Now showing items 3651-3670 of 43209

    Assessment of environmental impacts of agricultural practices 

    Shakoor, Awais (Date of defense: 2022-05-26)

    El maneig agrícola intensiu contribueix a les emissions de gasos d’efecte hivernacle (GEHs), al rentat de nitrats del sòl, i a l’increment en les concentracions de metalls pesants al sòl. Per això és molt important avaluar ...

    Assessment of extracellular vesicles and their applicability in diseases of veterinary importance 

    Montaner Tarbes, Sergio Roberto (Date of defense: 2019-04-05)

    Les vacunes continuen sent l’estratègia més important pel control i l’erradicació de malalties infeccioses en salut pública i animal. El virus del Síndrome Respiratori i Reproductiu Porcí (SRRP) és una de les malalties ...

    Assessment of fluid intake as a determinant of lifestyle and its impact on health 

    Ferreira Pêgo, Cíntia Sofia (Date of defense: 2016-11-22)

    A causa de la manca d’informació sobre la ingesta de líquids i begudes a la població general, es va avaluar el seu consum diari, el percentatge d’individus cobrint les recomanacions d’ingesta d'aigua segons la Agència ...

    Assessment of functional food and beverage consumption among the Balearic Islands population: gender, socio-demographic and lifestyle determinants 

    Emine Özen, Asli (Date of defense: 2012-12-20)

    Aquesta tesi examina els determinants sociodemogràfics i d'estil de vida del consum d’aliments funcionals i el consum de begudes entre els adults i adolescents de la població de les Illes Balears. La població adulta preferí ...

    Assessment of gas-surface interaction modelling for lifting body re-entry flight design 

    Viladegut Farran, Alan (Date of defense: 2017-12-01)

    Space re-entry is a challenging endeavor due to the harsh thermo-chemical environment around the vehicle. Heat flux being the reference parameter for Thermal Protection System (TPS) design, the total energy transfer can ...

    Assessment of genomic and high-throughput phenotyping tools in a diversity panel of Mediterranean landraces and cultivars for wheat breeding under rainfed environments 

    Rufo Gómez, Rubén (Date of defense: 2021-10-29)

    El blat fariner (Triticum aestivum L.) és el principal cultiu arreu del món, però la seva producció es veurà afectada per l’impacte del canvi climàtic, sobretot a la conca Mediterrània. L’objectiu final d’aquesta tesi és ...

    Assessment of groundwater hydrology of the Quaternary aquifer of Lake Chad Basin 

    Salehi Siavashani, Nafiseh (Date of defense: 2023-07-07)

    (English) This thesis aims to enhance the conceptual model of the Lake Chad Basin's quaternary aquifer by gathering updated hydrological, geological, meteorological, and groundwater data. Objectives include analyzing natural ...

    Assessment of groundwater recharge in urban areas 

    Tubau Fernández, Isabel (Date of defense: 2016-02-04)

    In the city of Barcelona and the townships situated in the deltaic area of the Besòs River, groundwater is recognized as an aspect of urban water cycle management. There is groundwater seepage into infrastructure and ...

    Assessment of growth hormone secretagogues in anti-doping 

    Pinyot Comelles, Armand (Date of defense: 2012-10-24)

    La present tesis doctoral desenvolupa una nova metodologia analítica antidopatge. Degut a que actualment la detecció de l'abús d'hormona del creixement recombinant està relativament resolt, es tem que els secretagogs de ...

    Assessment of human cytomegalovirus (HCMV)- specific memory T and B-cell responses as predictors of HCMV infection after kidney transplantion 

    Lúcia Pérez, Marc (Date of defense: 2015-02-14)

    Despite the outstanding progress made in the understanding of the immune response against viral pathogens as well as on the care-management of transplant patients since the beginning of organ transplantation, hCMV infection ...

    Assessment of pathophysiological mechanisms in obesity-related diseases through metabolomics, transcriptomics and mouse models of disease 

    Riera Borrull, Marta (Date of defense: 2017-07-07)

    L'exposició a quantitats excessives de nutrients i la manca d'activitat física promouen el desenvolupament de patologies metabòliques. En el cas de l'obesitat, l'excés de nutrients supera la capacitat d'emmagatzematge dels ...

    Assessment of planetary boundary-layer schemes with advanced remote sensing instruments and air quality modelling 

    Banks, Robert F. (Date of defense: 2016-04-04)

    Urban air pollution is of major concern in Spain and also throughout Europe and globally with numerous effects on human health and ecosystems. Since air quality (AQ) is predominantly a problem for human health and the ...

    Assessment of prenatal imaging, fetal blood parameters, and new pharmacological interventions, in congenital cytomegalovirus infection 

    Hawkins Villarreal, Ameth (Date of defense: 2022-11-04)

    [eng] Cytomegalovirus (CMV) remains a major cause of congenital infection and disease during pregnancy with around 0.2-2% newborns being infected at birth. Congenital infection with Human CMV (cHCMV) is the first cause ...

    Assessment of prepubertal sheep oocyte competence for in vitro embryo production by the Brilliant Cresyl Blue test. 

    Gracia Catalá, Maria (Date of defense: 2012-05-03)

    La calidad de los oocitos es sinónimo de competencia oocitaria y se define como la capacidad de un oocito para reanudar la meiosis, dividirse después de la fertilización, desarrollarse hasta la etapa de blastocisto, inducir ...

    Assessment of product lifetime extension strategies through repair in the circular economy framework. Application to electrical and electronic equipment 

    Sandez, Sonia (Date of defense: 2024-07-25)

    In the framework of the circular economy, repairability has been identified as a priority strategy to extend the useful lifetime of products, especially electrical and electronic products. In this context, this thesis ...

    Assessment of size aspects in modelling molten fuel coolant interaction. 

    Pla Freixa, Patricia (Date of defense: 2004-03-12)

    Severe accidents in light water nuclear reactors occur when reactor vessel water inventory decreases and there is no available additional water coolant to be delivered into the core. In general, during an extended severe ...

    Assessment of struvite and K-struvite recovery from digested manure 

    Tarragó Abella, Elena (Date of defense: 2018-03-09)

    Human population has had an impact on the natural phosphorus’ cycle, a limited resource, and the predictions show that this resource could be exhausted in 100-250 years. Therefore, the actions for the coming 10-25 years ...

    Assessment of sulfate reduction process in sulfidogenic biological reactors using glycerol as the electron donor 

    Zhou, Xudong (Date of defense: 2022-04-01)

    L’augment de les activitats antropogèniques, com la combustió de combustibles fòssils que contenen sofre o processos industrials de mineria-foneria, dóna com a resultat l’emissió de gasos de combustió i aigües residuals ...

    Assessment of the bias introduced by the automatisation of climate records combining climatological and metrological approaches 

    Gilabert Gallart, Alba (Date of defense: 2016-10-14)

    Des de l’últim terç del segle XX, les estacions meteorològiques automàtiques (AWS) han anat reemplaçant gradualment els sistemes d’observació manuals a nivell global. Aquesta transició té el potencial d’introduir biaixos ...

    Assessment of the biological risks associated to the use of biosolids and wastewater 

    Sanz Lanzas, Claudia (Date of defense: 2023-05-26)

    (English) The circular economy is an emerging concept presented as a solution to counteract the damage caused by the linear economic scheme followed in the past decades. It is based on the principle of "closing the life ...