Now showing items 20598-20617 of 42254

    Hifomicetes Dematiáceos de la Península Ibérica 

    Silvera simón, Maria Carolina (Date of defense: 2011-05-27)

    Los micromicetes constituyen uno de los componentes fundamentales de los ecosistemas terrestres, desempeñando un papel básico en la descomposición de la materia orgánica. Sin embargo, el conocimiento de los hongos de áreas ...

    Higgs Phenomenology and The Hamiltonian Truncation Method 

    Montull Garcia, Marc (Date of defense: 2016-11-08)

    Aquesta tesi està basada en les publicacions fetes com a estudiant de doctorat a l’IFAE en els períodes 2012-2013 i 2015. Aquests estudis inclouen dos temes diferents, fenomenologia del Higgs al LHCk en el marc de models ...

    High capacity data embedding schemes for digital media 

    Fallahpour Reza, Mehdi (Date of defense: 2009-12-14)

    High capacity image data hiding methods and robust high capacity digital audio watermarking algorithms are studied in this thesis. The main results of this work are the development of novel algorithms with state-of-the-art ...

    High carotenoid corn: agronomic evaluation and interactions with insect pests 

    Zanga, Daniela (Date of defense: 2017-01-27)

    El meu projecte de recerca està centrat en la caracterització molecular, bioquímica i agronòmica, d’una línea transgènica de panís amb un elevat contingut en carotenoides, denominada, CarolightR en condicions ambientals ...

    High dielectric permittivity materials in the development of resonators suitable for metamaterial and passive filter devices at microwave frequencies 

    Moradi, Bahareh (Date of defense: 2016-03-15)

    Los metamateriales (MTMs) representan una interesante área de investigación emergente que promete lograr un importante progreso tecnológico y científico en diversas áreas como las telecomunicaciones, la microelectrónica, ...

    High dimension and symmetries in quantum information theory 

    Lancien, Cécilia (Date of defense: 2016-06-09)

    En unas palabras, el tema de esta tesis se podría resumir como: fenómenos varios en alta (pero finita) dimensión en teoría cuántica de la información. Dicho esto, sin embargo podemos dar algunos detalles de más. Empezando con ...

    High dynamic range content acquisition from multiple exposures 

    Ramírez Orozco, Raissel (Date of defense: 2016-01-29)

    The limited dynamic range of digital images can be extended by composing different exposures of the same scene to produce HDR images. This thesis is composed of an overview of the state of the art techniques and three ...

    High efficiency sensorless fault tolerant control of permanent magnet assisted synchronous reluctance motor 

    Michalski, Tomasz Dobromir (Date of defense: 2021-10-18)

    In the last decades, the development trends of high efficiency and compact electric drives on the motor side focused on Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machines (PMSMs) equipped with magnets based on the rare-earth elements. ...

    High energy emission from recurrent novae 

    Delgado, Laura (Date of defense: 2017-10-09)

    En los últimos años muchas novas- ocho clásicas y dos recurrentes- han sido detectadas por Fermi/LAT a E$>$100 MeV. En la mayoría de los casos esta emisión se observa pronto después de la explosión, alrededor del máximo ...

    High Energy Processes in Active Galaxies 

    Torres i Albà, Núria (Date of defense: 2019-10-14)

    This thesis has as an objective the study of very energetic phenomena in the central regions of active galaxies. Intense star formation is triggered by mergers of galaxies, and the funneling of large quantities of gas ...

    High energy processes in young stellar objects and high-mass X-ray binaries 

    Munar i Adrover, Pere (Date of defense: 2014-03-28)

    The high energy astrophysics, specifically the gamma-ray astrophysics, studies the processes that cannot be caused by hot matter but by other mechanisms colled non thermaland processes, which involve matter with energies ...

    High frequency modeling of power transformers under transients 

    Imdad, Kashif (Date of defense: 2017-07-17)

    This thesis presents the results related to high frequency modeling of power transformers. First, a 25kVA distribution transformer under lightning surges is tested in the laboratory and its high frequency model is proposed. ...

    High Hydrostatic Pressure (HHP) for kiwifruit puree preservation 

    Antonia Brasil, Jacira (Date of defense: 2015-11-30)

    El consum habitual de fruita (com el kiwi) en la dieta té un efecte molt beneficiós per a la salut. No només és una excel·lent font de vitamines, fibra i minerals, sinó que a més posseeix compostos fitoquímics que contribueixen ...

    High mountain dwarf shrubs under climate change: effects of in situ experimental warming, CO2 enrichment and drought on their growth and functioning = Subarbusts d'alta muntanya davant el canvi climàtic. Efectes de l'escalfament, l'enriquiment de CO2 i la sequera experimentals in situ en el seu creixement i funcionament 

    Anadon Rosell, Alba (Date of defense: 2017-04-25)

    High-elevation and high-latitude ecosystems are expected to be especially vulnerable to global change. Dwarf shrub species cover extensive areas in high mountain ecosystems, and warmer temperatures and land-use change have ...

    High mountain palaeoecology and palaeolimnology fo Central Pyrenees, based on pollen and diatom analyses 

    Garcés Pastor, Sandra (Date of defense: 2017-09-20)

    High-mountain ranges are suitable ecosystems for studying local environmental shifts driven by large-scale climate changes. Sedimentary records obtained from those regions contain information that allows to understand past ...

    High nuclearity polyoxometalates as water oxidation catalysts: from experiments to theory 

    Soriano López, Joaquín (Date of defense: 2016-03-31)

    En aquesta Tesi demostrem com el clúster nonanuclear [Co9(H2O)6(OH)3(HPO4)2(PW9O34)3]16− (Co9) és actiu a l'estat sòlid com a catalitzador d'oxidació d'aigua. Precipitant el polioxometalat amb Cs+ s'obté una sal insoluble ...

    High performance bio-based composites : mechanical and environmental durability 

    Doroudgarian, Newsha (Date of defense: 2016-03-18)

    The presented work is a part of the ongoing effort on the development of high performance bio-based composites with enhanced durability, under static and dynamic mechanical loading including the exposure to elevated humidity. ...

    High performance computing of massive Astrometry and Photometry data from Gaia 

    Castañeda Pons, Javier Bernardo (Date of defense: 2015-12-15)

    Gaia is an extremely ambitious astrometric space mission adopted within the scientific programme of the European Space Agency (ESA) in October 2000. It aims to measure with very high accuracy the positions, motions and ...

    High performance computing on biological sequence alignment 

    Orobitg Cortada, Miquel (Date of defense: 2013-04-17)

    L'Alineament Múltiple de Seqüències (MSA) és una eina molt potent per a aplicacions biològiques importants. Els MSA són computacionalment complexos de calcular, i la majoria de les formulacions porten a problemes ...

    High performance instruction fetch using software and hardware co-design 

    Ramírez Bellido, Alejandro (Date of defense: 2002-07-12)

    En los últimos años, el diseño de procesadores de altas prestaciones ha progresado a lo largo de dos corrientes de investigación: incrementar la profundidad del pipeline para permitir mayores frecuencias de reloj, y ensanchar ...