Now showing items 29345-29364 of 41897

    Multipartite entanglement and quantum algorithms 

    Alsina Leal, Daniel (Date of defense: 2017-09-18)

    Quantum information science has grown from being a very small subfield in the 70s until being one of the most dynamic fields in physics, both in fundamentals and applications. In the theoretical section, perhaps the feature ...

    Multipartite secret sharing schemes 

    Farràs Ventura, Oriol (Date of defense: 2010-07-27)

    This thesis is dedicated to the study of secret sharing schemes, which are cryptographic methods to share information in a secure way. The topics that are considered in the thesis are two of the main open problems in secret ...

    Multipath Fault-tolerant Routing Policies to deal with Dynamic Link Failures in High Speed Interconnection Networks 

    Zarza, Gonzalo Alberto (Date of defense: 2011-07-08)

    Les xarxes d'interconnexió tenen com un dels seus objectius principals comunicar i enllaçar els nodes de processament dels sistemes de còmput d'altes prestacions. En aquest context, les fallades de xarxa tenen un impacte ...

    Multipath: un sistema para la programación lógica 

    Tubella, Jordi (Date of defense: 1996-11-13)

    Multiperiod modelling planning and productivity and energy efficient assessment of an industrial gases facility 

    Fernández Linares, David (Date of defense: 2018-11-05)

    El creixement de la demanda energètica i el continu desenvolupament tecnològic de la societat estan sobrepassant els límits mediambientals del nostre planeta. Sense les mesures adequades, aquesta situació podria derivar ...

    Multiphase gas transport in a shear zone 

    Jódar Bermúdez, Jorge (Date of defense: 2007-07-09)

    In the post-operational phase of a Low/Intermediate-Low radioactive waste repository, gas will be generated in the caverns due to anaerobic corrosion of metals, and also chemical and microbial degradation of organic ...

    Multiphysics simulation in buildings 

    Souaihi, Oussama (Date of defense: 2017-12-22)

    Numerical simulation play an important role in the design, engineering, operation and management of buildings. It can help reducing energy consumption, improving indoor air quality and thermal comfort and provide quantitative ...

    Multiple approaches in studying the biochemical effects of amino acid supplementation in preruminant calves 

    Yu, Kuai (Date of defense: 2019-10-15)

    Com el múscul esquelètic és el compartiment que es desenvolupa més ràpidament abans del deslletament, requereix que la síntesi de proteïnes funcioni de manera activa. Els aminoàcids, en ser la unitat bàsica de les proteïnes, ...

    Multiple cue integration for robust tracking in dynamic environments: application to video relighting 

    Moreno Noguer, Francesc (Date of defense: 2005-09-01)

    L'anàlisi de moviment i seguiment d'objectes ha estat un dels pricipals focus d'atenció en la comunitat de visió per computador durant les dues darreres dècades. L'interès per aquesta àrea de recerca resideix en el seu ...

    Multiple cultural identifications, personality, and social networks 

    Repke, Lydia (Date of defense: 2017-12-22)

    This dissertation explores how multicultural individuals acculturate, and how their personality traits and cultural identifications relate to the content and the structure of their habitual personal social networks. I ...

    The multiple dimensions of daily travel time: empirical findings in the Barcelona metropolitan region 

    Delclòs Alió, Xavier (Date of defense: 2019-03-01)

    El temps és el nostre recurs més escàs i, a la vegada, un que a priori es troba igualment limitat per a tots els éssers humans. Una part considerable del nostre temps de vida, aproximadament una hora i mitja al dia, ...

    Multiple feature temporal models for the characterization of semantic video contents 

    Sánchez Secades, Juan María (Date of defense: 2003-12-11)

    La estructura de alto nivel del vídeo se puede obtener a partir de conocimiento sobre el dominio más una representación de los contenidos que proporcione información semántica. En este contexto, las representaciones de la ...

    Multiple graph matching and applications 

    Solé Ribalta, Albert (Date of defense: 2012-07-11)

    En aplicaciones de reconocimiento de patrones, los grafos con atributos son en gran medida apropiados. Normalmente, los vértices de los grafos representan partes locales de los objetos i las aristas relaciones entre estas ...

    Multiple light scattering in atomic media : from metasurfaces to the ultimate refractive index 

    Andreoli, Francesco (Date of defense: 2023-03-23)

    (English) Our ability to confine, guide, and bend light has led to astonishing technological achievements, playing a fundamental role in diverse fields like microscopy, photochemistry, telecommunications or material design. ...

    Multiple simulation experimental studies of gas emission, distribution and migration rules in mine ventilation system and goaf area 

    Zhang, Haoran (Date of defense: 2015-12-21)

    Gas problems have created severe difficulties for the mining industry around the world, leading to high expenditures and intensity research efforts, and determined attempts to enhance the various ventilation optimization ...

    Multiple stressor effects on river biofilm communities: from community composition to ecosystem processes using experimental mesocosms 

    Romero Blanch, Ferran (Date of defense: 2019-12-20)

    Human exploitation of river ecosystems, together with the increasing pressure that represents climate change, is posing rivers worldwide at risk. In rivers, microorganisms are ecologically very important. Most of ...

    The Multiple Tasks Endured by PI3K during neural tube development 

    Torroba Balmori, Mª Blanca (Date of defense: 2016-11-11)

    Development of the spinal cord involves coordination between exposure to localized extracellular signals and controlled activation of intracellular signaling pathways. This way, neuroepithelial cells firstly proliferate ...

    Multiplex analysis of circRNAs in lung cancer using the nCounter technology 

    Pedraz Valdunciel, Carlos (Date of defense: 2022-11-23)

    El càncer de pulmó (CP) és un dels càncers més comunament diagnosticats i la principal causa de mort relacionada amb el càncer a tot el món, principalment degut al seu diagnòstic en estadis tardans i a la manca de tractaments ...

    Multiplex optical detection system for prosthetic joint infection diagnosis 

    Mir de Simón, Bernat (Date of defense: 2016-12-14)

    La infección de prótesis articular (IPA) es una patología de difícil manejo terapéutico que produce tanto morbilidad física como psicológica en los pacientes afectados y, además, está asociada con un impacto económico ...

    Multiplexed detection of SNPs using electrochemical melting curve analysis 

    Chahin, Nassif (Date of defense: 2021-01-27)

    L'objectiu general d'aquesta tesi doctoral és desenvolupar plataformes de geno-sensors de baix cost per a la detecció múltiple de polimorfismes d'un sol nucleòtid. La determinació de polimorfismes d'un sol nucleòtid (SNP) ...