Now showing items 21-40 of 1802

    A Flexible Multitask Summarizer for Documents from Different Media, Domain and Language 

    Fuentes Fort, Maria (Date of defense: 2008-03-31)

    Automatic Summarization is probably crucial with the increase of document generation. Particularly when retrieving, managing and processing information have become decisive tasks. However, one should not expect perfect ...

    A formalization for multi-agent decision support in cooperative environments. A framework for situated agents 

    Ibarra Martínez, Salvador (Date of defense: 2008-06-16)

    La tesis propone un marco de trabajo para el soporte de la toma de decisiones adecuado para soportar la ejecución distribuida de acciones cooperativas en entornos multi-agente dinámicos y complejos. Soporte para la toma ...

    A framework for agile design of personalized gamification services 

    Mora Carreño, Alberto (Date of defense: 2018-06-18)

    L'interès en l'aplicació de les tècniques de ludificació en diferents contextos ha augmentat en els darrers anys i s'ha convertit en una tendència prometedora en diverses àrees, com la interacció home-màquina (human-computer ...

    A Framework for computer-generated exercises: Learning geometric transformations in computer graphics education 

    González Campos, José Saúl (Date of defense: 2024-05-31)

    This thesis addresses the challenges of teaching geometric transformations, particularly in higher education and computer graphics. It underscores the need for engaging educational resources tailored to the complexities ...

    A framework for efficient execution of matrix computations 

    Herrero Zaragoza, Jose Ramón (Date of defense: 2006-07-07)

    Matrix computations lie at the heart of most scientific computational tasks. The solution of linear systems of equations is a very frequent operation in many fields in science, engineering, surveying, physics and ...

    A framework for the analytical and visual interpretation of complex spatiotemporal dynamics in soccer 

    Fernández de la Rosa, Javier (Date of defense: 2022-01-18)

    Sports analytics is an emerging field focused on the application of advanced data analysis for assessing the performance of professional athletes and teams. In soccer, the integration of data analysis is in its initial ...

    A general-purpose security framework 

    Colobran Huguet, Miquel (Date of defense: 2015-11-06)

    La Informàtica ha sofert grans transformacions al llarg de la seva curta història. Va començar amb grans màquines en entorns especialitzats i molt restringits i s'ha convertit en petits dispositius que formen part de la ...

    A geometric routing scheme in word-metric spaces for data networks 

    Camelo Botero, Miguel Hernando (Date of defense: 2014-10-31)

    This research work explores the use of the Greedy Geometric Routing (GGR) schemes to solve the scalability problem of the routing systems in Internet-like networks and several families of Data Center architectures. We ...

    A hesitant fuzzy perceptual-based approach to model linguistic assessments 

    Porro Martorell, Olga (Date of defense: 2021-04-07)

    Multiple-criteria or multiple-attribute group decision-making is a sub-field of operations research that seek to find a common and representative solution given the preferences elicited by a pre-defined group, over a set ...

    A hierarchical framework for peer-to peer systems: design and optimizations 

    Sánchez Artigas, Marc (Date of defense: 2009-01-12)

    En los últimos años, las redes peer-to-peer (P2P) ha experimentado una fuerte expansión. Estos sustratos se constituyen en forma de redes overlay o de recubrimiento que interconectan usuarios de manera lógica y desacoplada ...

    A hierarchical parallel implementation model for algebra-based CFD simulations on hybrid supercomputers 

    Álvarez Farré, Xavier (Date of defense: 2022-09-05)

    (English) Continuous enhancement in hardware technologies enables scientific computing to advance incessantly and reach further aims. Since the start of the global race for exascale high-performance computing (HPC), ...

    A highly efficient time-series database approach for monitoring infrastructures 

    García Calatrava, Carlos (Date of defense: 2022-12-12)

    (English) The rising interest in extracting value from data has led to a broad proliferation of monitoring infrastructures, most notably composed by sensors, intended to collect this new oil. Thus, gathering data has become ...

    A Hybrid Environment for Syntax-Semantic Tagging 

    Padró, Lluís (Date of defense: 1998-02-06)

    The thesis describes the application of the relaxation labelling algorithm to NLP disambiguation. Language is modelled through context constraint inspired on Constraint Grammars. The constraints enable the use of a real ...

    A journey in representation learning textual emotion detection and structural graph encodings 

    Álvarez González, Francisco Nurudín (Date of defense: 2024-03-20)

    Representation learning is the field of modern machine learning focused on automatically producing useful representations from data. This thesis studies the impact of data volumes, annotation perspectives, and structural ...

    A machine learning ride in the physics theme park: from quantum to biophysics 

    Requena Pozo, Borja (Date of defense: 2024-04-24)

    (English) The integration of artificial intelligence into research is propelling progress and discoveries across the entire scientific landscape. Artificial intelligence tools boost the development of novel scientific ...

    A method for the unified definition and treatment of conceptual schema quality issues 

    Aguilera Moncusí, David (Date of defense: 2014-06-06)

    The modern world is software-intensive. National infrastructures, smartphones and computers, health-care systems, e-commerce... everything is run by software. Therefore, developing high-quality software solutions is essential ...

    A methodological approach to routing protocol design and evaluation in opportunistic networking 

    Freire Bastidas, Diego Mauricio (Date of defense: 2022-10-25)

    Al llarg dels anys, les tecnologies sense fils s’han integrat en dispositius quotidians com ara telèfons, tauletes i portàtils. Al principi, les comunicacions sense fil es basaven en una infraestructura fixa. Després, es ...

    A methodology for the automation of building intelligent process control systems 

    Pascual Pañach, Josep (Date of defense: 2023-11-10)

    (English) One of the major problems to design and implement control and supervision systems for real-world processes lies in the need to stablish an ad-hoc solution for each process, i.e., environmental systems in this ...

    A methodology for the design, implementation and evaluation of community and impact-based flood warnings 

    Meléndez Landaverde, Erika Roxana (Date of defense: 2023-11-13)

    (English) The present thesis focuses on developing, implementing, and evaluating a comprehensive community and impact-based early warning system (EWS) framework to support the protection actions of authorities and citizens ...

    A Middleware for Service Deployment in Contributory Computing Systems 

    Lázaro Iglesias, Daniel (Date of defense: 2011-06-07)

    Aquesta tesi adreça les mancances de la computació en núvol, els desktop grids i les xarxes d'igual a igual envers l'ús de recursos no dedicats per a computació de propòsit general mitjançant la proposta del model de ...