Mostrando ítems 19871-19890 de 42439

    Genes, peoples and languages in Central Africa 

    Berniell Lee, Gemma (Fecha de defensa: 2010-07-19)

    La presente tesis, titulada “Genes, peoples and languages in Central Africa”, examina los patrones de diversidad genética en poblaciones del oeste de Africa central, más específicamente, poblaciones Bantús y Pigmeas de ...

    Genesi fenomenologia e storia delle categorie interpretative del filosofare di Michele Federico Sciacca 

    Noziglia, Annalisa (Fecha de defensa: 2012-07-12)

    Il pensiero teoretico del filosofo italiano Michele Federico Sciacca è il tema principale di questa tesi di dottorato. Sciacca si interessò costantemente alla cultura spagnola e amò la Spagna quanto una seconda patria, ...

    Genesis and evolution of chromitites in ophiolite complexes from a mineralogical perspective 

    Farré de Pablo, Júlia (Fecha de defensa: 2021-10-08)

    The finding of a suite of unusual minerals associated to ophiolitic chromitites questions traditional model for the formation of these rocks. These findings include minerals typically considered indicators of ultra-high ...

    Genesis, desarrollo y características de la sociedad civil japonesa 

    Malo Sanz, Mario (Fecha de defensa: 2021-06-15)

    Els deu anys transcorreguts des del Triple Desastre de març de 2011 al Japó ens han proporcionat una perspectiva temporal àmplia per a la interpretació de les dinàmiques d’articulació de la societat civil i l’administració ...

    Genetic adaptation in underrepresented populations: the cases of Peruvian and North African populations 

    Caro Consuegra, Rocío (Fecha de defensa: 2023-02-15)

    As a result of local selective pressures, genetic adaptation leaves distinct recognisable marks in the genomes of human populations. Several cases of positive natural selection have been described in humans, but only in a ...

    Genetic analyses of adaptive processes in the podarcis genus 

    Bassitta Sánchez, Marta (Fecha de defensa: 2021-03-12)

    [eng] Wall lizards from the Podarcis genus, which have diversified and evolved in the Mediterranean basin, present wide morphological, ecological, and genetic variability. This diversity plays a key role in the maintenance ...

    Genetic analysis and selection for intramuscular fat and oleic acid content in pigs 

    Ros Freixedes, Roger (Fecha de defensa: 2014-12-05)

    El contingut i la composició en àcids grassos del greix intramuscular (GIM) afecten la qualitat de la carn de porc. En particular, augmentar el contingut d’àcid oleic (C18:1) milloraria la seva qualitat pel que fa a atributs ...

    Genetic analysis of fruit flavor and aroma volatile compounds in wild strawberry 

    Zhang, Rong (Fecha de defensa: 2020-01-27)

    La maduixa representa el cultiu de baies més consumit a tot el món, amb una producció de 9,2 milions de tones l’any 2017. Els programes de millora tradicionalment s’han centrat en els trets agronòmics, però la qualitat ...

    Genetic analysis of neural crest migration: Requirement of Dapper2-mediated inhibition of the Wnt canonical activity 

    Rabadán Lozano, M. Ángeles (Fecha de defensa: 2012-04-27)

    Numerous initiatives to improve our understanding of cancer biology have been lunched in different laboratories that aim to describe the interactome and gene-expression profile in different tumour cell line. It is now ...

    Genetic Analysis of the prehistoic peopling of Western Europe: Ancient DNA the role of contamination 

    Sampietro Bergua, Mª Lourdes (Fecha de defensa: 2007-01-19)

    In this thesis we have addressed three different although related topics. First, we studied the post-mortem mutation damage rate of contaminated DNA sequences in ancient human remains focusing on the development of strategies ...

    Genetic and biochemical approaches to decipher the molecular basis of the pathology in LCA12 and RP10 retinal dystrophies 

    Plana-Bonamaisó, Anna Maria (Fecha de defensa: 2020-05-15)

    The main aim of this work was to characterize the molecular mechanisms that underlie the physiopathology of LCA12 and RP10, that are inherited retinal dystrophies caused by alterations in guanine nucleotide metabolism. First, ...

    Genetic and environmental factors in asthma: a population based European study 

    Castro Giner, Francesc (Fecha de defensa: 2009-11-20)

    L'asma és una malaltia d'etiologia complexa, formada per factors genètics i ambientals, on la interrelació de ambdós factors mitjançant interaccions gen-ambient juga un paper clau. L'objectiu d'aquesta tesi ha sigut ...

    Genetic and Environmental Risk factors associated with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder and its symptom dimensions: A twin study 

    López Solà, Clara (Fecha de defensa: 2015-07-24)

    There is an incomplete understanding of the heritability and the specific genetic bases of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD). It has a complex multifactorial etiology comprising both biological as well as psychosocial ...

    Genetic and epigenetic insights into colorectal tumorigenesis 

    Matas Gironella, Júlia (Fecha de defensa: 2021-12-20)

    Colorectal cancer (CRC) is a major health burden with large numbers of new cases worldwide and high disease-specific mortality, despite great advances made towards improving patient clinical outcomes. It arises through the ...

    Genetic and epigenetic mechanisms regulating the G1-S transcriptional wave in fission yeast 

    González Medina, Alberto (Fecha de defensa: 2019-03-01)

    The control of proper progression of eukaryotic cell cycle is essential if cells want to continue proliferating appropriately, and it is a conserve feature from yeast to human cells. One of the most important points of ...

    Genetic and epigenetic signatures of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder 

    Rovira Lorente, Paula (Fecha de defensa: 2020-09-23)

    Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a neurodevelopmental, complex and highly heritable disorder characterised by age-inappropriate symptoms of inattention, impulsivity and hyperactivity that impair the daily ...

    Genetic and metabolic alterations in maternal and paternal one carbon metabolism and development of pregnancy complications of placental origin 

    Haro Barceló, Júlia (Fecha de defensa: 2020-10-21)

    Les complicacions durant l’embaràs derivades de problemes en la placenta, incloent hipertensió gestacional (HG) i retard del creixement intrauterí (CIR), posen la salut de la mare i del nadó en risc. Un mal estat del ...

    Genetic and molecular analysis or Sanfilippo C syndrome. Generation of a neuronal model using human induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells and therapeutic strategies 

    Canals Montferrer, Isaac (Fecha de defensa: 2015-01-23)

    Sanfilippo C syndrome is a lysosomal storage disorder that presents an autosomal recessive inheritance pattern and is caused by mutations in the HGSNAT gene, identified in 2006 in the chromosome 8. This gene codes for a ...

    Genetic and molecular basis of reproductive efficiency in swine 

    Córdoba Terreros, Sarai (Fecha de defensa: 2015-11-16)

    En els darrers anys, la caracterització del transcriptoma s'ha convertit en un tema candent a la recerca genòmica, ja sigui en humans o en animals. En aquests últims, els avanços en transcriptòmica tenen com a principal ...

    Genetic and molecular biomarkers of Alzheimer's disease 

    Rojas Salarich, Itziar de (Fecha de defensa: 2023-07-05)

    [eng] Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is the leading cause of dementia worldwide. Research in the past decade has led to major progress in understanding the genetic etiology of the disease; since I started my PhD (2019), nearly ...