Now showing items 40586-40605 of 41845

    Unravelling genetic predisposition to familial breast and ovarian cancer: new susceptibility genes and variant interpretation by in silico approaches 

    Moles Fernández, Alejandro (Date of defense: 2022-01-31)

    Patients with hereditary breast and ovarian cancer (HBOC) in whom a causative pathogenic variant is not identified after genetic analysis may not benefit from prevention, early detection, or precision treatment measures. ...

    Unravelling herbicide resistance in corn poppy (Papaver rhoeas L.) to improve integrated weed management strategies 

    Rey Caballero, Jordi (Date of defense: 2016-04-27)

    La presencia de biotipos de amapola (Papaver rhoeas L.) resistentes a herbicidas constituye uno de los principales problemas de muchas áreas cerealistas de secano. La solución del mismo pasa por una correcta caracterización ...

    Unravelling integrated kinetics during spindle assembly 

    Cavazza, Tommaso (Date of defense: 2015-10-30)

    To ensure faithful segregation of the genetic material, during mitosis the cell assembles the mitotic spindle, a macromolecular machine made of dynamic microtubules and associated proteins. Spindle microtubules are assembled ...

    Unravelling mechanistic underpinnings of organometallic nickel chemistry and applications into medicinal chemistry 

    Odena Juan, Carlota (Date of defense: 2023-10-17)

    El níquel, degut a les seves propietats químiques inherents, ofereix patrons de reactivitat versàtils alhora que és abundant a la Terra i més assequible que altres metalls nobles com el pal·ladi o el ròdium. A més, la ...

    Unravelling motor protein organization on lysosomal membranes with super-resolution microscopy 

    Cordier, Guillaume (Date of defense: 2018-04-03)

    This thesis first develops new methods for high-throughput and multi-color super-resolution microscopy (Chapters 2 and 3). Subsequently, I apply these methods to study the organization of motor proteins on the lysosome ...

    Unravelling new oncogenic functions of IKKα : towards a better understanding of colorectal carcinogenesis 

    Colomer Montañà, Carlota (Date of defense: 2017-12-21)

    Numerous studies have shown that the protein kinase IKKα is associated with cancer progression and metastasis in different models. However, the mechanisms underlying IKKα tumorigenic functions are poorly understood. We ...

    Unravelling the (micro)plastic threat: the case study of plastic ingestion in Aristeus antennatus and Nephrops norvegicus from the NW Mediterranean Sea and its potential impact on health condition 

    Carreras Colom, Ester (Date of defense: 2021-09-10)

    L’impacte de la contaminació per plàstics, especialment en forma de microplàstics, ha copsat l’atenció dels mitjans durant les últimes dècades. La seva distribució generalitzada i la facilitat per interaccionar amb multitud ...

    Unravelling the epigenomic, transcriptomic and cognitive interplay in Down syndrome 

    Sierra Noguera, Cèsar (Date of defense: 2022-03-18)

    The presence of an extra copy of Human Chromosome 21 (HSA21) in Down syndrome (DS) is one of the most complex genetic perturbations compatible with life and is the most common genetic cause of intellectual disability. Here, ...

    Unravelling the molecular bases of carotenoid biosynthesis in maize 

    Berman Quintana, Judit (Date of defense: 2015-11-14)

    My research program focused on the elucidation of the mechanisms of carotenoid accumulation in maize (Zea mays). I amplified a putative carotenoid ε-hydroxylase, named CYP97C19, from the yellow maize variety B73. Metabolic ...

    Unravelling the molecular complexities of early-stage oestrogen receptor positive breast cancer to identify biomarkers of resistance to endocrine therapy 

    Bergamino Sirvén, Milana Arantza (Date of defense: 2022-11-29)

    [eng] 80% of breast cancer (BC) express positive estrogen receptors (ER+) and up to 15% of them also overexpress or amplify the human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2), which confers a molecular biology and different ...

    Unravelling the pathobiological diversity of highly pathogenic avian influenza in birds 

    Sánchez González, Raúl (Date of defense: 2019-11-15)

    La influença aviària (IA) es considera una de les malalties virals més importants que afecten la indústria avícola i una amenaça contínua per a la població humana i la vida salvatge. Fins a la data, no hi ha una comparació ...

    Unravelling the pluripotency state of human embryonic stem cells derived from single blastomeres of 8-cell embryos 

    Massafret Surinyach, Ot (Date of defense: 2022-05-20)

    Les cèl·lules mare embrionàries (ESCs) poden presentar almenys dos estats de pluripotència: naïve i primed, amb un perfil d’expressió gènica semblant al de l’epiblast preimplantacional i postimplantacional, respectivament. ...

    Unravelling the positional behaviour of fossil hominoids: Morphofunctional and structural analysis of the primate hindlimb 

    Pina Miguel, Marta (Date of defense: 2016-06-27)

    Los hominoideos actuales (simios y humanos) son primates ortógrados con comportamientos locomotores especializados como la suspensión, la escalada vertical y el bipedismo. En este sentido, identificar aquellas adaptaciones ...

    Unravelling the Role of Long Noncoding RNAs in the Context of Cell-growth and Regeneration 

    Amador Rios, Raziel (Date of defense: 2022-02-10)

    Long noncoding RNAs (lncRNAs) have proven biological roles in plethora cellular contexts. Nonetheless, only a handful have been clearly characterized, leaving thousands of newly discovered lncRNAs without an associated ...

    Unravelling the role of the cerebellum in drug addiction. Cerebellum-prefrontal networks in drug-induced preference memory 

    Gil Miravet, Isis (Date of defense: 2019-06-14)

    This doctoral thesis is the first to propose a causative working model for the cerebellum's role in drug-induced memories. We managed to explore the role of the cerebellum in cocaine-induced conditioned preference and its ...

    Unravelling the role of transposable elements in the eukaryotic stress response 

    Horváth, Vivien (Date of defense: 2020-09-28)

    Environmental stress is a major aspect of life and a limiting factor for the survival and distribution of species. Understanding the organismal stress response and the developed coping mechanisms is indispensable in order ...

    Unravelling the role of zinc in the resistance to necrotrophic fungi in arabidopsis thaliana and noccaea caerulescens 

    Gallego Páramo, Berta (Date of defense: 2014-11-09)

    El zinc es un micronutriente esencial para las plantas, pero tóxico a concentraciones elevadas. La mayoría de las plantas adaptadas a suelos metalíferos excluyen el exceso de metales de sus tejidos. Sin embargo, algunas ...

    Unravelling the roles of an alternatively spliced microexon in Daam1 in nervous system development and function 

    Poliński, Patrik (Date of defense: 2022-04-07)

    Microexons are an unusual form of alternative splicing with high evolutionary conservation, however, their functions are still far from being understood. In this thesis, we focused on a neuronal-specific microexon that ...

    Unstable motions in the three body problem 

    Paradela Díaz, Jaime (Date of defense: 2023-06-30)

    (English) The 3 Body Problem (3BP) models the motion of three bodies interacting via Newtonian gravitation. It is called restricted when one body has zero mass and the other two, the primaries, have strictly positive masses. ...

    Unsteady laminar convection in cylindrical domains: numerical studies and application to solar water storage tanks 

    Rodríguez Pérez, Ivette (Date of defense: 2006-12-19)

    Los dispositivos de almacenamiento de energía térmica son ampliamente usados en diversos sistemas térmicos caracterizados por un desfase temporal entre la producción de energia y su consumo, como es el caso de los sistemas ...