Mostrando ítems 23314-23333 de 43230

    Integrated support system for planning and scheduling of batch chemical plants 

    Cantón Padilla, Jorge (Fecha de defensa: 2003-06-17)

    La planificación de la producción en plantas de proceso discontinuo es uno de los problemas más complejos e importantes para una amplia variedad de procesos industriales. A pesar de esta importancia la planificación de la ...

    Integrated sustainability analysis of innovative uses of forest biomass. Bio-oil as an energy vector 

    Puy Marimon, Neus (Fecha de defensa: 2010-09-20)

    Aquesta investigació ofereix un enfocament multidisciplinari, des d’un punt de vista ambiental, social, econòmic i tecnològic, per a estudiar nous usos de la biomassa forestal utilitzant diferents metodologies, com són ...

    Integrated Transformers and its Application to the RFIC Design. 

    Cabanillas Costa, Josep (Fecha de defensa: 2002-12-13)

    The context of this thesis is the design of CMOS low power RFIC's suitable for direct conversion architectures. Our starting point is the analysis of the characteristics of the integrated passive components (inductors and ...

    Integrating agriculture and conservation: The value of fallow land and its management for farmland and steppe bird conservation 

    Sanz Pérez, Ana (Fecha de defensa: 2021-07-02)

    Extensive farmland ecosystems are widespread and biodiversity-rich, yet they face important human pressures since the beginning of agriculture intensification, which is leading them into a severe biodiversity crisis. As a ...

    Integrating and manipulating topological insulators in pursuit of spintronic and dissipationless applications 

    Fernández Aguirre, Iván (Fecha de defensa: 2024-04-11)

    Els Aïllants Topològics (TIs) Tridimensionals, especialment la segona generació basada en Bismut i Antimoni, han emergit com a plataformes revolucionàries per a una àmplia gamma d'aplicacions, des de la computació quàntica ...

    Integrating Coastal Marine Zooarchaeology And Conservation Biology In Tropical South America 

    Fossile, Thiago (Fecha de defensa: 2024-01-26)

    El canvi climàtic en ràpida evolució i les pressions antropogèniques han remodelat significativament el nostre entorn, i han requerit una comprensió integral dels seus impactes a mitjà i llarg termini. Aquesta comprensió ...

    Integrating computational fluid dynamics and biological model to assess wastewater reactor design 

    Vilà-Rovira, Albert (Fecha de defensa: 2017-10-20)

    This doctoral thesis has integrated biological models (activated sludge models “ASM”) with simulation tools of computational fluid dynamics “CFD”, and has applied them to the design of two advanced technologies for wastewater ...

    Integrating computational techniques for enhanced understanding of protein-protein interactions and the human interactome 

    Bota, Patricia Mirela (Fecha de defensa: 2024-05-21)

    Protein-protein interactions (PPIs) are fundamental in driving biological processes and maintaining life’s diverse functions. They play a key role in cellular regulation, facilitating our understanding of both basic ...

    Integrating energy harvesting within the IoT ecosystem for sustainable wireless communication 

    Famitafreshi, Golshan (Fecha de defensa: 2024-06-26)

    This dissertation addresses the challenges posed by the energy demands of IoT devices, highlighting the limitations of conventional batteries, which lead to high maintenance costs and environmental concerns. It proposes ...

    Integrating enhanced biological phosphorus removal (EBPR) in a resource recovery scenario 

    Chan Pacheco, Carlos Roberto (Fecha de defensa: 2018-10-26)

    La presente tesis doctoral se enfoca en evaluar un sistema de eliminación biológica de fósforo (enhanced biological phosphorus removal, EBPR) orientado a un escenario de recuperación de recursos. Los resultados obtenidos ...

    Integrating environmental education in national parks of Colombia 

    Zorrilla Pujana, Juanita (Fecha de defensa: 2016-01-28)

    La Educación Ambiental (EA) es considerada por muchos especialistas como parte fundamental en la gestión de las áreas protegidas, constituyendo una pieza clave en la vinculación de las dimensiones biológica y social para ...

    Integrating Equity and Efficiency Considerations in the Evaluation of public decision 

    Najera Ruiz, Tonatiuh (Fecha de defensa: 2003-09-15)

    Integrating geospatial methods into evolutionary biology and conservation: case studies on selected Western Palearctic herpetofauna 

    Pous, Philip de (Fecha de defensa: 2015-07-13)

    Many evolutionary processes are influenced by spatio-temporal environmental variation, including speciation, genetic divergence among populations, and evolutionary change in physiology, morphology and behaviour. However, ...

    Integrating Information Technology in theTeaching/Learning of English Pronunciation in the Classroom: Designing and Implementing an Online Course to Teach Word and Sentence Stress to Tertiary Level Students. 

    Kebboua Chaker, Nadia (Fecha de defensa: 2019-09-09)

    Este estudio investiga el potencial del uso de la tecnologia en la ensenanza y el aprendizaje de la pronunciacion. El estudio explora el progreso de los estudiantes en la pronunciacion en ingles con respecto a la acentuacion ...

    Integrating Knowledge in Organizations: A Lessons Learned Case Study 

    Loyola Salcedo, William Vladimir (Fecha de defensa: 2013-07-10)

    El paper del coneixement comú a les organitzacions (CKO, en la sigla en anglès) és creixent en la literatura com un tema important; tanmateix, la seva formalització és lenta. Aquesta tesi presenta un model de CKO que descriu ...

    Integrating Love in Peace and International Studies 

    de Bustamante Azevedo, Egidio Alcides (Fecha de defensa: 2021-05-07)

    This thesis deepens the idea of love and its relevance in and for international studies in peace, the consequences of its integration in the teaching and research of Peace and Conflict Studies, International Relations, ...

    Integrating nanoionics concepts in micro solid oxide fuel cells 

    Aruppukottai Muruga Bhupathi, Saranya (Fecha de defensa: 2015-12-04)

    Fuel cells are one of the promising technology at present to meet the growing demand of clean energy and technology. Among the different varieties of fuel cells, Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (SOFC) research is advancing towards ...

    Integrating new immunoassays, biosensors and cytotoxicity assays in the detection and quantification of the emerging marine toxins tetrodotoxins and ciguatoxins 

    Reverté Calvet, Laia (Fecha de defensa: 2017-09-28)

    Degut al risc que suposa la presència de les toxines marines emergents tetrodotoxines (TTXs) i ciguatoxines (CTXs) en peix i marisc per a la seguretat alimentària i als consumidors, és realment necessari desenvolupar mètodes ...

    Integrating plant hydraulics into functional traits framework to understand plant adjustments along a water availability gradient 

    Rosas Torrent, Teresa (Fecha de defensa: 2019-04-24)

    Una de les principals contribucions com ecòlegs forestals al segle XXI és proporcionar la teoria i aproximacions ecològiques per descriure i predir canvis dels ecosistemes forestals causats pel canvi global. En l'última ...

    Integrating plant oils in benzoxazine chemistry. 

    Tuzun, Alev (Fecha de defensa: 2015-03-13)

    Les polibenzoxazines son una classe relativament nova de resines fenòliques termoestables que posseeixen interessants propietats per a la indústria electrònica, automobilística, aerospacial i d’adhesius. Les seves possibilitats ...