: 2017-01-13)

    Epithelial tissues undergo extensive remodeling during embryonic development. Recent studies have revealed that, in a number of developmental processes, epithelial remodeling is associated with pulsations of individual ...

    On cross-shore beach profile morphodynamics 

    Fernàndez Mora, Mª Àngels (Date of defense: 2015-12-17)

    The nearshore zone is plenty of 3D morphodynamic patterns resulting from the interaction of waves, currents and sediments. The dynamics of formation and evolution of these patterns is at present a controversial point in ...

    On data-driven models for image restoration 

    Vitoria Carrera, Patricia (Date of defense: 2021-07-09)

    Restoration of a high-quality image from a degraded recording is an important problem in early vision processing. In this thesis, we tackle three image restoration problems: image inpainting, colorization, and motion ...

    On different modes of firm's cooperation 

    Socorro Quevedo, M. Pilar (Date of defense: 2004-03-19)

    On distributing the analysis process of a broad-coverage unification-based grammar of spanish 

    Marimon Felipe, Montserrat (Date of defense: 2003-03-28)

    This thesis describes research into the development and deployment of engineered large-scale unification-based grammar to provide more robust and efficient deep grammatical analysis of linguistic expressions in real-world ...

    On Education, Open Innovation and Economic Growth 

    Duong, Hoang Duc (Date of defense: 2020-11-23)

    L'acumulació de capital humà i l'avenç tecnològic són uns dels principals motors del creixement econòmic. L'acumulació de capital humà genera creixement directament, ja que és un factor productiu. També contribueix a ...

    On Endogenous Market Incompleteness, Cycles, and Growth 

    Dmitriev, Alexandre (Date of defense: 2007-09-05)

    Esta tesis doctoral consiste en tres ensayos independientes sobre Macroeconomía y Crecimiento Económico.<br/><br/>Ensayo 1. "Technological Transfers, Limited Commitment and Growth"<br/>Las evidencias muestran que hay ...

    On estimate aggregation : studies of how decision makers aggregate quantitative estimates in three different cases 

    Sereevinyayut, Piya (Date of defense: 2013-09-25)

    This dissertation examines how people aggregate quantitative advices to reach their own estimates. Each chapter explores a different situation that could affect how advices are evaluated, and consequentially how advices ...

    On Friedmann-Lemaître-Robertson-Walker cosmologies in non-standard gravity 

    Sáez Gómez, Diego (Date of defense: 2011-03-31)

    [spa] El proyecto de tesis está enfocado en el estudio de la evolución del Universo y más concretamente en la explicación del mecanismo que produce su actual expansión acelerada, y que probablemente sea el mismo que ha ...

    On geometric quantisation of integrable systems with singularities 

    Barbieri Solha, Romero (Date of defense: 2013-10-21)

    This thesis shows an approach to geometric quantisation of integrable systems. It extends some results by Guillemin, Kostant, Rawnsley, Sniatycki and Sternberg in geometric quantisation, considering regular fibrations as ...

    On Higher Arithmetic Intersection Theory 

    Feliu Trijueque, Elisenda (Date of defense: 2007-11-29)

    The results of this thesis contribute to the program of developing a higher arithmetic intersection theory. These results constitute chapters 3 and 5. Chapters 2 and 4 consist of the preliminary results needed for chapters ...

    On how learning mechanisms shape natural languages 

    Fasanella Seligrat, Adriana (Date of defense: 2014-06-17)

    L’objectiu d’aquesta tesi és argumentar, teòricament i empíricament, que els mecanismes encarregats de l’adquisició del llenguatge defineixen patrons lingüístics tant sincrònics com diacrònics de les llengües naturals. ...

    On hybrid positioning using non-semantic image information 

    Angelats Company, Eduard (Date of defense: 2023-10-04)

    (English) Hybrid or multi-sensor-based positioning has been a research topic actively investigated in the last decade. In this context, the possibility of using information extracted from imaging sensors, for positioning, ...

    On Improved Performance and Secure Data Management in Cloud Storage Services 

    Saiz Laudo, Raul (Date of defense: 2024-04-08)

    Aquesta tesi aprofundeix en dos aspectes crucials dels serveis d'emmagatzematge digital: l'emmagatzematge personal en el núvol i l'emmagatzematge d'objectes en el núvol. El primer enfocament se centra en els serveis ...

    On Improving the Efficiency of Organic Photovoltaic Devices: Novel Strategies 

    Gibert Roca, Martí (Date of defense: 2022-06-15)

    Els avenços recents en el camp de la fotovoltaica orgànica han situat aquest àmbit a l’avantguarda de la investigació sobre energies renovables. En la darrera dècada, els dispositius fotovoltaics orgànics han guanyat molta ...

    On intentional and social agents with graded attitudes 

    Casali, Ana (Date of defense: 2008-12-16)

    La principal contribución de esta Tesis es la propuesta de un modelo de agente BDI graduado (g-BDI) que permita especificar una arquitetura de agente capaz de representar y razonar con actitudes mentales graduadas. ...

    On iterative methods to solve nonlinear equations 

    Grau Gotés, Ma. Àngela (Maria Àngela) (Date of defense: 2015-01-28)

    Many of the problems in experimental sciences and other disciplines can be expressed in the form of nonlinear equations. The solution of these equations is rarely obtained in closed form. With the development of computers, ...