Now showing items 121-140 of 777

    Bernardí Martorell i Puig, arquitecte (1877-1937) 

    Borrell Escudé, Mariola (Date of defense: 2020-07-22)

    La present tesi doctoral és una monografia que recull tota la vida i obra de Bernardí Martorell i Puig (1877-1937), un arquitecte amb activitat professional durant el primer terç del segle XX a Catalunya que no té el ...

    BIM implementation in architectural practices : towards advanced collaborative approaches based on digital technologies 

    Zaker Hosein, Mohammed Reza (Date of defense: 2019-11-06)

    We are at a stage where Building Information Modelling (BIM) has reached a maturity level to be widely adopted by the professionals and organizations within the Architectural, Engineering and Construction (AEC) industry. ...

    BIM* Implementation in the AEC* Curriculum : a quasi-experimental case study of the Architectural Engineering (AE) Bachelor’s degree at the United Arab Emirates University (UAEU) 

    Ferrandiz Gea, José Antonio (Date of defense: 2018-10-04)

    The introduction of Building Information Modeling (BIM) is changing the work environment in the AEC industry. Many countries require the AEC industry to submit building documentation using BIM. For example BIM is a requirement ...

    Bioclimatismo y tipo arquitectónico en Catalunya en el período 1930/1985 

    Seguí Santana, Víctor (Date of defense: 1988-07-01)

    La presente tesis es una reflexión sobre la adecuación bioclimática de la experiencia arquitectónica catalana, heredera del movimiento moderno en el campo de la vivienda, persiguiendo dos objetivos concretos: por ...

    Bruno Taut e il Ministero della Cultura turco. Traiettorie professionali nella Turchia Repubblicana (1936-1938) 

    Gasco, Giorgio (Date of defense: 2007-10-15)

    La tesis se compone de cuatro partes. <br/>La primera tiene carácter introductivo, ofreciendo un visión general de la breve pero intensa experiencia profesional de Bruno Taut en Turquía. En particular evidencia como el ...

    Buits infraestructurals : estratègies operatives pel projecte de la ciutat contemporània 

    Vancells Guérin, Xavier (Date of defense: 2015-11-13)

    The aim ofthis thesis is to create an analytical framework to understand the specificity and potential of these areas from a critical view of the current extensive growth model operating on the territory, which is performing ...

    Burle Marx : caminos del paisajismo moderno brasileño 

    Guimaraes, Aline Sampaio de Mello (Date of defense: 2015-10-26)

    The work developed by this thesis proposes the analysis of twenty one landscape designs that were conceived by Roberto Burle Marx between 1930 and 1970. By walking through different phases and design rehearses, we are able ...

    Cadaqués: laboratorio del realismo doméstico en Cataluña 

    Terradas Muntañola, Esteban (Date of defense: 1993-01-01)

    (...) Las casas que se van a analizar son viviendas unifamiliares construidas en Cadaqués durante este periodo que responden a una manera particular de entender la arquitectura. Dos son los modelos a estudiar: 1.- Las ...

    Calidad acústica interior : parámetros de calidad para los recintos domésticos 

    Casas Portet, Anna (Date of defense: 2014-11-06)

    Domestic architecture is the nerve centre within which human development takes place. Based on that premise, the evolution of spatial perception and the concept of intimacy in human dwellings throughout history are ...

    La cara oculta de Barcelona : l’ambient a les galeries dels patis de l’Eixample Cerdà 

    Solsona Pairó, Xavier (Date of defense: 2015-04-29)

    The aim of the thesis is to study !he environmental behavior of the gallery as a space in between the indoor of the building and outside and as a climate system. Specifically focuses on the galleries of the courtyards of ...

    Caracterització del sector de l'edificació des del punt de vista de les emissions de gasos d'efecte hivernacle 

    Pagès Ramon, Anna (Date of defense: 2012-03-15)

    The accumulation of greenhouse gases (GHGs) in the atmosphere, the outcome of unsustainable management of our resources, is triggering one of the most critical environmental issues worldwide: climate change. To avoid ...

    Carlos González Lobo... Caminos hacia lo alternativo dentro del ámbito conceptual, proyectual y contextual de la arquitectura 

    González Ortiz, Humberto (Date of defense: 2002-06-11)

    El objetivo principal de esta Tesis Doctoral es el de ofrecer una lectura alternativa o paralela al quehacer arquitectónico actual en América Latina en general y analizar las propuestas del arquitecto mexicano Carlos ...

    Carlos Martí Arís e i suoi eteronimi : vocazione all'anonimo 

    Licitra, Fabio (Date of defense: 2014-06-10)

    This research enquires into the investigating perspective of Carlos Marti Arias. To this effect his privileged field of action is framed, more concretely the articulated link that is established in architecture between ...

    Cartografia operativa : usos del mapa al projecte arquitectònic, 1982-2012 

    Paez, Roger (Date of defense: 2015-11-26)

    We live in a complex world. For some time, the great certainties and the narratives they support have been shown to be inadequate as an entryway into the richness of the contemporary world. lt is not just a question of ...

    Cartografías cinematográficas de Cali (1971-1995) : modernidad y espacio en el cine de Carlos Mayolo y Luis Ospina 

    Llorca, Joaquín (Date of defense: 2017-07-25)

    In addition to the documentary value of film material, cinema, as a product of modernity, is a relevant and valid instrument for the analysis of the city, its architecture and the society that produces them. The films are ...

    Casa de la Congregació de la Missió a Barcelona. De l’església de Sant Sever i Sant Carles Borromeu dels paüls a la parròquia mercedària de Sant Pere Nolasc (1703-2017) 

    Rovira i Marquès, Maria del Mar (Date of defense: 2019-06-17)

    L'objecte de la present tesi, que duu per títol Casa de la Congregació de la Missió. De l’església de Sant Sever i Sant Carles Borromeu dels paüls a la parròquia mercedària de Sant Pere Nolasc (1703-2017), és l'estudi ...

    Casa O'Gorman : habitando la cueva (1949–1969) 

    Arellano, Iván (Date of defense: 2016-02-09)

    Juan O'Gorman was one of lhe most inftuential architects of the last century in Mexico. His architecture and his pictorial work have hada big influence to date and have left a trace in the panorama of Mexican contemporary ...

    Casa relato colección : la construcción del espacio a través de los objetos 

    Santolaria Castellanos, Ana Isabel (Date of defense: 2019-12-13)

    The main objective of this research is to offer an insight into the collection from the point of view of architecture, especially focused on domestic space. The goal is to analyse and deepen on the existing relations between ...

    Casas Obregón & Valenzuela años 50 : contribución a la formación de una tipología 

    Llanos Chaparro, Isabel (Date of defense: 2016-02-08)

    En 1946, José María Obregón Rocha, Pablo de Valenzuela y Vega y Rafael Obregón González, graduados del Department of Architecture, The Catholic University of America, regresan a Colombia, en donde fundan Obregón, Valenzuela ...

    Cases grans. Interiors nobles a Barcelona 1739-1761 

    Creixell, Rosa Maria (Date of defense: 2005-12-14)

    La tesi Cases grans. Interiors nobles a Barcelona 1739-1761 té com eix fonamental estudiar el que podem convenir en denominar "l'art de la casa", durant el període de Ferran VI, a la ciutat de Barcelona. Intenta dibuixar ...