Now showing items 8335-8354 of 43187

    Counter a drone via deep reinforcement learning 

    Çetin, Ender (Date of defense: 2023-08-30)

    (English) Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) also known as drones have been used for a variety of reasons such as surveillance, reconnaissance, shipping and delivery, etc. and commercial drone market growth is expected to reach ...

    Counter-proliferation financing. Prevention and detection of weapons of mass destruction financing through internationally valid compliance measures 

    Haberstroh, Frank A. (Date of defense: 2022-06-28)

    La tesi analitza les vies de reacció penal i extrapenal davant el fenomen del finançament de les armes de destrucció massiva, els buits de regulació existents i la importància de les mesures de prevenció i detecció que es ...

    Coupled analysis of degradation processes in concrete specimens at the meso-level 

    Idiart, Andrés Enrique (Date of defense: 2009-07-10)

    En los últimos años, el análisis numérico de problemas acoplados, como los procesos de degradación de materiales y estructuras relacionados con los efectos medioambientales, ha cobrado especial importancia en la comunidad ...

    Coupled dynamical processes in bacteria 

    Dies Miracle, Marta (Date of defense: 2015-10-27)

    The main object of this Thesis is the study of the dynamical coupling between cellular processes, and how this coupling gives rise to a well-defined behavior in the presence of non-linearities and noise. Cell functioning ...

    Coupled heat and water flow dynamics in dry soils : application to a multilayer waste cover 

    Gran Esforzado, Meritxell (Date of defense: 2015-05-27)

    Unsaturated flow plays an important role in numerous environmental phenomena. It is complex in arid regions, where liquid water fluxes are small and vapor fluxes become relevant, so that heat, water and solute mass transport ...

    Coupled photochemical-biological system to treat biorecalcitrant wastewaters 

    Bacardit Peñarroya, Jordi (Date of defense: 2007-07-06)

    Advanced Oxidation Processes (AOPs) are suitable for achieving the complete mineralization of organic pollutants in wastewaters, since they are based on the generation of a powerful non-selective chemical oxidant. A major ...

    Couples’ Decisions and Retirement Age in Europe. A comparative study of three traditions of the Welfare State 

    Recuenco, Luis (Date of defense: 2013-07-15)

    This research analyses from a theoretical, empirical and comparative perspective couples’ decision-making and retirement ages within seven European Union-15 countries belonging to three Welfare State traditions: Social ...

    Coupling and stochasticity in mesoscopic brain dynamics 

    Jedynak, Maciej (Date of defense: 2017-03-27)

    The brain is known to operate under the constant influence of noise arising from a variety of sources. It also organises its activity into rhythms spanning multiple frequency bands. These rhythms originate from neuronal ...

    Coupling by volume conduction as a wireless power transfer and communications method for threadlike biomedical implants. 

    Tudela Pi, Marc (Date of defense: 2022-10-27)

    Although the use of volumetric conduction to power wireless implants has been experimentally validated in recent years, a theoretical framework to determine the power and efficiency obtained by minimally invasive implants ...

    Coupling fluid-dynamics and non-thermal processes to study sources of high-energy emission 

    Moreno de la Cita, Víctor (Date of defense: 2017-04-28)

    In this thesis we have developed a tool for the computation of non-thermal emission in astrophysical sources. The code reads the hydrodynamic data coming from relativistic hydrodynamic simulations and compute the injection, ...

    Coupling of binding and conformational equilibria in weak polyelectrolytes. Dynamics and charge regulation of biopolymers in crowded media. 

    Blanco, Pablo Miguel (Date of defense: 2020-11-25)

    I have carried out this thesis in the Biophysical Chemistry of Macromolecules and Colloids research group of the University of Barcelona. In the recent years, the research group have made significant contributions to the ...

    Coupling of metal-organic complexes to magnetic substrates investigated by polarized x-ray absorption spectroscopy 

    Lodi Rizzini, Alberto (Date of defense: 2012-11-29)

    Las mol eculas metal-org anicas en la intercara con sustratos met alicos son sistemas interesantes para aplicaciones futuras en la grabaci on magn etica y dispositivos de espintr onica, ya que prometen sustituir algunos ...

    Coupling shallow water models with three-dimensional models for the study of fluid-structure interaction problems using the particle finite element method 

    Maso Sotomayor, Miguel (Date of defense: 2022-09-29)

    (English) This thesis investigates numerical methods for the simulation of surface water flows, focusing on the interaction between the large scale and the local scale and its application to natural hazards. Several families ...

    COUPY coumarins as privileged scaffolds for the development of novel targeted fluorophores and metalbased PDT anticancer agents 

    Rovira Vidal, Anna (Date of defense: 2023-03-03)

    [eng] In this Thesis, we have explored the applications in cancer diagnosis and therapy of COUPY fluorophores, a new family of compounds based on the coumarin structure and operating in the far-red to near infrared region ...

    Covalent & Supramolecular Phosphorus Ligands for Linear-Selective Hydroformylations 

    Romero Navarro, Andrés (Date of defense: 2023-06-20)

    La hidroformilació d'octens terminals i de l’intern catalitzada en presència de cobalt i del lligand Xantphos, o de complexos derivats de Xantphos, va donar lloc a una alta selectivitat en la formació d'aldehids. La relació ...

    Covariance-based descriptors for pattern recognition in multiple feature spaces 

    Cirujeda Santolaria, Pol (Date of defense: 2015-11-12)

    En aquesta tesi s’explora l’ús de descriptors basats en la covariància per tal de traslladar la observació de característiques dins de regions d’interès a un determinat espai descriptiu que utilitzi les matrius de covariància ...

    Coverage path planning for autonomous underwater vehicles 

    Galceran Yebenes, Enric (Date of defense: 2014-04-25)

    This thesis proposes new methods to find collision-free paths allowing an AUV to cover an area of the ocean floor with its sensors, which is known as coverage path planning. First, we propose a coverage path planning method ...

    COVID-19 y PIEL: Manifestaciones cutáneas asociadas al SARS-CoV-2 

    Catala Gonzalo, Alba (Date of defense: 2023-07-21)

    Al desembre del 2019, els primers casos de pneumònia amb causa desconeguda van ser reportats a Wuhan, Xina. El nou patogen, anomenat SARS-CoV-2, va ser aïllat de mostres del tracte respiratori inferior de pacients infectats, ...

    Código Ictus: Medidas para mejorar la calidad y efectividad en la atención precoz del ictus 

    Pérez de la Ossa Herrero, Natalia (Date of defense: 2012-04-11)

    El tiempo es un factor primordial en la atención del ictus agudo, teniendo en cuenta la estrecha ventana terapéutica de las terapias de revascularización y el mayor beneficio del tratamiento en relación a la precocidad con ...

    Códigos desplazables : hacia una estética evolutiva de la arquitectura 

    Frediani Sarfati, Arturo (Date of defense: 2016-01-20)

    Epistemological Framework. The present thesis provides a specific approach to the realm of Evolutionary Aesthetics, and is probably the first architectural research effort to take into account the recent achievements of ...