Now showing items 31676-31695 of 42628

    Optical flow: related problems 

    Palomares, Roberto P. (Date of defense: 2017-04-06)

    Motion estimation plays a key role in many of the image processing and computer vision problems. This thesis addresses the problem of recovering a dense motion field from a scene through the Calculus of Variations. In ...

    Optical grating coupler biosensor and biomedical applications 

    Diéguez Moure, Lorena (Date of defense: 2012-07-27)

    Biosensors are nowadays a powerful tool to enable the detection of specific biological interactions and to evaluate the concentration dependence in the response. A biosensor usually consists of three different parts: the ...

    Optical holographic microscopy for bio- and nanoparticle characterization 

    Ortiz de Orruño Cuesta, Unai (Date of defense: 2023-04-21)

    (English) Nowadays, being able to precisely characterize nanoparticles is of key relevance in a wide range of scenarios. For instance, chemical and pharmaceutical industries often rely in particle-sizing for quality control. ...

    Optical metamaterials: design, up-scalable fabrication and characterization 

    Gómez Castaño, Mayte (Date of defense: 2020-09-18)

    Els metamaterials són materials artificialment estructurats, minuciosament dissenyats per a l’obtenció de propietats electromagnètiques no observables en la natura, com l’índex de refracció negatiu. L’objectiu d’aquesta ...

    Optical methods and nano/microsystems for cancer diagnosis and therapy 

    García Algar, Manuel (Date of defense: 2018-04-13)

    Aquesta tesi es focalitza en el desenvolupament de nous mètodes per a la recerca en el diagnòstic i teràpia contra el càncer. Els fluds biològics de pacients suposen una font de material cancerígen que pot revel·lar ...

    Optical methods for ultrafast screening of microorganisms 

    Català García, Carme (Date of defense: 2017-06-07)

    En aquesta tesi doctoral hem desenvolupat un mètode per la detecció i quantificació múltiple dels microorganismes més comuns que causen infeccions bacterianes amb una velocitat de detecció sense precedents a baix cost i ...

    Optical microscopy techniques based on structured illumination and single-pixel detection 

    Rodríguez Jiménez, Ángel David (Date of defense: 2017-07-18)

    In this Thesis, we explore single-pixel microscopy to design and develop proof-of-principle experiments where the single-pixel detection strategy outperforms conventional optical array detection in wide-field microscopy. ...

    Optical nanoantennas as cavities : nanoscale control of couplings strength and single photon emission 

    Singh, Anshuman (Date of defense: 2017-11-11)

    Optical nanoantennas confine light on the nanoscale, enabling strong light-matter interactions with potential for ultra-compact optical devices. Apart from the direct applications in optical nanoscopy and sensing, nanoantennas ...

    Optical parameter sensing: sensitivity limits and the advantages of using spatial modes of light 

    Villegas Juárez, Arturo (Date of defense: 2023-04-26)

    (English) Resolution enhancement in modern optical metrology techniques has been possible due to significant technological improvements. The accurate and precise control of wavelength, bandwidth, and power of light sources; ...

    Optical prediction models of whey protein denaturation in thermally treated milk for the development of an inline sensor 

    Taterka, Heather (Date of defense: 2016-10-10)

    Un sensor de proteínas del lactosuero desnaturalizadas, en línea, sería de gran interés en la industria láctea para monitorizar las variaciones entre lotes de leche durante el procesado y obtener productos de alta calidad. ...

    Optical propertiers of the dissolved organic matter as tracers of microbiological and geochemical processes in marine ecosystems 

    Romera Castillo, Cristina (Date of defense: 2011-10-07)

    Oceans store 685 Pg of organic carbon of which 662 Pg are in a dissolved form. The diversity of compounds that make up the dissolved organic matter (DOM) pool and the low concentration of each compound make the chemical ...

    Optical Properties of Low-Dimensional Semiconductor Nanostructures under High Pressure 

    Reparaz, Juan Sebastián (Date of defense: 2008-11-18)

    En el transcurso de este trabajo se han estudiado las propiedades ópticas y vibracionales de nanoestructuras semiconductoras de baja dimensionalidad por medio de espectroscopia Raman y fotoluminiscencia combinadas con la ...

    Optical solitons in quadratic nonlinear media and applications to all-optical switching and routing devices 

    Santos Blanco, María Concepción (Date of defense: 1998-03-02)

    Esta tesis constituye un estudio detallado y exhaustivo de las propiedades de una variedad específica de ondas ópticas solitarias. Observadas experimentalmente por primera vez en 1995, estas ondas estan formadas por un ...

    Optical surfaces for mid-infrared sensing 

    Gopalan, Kavitha Kalavoor (Date of defense: 2018-10-22)

    The mid-infrared (mid-IR) spectral region, with wavelengths between 3 and 15 µm, is known for a wide range of applications ranging from spectroscopic sensing to thermal imaging. However, despite the strong technological ...

    Optically active Si-rich Si3N4 Mu-cavities for sensoristic applications 

    Ferrarese Lupi, Federico (Date of defense: 2012-05-23)

    In this thesis we have presented a thorough study on the optical and sensoristic properties of SRSN Mu-disks, in an isolated configuration and when coupled to a passive Si3N4 waveguide placed underneath. The whole ...

    Optically detected nuclear magnetic resonance above and far below earth's magnetic field: spin dynamics and relaxation in unconventional regimes 

    Bodenstedt, Sven (Date of defense: 2024-02-15)

    (English) This thesis describes theoretical background, simulations, experimental apparatus and measurements of nuclear spin dynamics via optically pumped magnetometers in unconventional magnetic field regimes. It is divided ...

    Optimació de formulacions amb fosfolípids per a ús dermatològic 

    Barnadas Rodríguez, Ramon (Date of defense: 1999-12-21)

    El treball descriu, principalment, la preparació de suspensions de liposomes (L) amb diferents fàrmacs encapsulats (ditranol: DT; hidrocortisona: HC; i butirat-propionat d'hidrocortisona:HBP) així com la d'emulsions o/w ...

    Optimal control prediction of assisted walking using torque-driven models : application to active orthosis simulation to assist individuals with spinal cord injury 

    Febrer Nafría, Miriam (Date of defense: 2020-11-25)

    Walking impairment after spinal cord injury leads to a decreased quality of life, other serious health conditions, and substantial health care costs. Consequently, gait restoration is a high priority among spinal cord-injured ...

    Optimal design of sustainable chemical processes via a combined simulation-optimization approach 

    Brunet Solé, Robert (Date of defense: 2012-12-19)

    Resum La societat es cada dia més conscient de la escassetat i els canvis ambientals. Per això les empreses químiques han d’adaptar i desarrollar processos químics més sostenibles. En aquest sentit, hi ha una clara demanda ...

    Optimal fault estimation and diagnosis strategies: bridging the gap between theory and practice 

    Sales Setién, Ester (Date of defense: 2019-07-25)

    This thesis addresses some issues arisen from the application of estimation-based fault diagnosis strategies to different practical systems such as industrial pipe networks, multistage manufacturing processes, wind turbines ...