Now showing items 35845-35864 of 43211

    Regulation of gene expression program by the MAPK Sty1 and the transcription factor Atf1 

    Paulo Mirasol, Esther (Date of defense: 2014-12-19)

    Reactive oxygen species (ROS) are a variety of molecules derived from molecular oxygen during different metabolic processes. ROS can react with different cellular components resulting in lipid peroxidation, protein oxidation ...

    Regulation of hepatic metabolism by the autophagic protein TP53INP2 

    Frager, Petra (Date of defense: 2022-10-28)

    [eng] Decreased physical activity and increased consumption of energy-rich food are hallmark lifestyle modifications that developed and amplified over the course of only a few decades. These changes in our daily behavior ...

    Regulation of histamine synthesis and release in the central nervous system by H3 receptor transduction mechanisms 

    Gómez Ramírez, Jordi (Date of defense: 2002-09-26)

    La importancia de la neurotransmissió histaminèrgica sobre diversos procesos neurofisiològics i neuropatològics ha sigut ben descrita. Malgrat tot, els mecanismes de transducció que controlen l'alliberament i la síntesi ...

    Regulation of intellectual property rights and trade 

    Berger, Stefan (Date of defense: 2010-09-16)

    This thesis consists of three essays on the regulation of Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs) and trade in open economies. The rst chapter investigates the di erences in Intellectual Property Rights between countries. ...

    Regulation of lipid and redox metabolism in X-linked Adrenoleukodystrophy (X-ALD): therapeutic implications 

    Goicoechea Barrenechea, Leire (Date of defense: 2021-06-16)

    X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy (X-ALD) is a rare neurometabolic disease characterized by the loss of function of the peroxisomal transporter ABCD1, which leads to an accumulation of very long-chain fatty acids (VLCFA), ...

    Regulation of mammalian 3' splice site recognition 

    Corrionero Saiz, Ana (Date of defense: 2010-12-16)

    Alternative splicing provides the cell the ability to generate, from a single gene, multiple protein isoforms, sometimes with different or even antagonistic functions. This process is tightly regulated and alterations in ...

    Regulation of Media in Russia in the context of the council of Europe standars 

    Sherstoboeva, Elena (Date of defense: 2017-09-15)

    Aquesta tesi examina les polítiques de mitjans a Rússia amb l’objectiu d’identificar, principalment des d’un punt de vista jurídic, fins a quin punt han estat objecte d’influència per part del estàndards legals establerts ...

    Regulation of natural killer and cd4+T cell function by NKG2 C-type lectin-like receptors 

    Sáez Borderias, Andrea (Date of defense: 2009-02-20)

    This work is centered on the study of the NKG2 C-type lectin-like receptors on NK and CD4+T cells. We provide evidence supporting that CD4+T cells specific for Human Cytomegalovirus (HCMV) may express different NK cell ...

    Regulation of neuroinflammation by cGMP-mediated pathways. 

    Prado Sánchez, Judith (Date of defense: 2012-07-02)

    En el trabajo aquí presentado se investigó la participación de los niveles intracelulares de GMP-cíclico (CMPC) en la regulación de diferentes aspectos de la neuroinflamación. En el primer capítulo hemos observado que los ...

    Regulation of NFAT5 by signaling pathways involved in osmotic stress responses and cell growth 

    Morancho Armisen, Beatriz (Date of defense: 2008-06-19)

    NFAT5 is the main regulator of an osmoprotective gene program that is switched on by osmotic stress. Hypertonicity causes a harmful increase in the intracellular concentration of inorganic ions and NFAT5-regulated genes ...

    Regulation of NUMB alternative splicing by RBM10 and control of cancer cell proliferation 

    Hernández Ribera, Jordi (Date of defense: 2016-11-23)

    Alternative pre-mRNA splicing of the Notch regulator NUMB exon 9 switches between isoforms that promote (exon inclusion) or prevent (exon skipping) cell proliferation. We have studied NUMB alternative splicing regulation ...

    Regulation of Piezo1 channels and its impact on cell division 

    Carrillo García, Julia (Date of defense: 2021-09-30)

    This project has aimed to investigate the regulation of the mechanosensitive ion channel Piezo1 by proteins that sense and modify membrane curvature. Our second objective has been to study this interplay in the context of ...

    Regulation of recombinant proteína solubility and conformational quality in Escherichia coli 

    Garcia i Fruitós, Elena (Date of defense: 2008-05-08)

    All the processes that take place in a cell require one or more proteins, meaning that they are essential components of life. Proteins are macromolecules consisting of amino acid units, all of them being constructed with ...

    Regulation of ribonucleotide reduction in facultative anaerobic pathogens and its influence in bacterial fitness, virulence and biofilm formation 

    Pedraz López, Lucas (Date of defense: 2020-01-13)

    The perpetuation of life depends on the ability to reproduce. All known forms of life use DNA as genetic information storage. Ribonucleotide reduction is the process by which ribonucleotides (NTPs) are transformed into ...

    Regulation of self-renewal in colorectal cancer cell models 

    Meca-Cortés, Oscar (Date of defense: 2014-12-17)

    The transcription factor SOX2 is a key determinant of stem cell properties, also involved in the initiation, maintenance and progression of several human cancers. By studying the in vitro phenotypic ...

    Regulation of Sirtuin-dependent skin cell Senescence by dermatology-associated compounds 

    Martínez Gutiérrez, Alfredo (Date of defense: 2019-12-13)

    One of the main causal factors of skin aging is ultraviolet radiation as part of sun exposure. This radiation induces many changes at the molecular level that alter the proper function of skin biological processes, being ...

    Regulation of skeletal muscle atrophy by the ZEB1 transcription factor 

    Ninfali, Chiara (Date of defense: 2019-12-13)

    Muscle atrophy, which is characterized by excessive protein catabolism, is one of the major adaptive processes that occur in several physiopathological and clinical conditions, to counteract stressing stimuli. Skeletal ...

    Regulation of synthesis, transport and accumulation of lipids in Lipid droplets by Acetyl-CoA carboxylase and Caveolins. How cells accumulate lipids but reduce lipotoxicity 

    Morales Paytuví, Frederic (Date of defense: 2022-02-04)

    The following sections of the thesis are divided in two parts corresponding with the two projects conducted, whose objectives are stated below. 1. Caveolin in the endoplasmic reticulum During the last years, the ...

    Regulation of T cell fates by the transcription factor NFAT5 in different microenvironments 

    Alberdi Ibarzabal, Maria (Date of defense: 2015-07-24)

    CD4+ T cells can adopt specific functional programs in response to changes in microenvironment variables, such as cytokine availability, cell-to-cell contacts and stress conditions. It has been described that the elevation ...

    Regulation of the 11beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 2 promoter by steroid hormones in breast cancer cells. Convergence of progesterone receptor binding to DNA and JAK/START pathway activation 

    Subtil Rodriguez, Alicia (Date of defense: 2007-06-27)

    El gen humano 11-HSD2 es un modelo para investigar la contribución de los efectos de los receptores de esteroides en células de cáncer de mama. El análisis del promotor mostró que la región distal está implicada ...