Ara mostrant els elements 11289-11308 de 41895

    Dynamics of Streptococcus pneumoniae in patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease 

    Domenech Pena, Arnau (Data de defensa: 2013-12-03)

    It is estimated that within a few years chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) will be the third leading cause of death worldwide. The morbidity and mortality associated with COPD are due, in part to acute exacerbation ...

    Dynamics of subduction systems with opposite polarity in adjacent segments: application to the Westernmost Mediterranean 

    Peral, Mireia, 1979- (Data de defensa: 2020-03-20)

    The objective of this thesis is to study the first-order dynamics of subduction systems characterized by opposite dip polarity in adjacent plate segments. The absence of previous studies analyzing the geodynamic evolution ...

    Dynamics of the deep-sea teleost black scabbardfish (Aphanopus carbo Lowe, 1839) in the Northeast Atlantic 

    Alves Farias, Inês (Data de defensa: 2021-11-03)

    [eng] Aphanopus carbo (Lowe, 1839), the black scabbardfish, is a benthopelagic teleost with high commercial value in the NE Atlantic, especially in Madeira Archipelago and mainland Portugal. Given its commercial interest ...

    Dynamics of the late-winter ENSO teleconnection to the North Atlantic-European region 

    Mezzina, Bianca (Data de defensa: 2021-11-30)

    The El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) is a natural mode of climate variability in the tropical Pacific, which not only perturbs the local atmosphere, but whose impacts can also reach remote, extra-tropical regions through ...

    Dynamics of the membrane potential: studies of the membrane potential of Jurkat cells using wavelet and wavelet bispectral analysis 

    Pidde, Aleksandra (Data de defensa: 2020-12-04)

    Fluctuations are fundamental for living organisms. They arguably result from interactions with the complex, and unpredictable environment, and can often be manifested as temporal variability. The cell must continually ...

    Dynamics of Two Neuron Cellular Neural Networks 

    Viñoles Serra, Mireia (Data de defensa: 2011-01-18)

    Les xarxes neuronals cel·lulars altrament anomenades CNNs, són un tipus de sistema dinàmic que relaciona diferents elements que s'anomenen neurones via unes plantilles de paràmetres. Aquest sistema queda completament ...

    Dynamics of ultrafine particles and tropospheric ozone episodes 

    Carnerero Quintero, Cristina (Data de defensa: 2021-09-30)

    Atmospheric aerosol particles, particularly ultrafine particles (UFPs; particles with less than 100 nm in diameter), and tropospheric ozone (O3) are atmospheric pollutants highly influenced by photochemical reactions, i.e., ...

    Dynamics of well being among immigrants 

    Obućina, Ognjen (Data de defensa: 2012-07-16)

    The broad objective of this thesis is to study the patterns of objective and subjective well-being among the immigrants in Europe. The main part of the thesis consists of three single-authored empirical chapters. The first ...

    Dynamics, evolution and information in nonlinear dynamical systems of replicators 

    Sardanyés i Cayuela, Josep (Data de defensa: 2009-05-06)

    En aquesta tesi he investigat diversos camps de la biologia que podrien englobar-se en la disciplina general dels sistemes no lineals de replicadors. Els treballs presentats en aquesta tesis investiguen diversos fenomens ...

    DYRK1A in cancer: good or evil? : Defining properties of DYRK1A kinase as a novel tumor driver 

    Boni, Jacopo (Data de defensa: 2019-06-20)

    DYRK (dual-specificity tyrosine-regulated kinases) is an evolutionary conserved family of protein kinases involved in the regulation of cellular processes, such as proliferation and survival, which play pivotal role in ...

    Dyskinesia in first-episode schizophrenic patients treated with second generation antipsychotics. Abnormal movements and schizophrenia outcome 

    Garcia-Ribera, Carles (Data de defensa: 2018-11-22)

    Molts trastorns del moviment observats en pacients esquizofrènics passen desapercebuts, especialment els de lleu o moderada intensitat o bé els associats amb anosognosia. El valor dels moviments extrapiramidals i específicament ...

    DysWebxia : a text accessibility model for people with dyslexia 

    Rello, Luz (Data de defensa: 2014-06-27)

    Worldwide, 10% of the population has dyslexia, a cognitive disability that reduces readability and comprehension of written information. The goal of this thesis is to make text more accessible for people with dyslexia by ...

    D’homines a universitas: notariat, règim municipal i fiscalitat. Terrassa, 1180-1322 

    Ruiz Gómez, Vicenç (Data de defensa: 2017-09-29)

    El present estudi pretén analitzar el procés de conformació política d’una comunitat local a l’edat mitjana. Tal com la historiografia ha posat de manifest, poden ser diversos els factors que intervenen en la consolidació ...

    D’Israel (1929) a Antígona (1939) l’apropiació espriuana de mites bíblics i clàssics, entre la llum i el neguit 

    Juanmartí i Generès, Eduard (Data de defensa: 2015-12-04)

    L’apropiació de mites bíblics i clàssics en les primeres obres de Salvador Espriu, des d’Israel (1929) fins a Antígona (1939), respon a les inquietuds fonamentals de l’autor en aquells anys i evoluciona en funció d’aquests ...

    E-commerce, servicios prestados por vía electrónica y miniventanilla única en el impuesto sobre el valor añadido 

    Henao Castañeda, Ana María (Data de defensa: 2020-07-17)

    La presente tesis analiza la aplicación del principio de territorialidad denominado principio de tributación en destino, a los servicios prestados a través de Internet. Se toma en consideración el IVA en el contexto de ...

    E-EON : Energy-Efficient and Optimized Networks for Hadoop 

    Fischer e Silva, Renan (Data de defensa: 2018-05-03)

    Energy efficiency and performance improvements have been two of the major concerns of current Data Centers. With the advent of Big Data, more information is generated year after year, and even the most aggressive predictions ...

    E-food control: challenges for the UE in the digital era = El control de los @limentos: retos para la UE en la era digital 

    Plana Casado, María José (Data de defensa: 2018-05-28)

    E-grocery shopping is increasingly popular, but a significant part of the food products available online do not comply with food law requirements. The official control systems designed by Member States on the basis of the ...

    E-glass fiber reinforced composite as an oral implant abutment material. In vitro bacterial adhesion assay and biomechanical tests 

    Etxeberria Urra, Marina (Data de defensa: 2015-07-27)

    E-glass fiber-reinforced composites (FRC) have become popular in dental and medical applications for load-bearing applications. This is due to their enhanced biomechanical matching with living tissues compared to traditional ...

    E-learning de las matemáticas universitarias : tendencias tecnológicas emergentes y adaptación al Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior 

    Steegmann Pascual, Cristina (Data de defensa: 2013-03-03)

    This paper analyzes several key aspects of online mathematics education at university level. In the context of this specification shall mean the term 'mathematical education' in a general sense, which includes disciplines ...

    El E-Learning en la formación del voluntariado de fisioterapia en cooperación internacional. Diseño e implementación de un modelo formativo 

    Donat Roca, Rafel (Data de defensa: 2014-05-28)

    Donat, R. (2014). El e-learning en la formación del voluntariado de Fisioterapia en Cooperación Internacional. Diseño e implementación de un modelo formativo. (Tesis). Departamento de Pedagogía. Universitat Rovira i Virgili, ...