Now showing items 1-20 of 966

    360° content made accessible: A user-centered study on audio description 

    Fidyka, Anita (Date of defense: 2021-09-07)

    Aquesta tesi explora com es pot implementar l’audiodescripció en vídeos de 360°, un dels nous formats audiovisuals que s’han introduït al mercat durant els últims anys. Els estudis de recepció, realitzats al llarg d’una ...

    A Cognitive Linguistics Analysis of the Effect of a 3D Video Game as an Educational Resource on the Learning of the prepositions “in” and “on” in a Higher Education Context 

    Boghiu Balaur, Sorina (Date of defense: 2024-02-16)

    This thesis investigates the pivotal role of prepositions in the English language, emphasizing their significance in conveying spatial and temporal relationships. Focusing on the challenges faced by EFL learners, the ...

    A contrastive study of the EFL vowel system in native Spanish, French, German and Russian learners 

    Juan Checa, José Javier (Date of defense: 2021-03-03)

    This thesis focuses on the phonetic difficulties that learners of English as a foreign language will encounter. This research wants tó propose a new point of view; a different and wider angle on how to approach this ...

    A corpus-based study of the phraseological behaviour of abstract nouns in medical English. A Needs Analysis of a Spanish medical community 

    Laso Martín, Natàlia Judith (Date of defense: 2009-01-23)

    It has been long acknowledged (Carter 1998, Williams 1998; Biber 2006; Hyland 2008) that writing a text not only entails the accurate selection of correct terms and grammatical constructions but also a good command of ...

    A Cross-linguistic comparison of the verbs of speaking with the component of non-standard speech and their translation (English-Russian) 

    Pasenkova, Irina (Date of defense: 2020-07-02)

    In this dissertation we examine the sphere of the English verbs of speaking (VoS) with 2 components: the manner of speaking component (MoSC) and the component of non-standard speech (CoNS), and their translations from ...

    A Flexible Multitask Summarizer for Documents from Different Media, Domain and Language 

    Fuentes Fort, Maria (Date of defense: 2008-03-31)

    Automatic Summarization is probably crucial with the increase of document generation. Particularly when retrieving, managing and processing information have become decisive tasks. However, one should not expect perfect ...

    A Formal Characterization of Fuzzy Degrees of Grammaticality for Natural Language 

    Torrens Urrutia, Adrià (Date of defense: 2019-05-09)

    En aquesta tesis podem trobar un nou sistema que caracteritza formalment els graus difusos gramaticalitat en el llenguatge natural. Proposa la base d'una gramàtica difusa, les seves característiques, fórmules difuses i ...

    A Hybrid Environment for Syntax-Semantic Tagging 

    Padró, Lluís (Date of defense: 1998-02-06)

    The thesis describes the application of the relaxation labelling algorithm to NLP disambiguation. Language is modelled through context constraint inspired on Constraint Grammars. The constraints enable the use of a real ...

    A Paisagem lingüística e a ocupaçao Britânica na cidade do Funchal (Ilha da Madeira): estudo de caso e consideraçoes sociolinguísticas 

    Freitas Pereira, Bruna Micaela (Date of defense: 2023-02-06)

    The Linguistic Landscape (LL) has been a theme that has been extensively studied in recent years, even though many European cities and countries have not yet enjoyed relevant studies in their socio-cultural environment. ...

    A Plurilingual Approach to English Language Teaching from an Ecological Perspective: An international comparative study 

    Chabert Ull, Alicia (Date of defense: 2020-07-22)

    The aim of this dissertation is to investigate the application of multilingualism and plurilingualism theories and the use of the mother tongue in the English classroom in primary education using a communicative teaching ...

    A posthumanist perspective on English as the language of internationalisation in a local Japanese city with an international university 

    Mizukura, Ryo (Date of defense: 2024-03-18)

    A mesura que avança la globalització, també creix la importància de les activitats internacionals en el món empresarial i l’acadèmic. Al Japó, això ha comportat un creixement en l’interès per l’ensenyament de l’anglès i ...

    A pragmatic approach to negotiation and co-construction of meaning in intercultural second language acquisition 

    Tro Morató, Teresa (Date of defense: 2021-07-06)

    This doctoral thesis focuses on negotiation and co-construction of meaning within a pragmatic perspective. We analyse chat and videoconference exchanges within the project Telecollaboration for Intercultural Language ...

    A quantitative and qualitive inquiry into translators'visibility and job-related happiness: the case of greater China 

    Liu, Fung Ming (Date of defense: 2011-06-27)

    Abstract This research employs a mixed-methods design combining both quantitative and qualitative approaches in order to carry out a thorough investigation into the relationship between the translator’s visibility and ...

    A quantitative approach to concept analysis 

    Nazar, Rogelio (Date of defense: 2010-10-01)

    The present research focuses on the study of the distribution of lexis in corpus and its aim is to inquire into the relations that exist between concepts through the occurrences of the terms that designate them. The initial ...

    A quantitative study of translation difficulty based on an analysis of text features in japanese-to-english short-passage translation tests 

    Howard, Diane Leighty (Date of defense: 2016-02-02)

    Aquest estudi ha investigat si una característica pròpia dels fragments de lectura de nivell 3 ILR (Interagency Languae Roundtable) – seguir un argument que requereix cert grau d'inferència – era una dificultat de traducció ...

    A social theory of bilingual adaptations: How language experience and linguistic register variation modulate the processing of agreement attraction errors 

    Masullo, Camilla (Date of defense: 2024-05-21)

    Aquesta tesi estudia la dimensió social del bilingüisme i del processament lingüístic. Una revisió sistemàtica de 368 estudis sobre les adaptacions cognitives bilingües investiga amb quina freqüència es consideren els ...

    A Study of Ahmed Saadawi’s Frankenstein in Baghdad in Light of Appropriation of Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein Through Translation and Adaptation Studies 

    mahmood, karzan (Date of defense: 2023-07-27)

    This doctoral thesis examines both Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, Or the Modern Prometheus (1888), and Ahmed Saadawi’s Frankenstein in Baghdad (2014) in light of adaptation and appropriation by employing the framework of ...

    A temporal and pragmatic analysis of gestures-speech association: a corpus-based approach using the novel Multimodal MultiDimensional (M3D) labeling system 

    Rohrer, Patrick Louis (Date of defense: 2022-12-16)

    Human language is essentially multimodal in that speakers use multiple channels to convey meaning, including speech prosody and gesture (e.g. Mondada, 2016; Perniss, 2018). In the last decades, studies within the field of ...

    A Transcultural Approach to EIL in Secondary Education: A Case Study 

    Jacob Abad, Karen Lesley (Date of defense: 2013-09-20)

    Aquesta tesi mostra la importància de l’Anglès com a Llengua Internacional i el seu ús com a forma de comunicació que suposa un corrent i una mescla multidireccional entre els parlants. Això ha portat els investigadors a ...

    Academic Evaluation within the Applied Linguistics response Article: An Analysis of Writer Mediated Praise and Criticism as Rhetorical strategies 

    Moreno Pichastor, Soledad (Date of defense: 2009-09-29)

    The present dissertation deals with the analysis of rhetorical strategies of evaluation used in the "response" article in the field of applied linguistics. Based on a genre approach to discourse, our study shows how writers ...