Now showing items 40831-40850 of 42039

    Uptake and metabolization of antibiòtics in crops 

    Tadić, Đorđe (Date of defense: 2020-11-04)

    The discovery of antibiotics (ABs) and their mass production brought a revolution in medicine worldwide during the middle of the XX century. Infectious diseases with high morbidity and mortality suddenly become treatable. ...

    An upwind cell centred finite volume method for large strain explicit solid dynamics in OpenFOAM 

    Haider, Jibran (Date of defense: 2018-04-20)

    In practical engineering applications involving extremely complex geometries, meshing typically constitutes a large portion of the overall design and analysis time. In the computational mechanics community, the ability to ...

    Urban agriculture in the framework of sustainable urbanism 

    Nadal, Ana (Date of defense: 2018-09-28)

    L'urbanisme sostenible promou el desenvolupament d'estratègies amb l’objectiu de la sostenibilitat del territori. Una d'aquestes estratègies és l'agricultura urbana (AU). Específicament, els hivernacles en cobertes o terrats ...

    Urban cemetery biophilic integration for human well-being : an applied case study of Tehran, Iran 

    Mirbagheri, Mahsa (Date of defense: 2021-05-25)

    Cemeteries are an ancient reality, and while their basic function has not changed, their physical layout as well as the symbolic and emotional role within our societies has undergone profound transformations over time. The ...

    Urban co-creation: community planning, bottom-up and participation tools 

    Sève, Bruno (Date of defense: 2020-11-12)

    For whom do we transform our built environment? The answer may seem obvious, since architecture, in theory, is conceived for humans and for the emancipation of communities. However, it is clear that architecture has moved ...

    Urban demolition and the aesthetics of recent ruins in experimental photography from China 

    Ortells Nicolau, Xavier (Date of defense: 2015-02-19)

    A la Xina de les reformes econòmiques, la demolició i la runa han esdevingut una presencia indefugible a la majoria de ciutats xineses. Reificant “l’amenaça a la ciutat i la seva memòria”, en paraules de Yomi Braester, la ...

    Urban ecosystem cervices. The value of green spaces in cities 

    Langemeyer, Johannes (Date of defense: 2015-12-07)

    En un mundo cada vez más urbanizado, el papel de los espacios verdes en las ciudades se destaca cada vez más por su capacidad para proporcionar servicios de los ecosistemas. Sin embargo, el valor de los espacios verdes ...

    Urban environment, air pollution and childhood growth and obesity 

    De Bont, Jeroen (Date of defense: 2020-12-11)

    Understanding the determinants of childhood obesity has never been more urgent given the high levels across the world. It is increasingly recognized that the urban environment may affect childhood growth and obesity, and ...

    Urban environment, transport behaviours, and health 

    Avila-Palencia, Ione (Date of defense: 2018-11-21)

    Urban environments are very complex systems with a myriad of factors intricately related. Built environment, transport, physical activity and sedentary behaviours, air pollution, and social contacts and feelings of loneliness ...

    Urban Fabric Designed for Diversity: How the Structure of Great European Cities Influences Attitudes and Behavior 

    Kent, Jonathan (Date of defense: 2023-11-27)

    Urban design influences how we go about our lives and even how we feel about our neighbors. Using data from the Copernicus Urban Atlas, I find that residents of cities across Europe that have more continuous urban fabric ...

    Urban Green Infrastructure: Modeling and mapping ecosystem services for sustainable planning and management in and around cities 

    Baró, Francesc (Date of defense: 2016-10-14)

    En un planeta cada vegada més urbà, moltes ciutats i els seus habitants s'enfronten a múltiples i urgents amenaces dins de les seves fronteres, incloent l'estrès per excés de calor, la contaminació i la creixent desconnexió ...

    Urban green infrastructure: sustainable regional development based on landscape services 

    Sining, Zhang (Date of defense: 2019-07-02)

    La aproximación a los servicios del ecosistema ha constituido un campo de investigación puntero en las últimas dos décadas, ya que se trata de una vía efectiva para reforzar la conexión entre los ecosistemas y el bienestar ...

    Urban Green Space and Human Health: the Role of Quality Characteristics 

    Knobel Guelar, Pablo (Date of defense: 2020-11-16)

    La creixent urbanització està portant a un augment del número global de persones vivint en nuclis urbans. Simultàniament, l’evidència epidemiològica creix en referència als efectes beneficiosos dels espais verds urbans ...

    Urban Groundwater. Barcelona City Case Study 

    Vázquez Suñé, Enric (Date of defense: 2003-07-17)

    Cuando se estudian las aguas subterráneas en zonas urbanas deben tenerse en cuenta una serie de cuestiones específicas. La urbanización del territorio afecta significativamente al ciclo del agua tanto en cantidad como en ...

    Urban mobility network design : functional analysis and modeling for a concentric city 

    Medina Tapia, Marcos (Date of defense: 2021-06-15)

    Cities face problems influencing urban mobility, such as traffic growth, congestion, explosive population growth, urban sprawl. According to the literature, traffic, congestion, and urban development have an interrelationship ...

    Urban mobility safety in Barcelona: an evaluation of risk factors and techniques to achieve Vision Zero 

    Aiash, Ahmad (Date of defense: 2023-10-27)

    (English) In order to converge towards Vision Zero concept in road safety, traffic crashes need great study and analysis. This thesis is aimed at this goal, applied to the urban and metropolitan environment of Barcelona. ...

    Urban park a new typology of built-up nature : towards a new urban green language for Barcelona 

    Naeimi, Tahmineh (Date of defense: 2021-03-19)

    This thesis aims to generate a new vision for the park division and introduce a new model of parks called Urban Park. Urban Park should follow specific features and unique characteristics that made it suitable to be ...

    Urban practices and social narratives in the sharing city. The construction of imaginaries from the new communities of sharing 

    Sánchez Vergara, José Ignacio (Date of defense: 2021-07-15)

    Aquesta tesi doctoral es centra en l'estudi interdisciplinari del concepte de sharing city (SC). L'objectiu general va ser explorar des de la gestió, els imaginaris que es creen en la SC a partir de les seves pràctiques ...

    Urban renewal and health : the effects of the Neighbourhoods Law on health and health inequalities in Barcelona 

    Mehdipanah, Roshanak (Date of defense: 2014-05-23)

    Urban renewal interventions aim to improve physical infrastrucutres, promote social integration and increase economic gains. However, they also have the potential to improve the wellbeing of residents. The objective of ...