Ara mostrant els elements 1181-1200 de 11307

    Blood barriers for oncolytic adenovirus efficacy: study of binding to erythrocytes via CAR and albumin‐mediated evasion of neutralizing antibodies 

    Rojas Expósito, Luis Alfonso (Data de defensa: 2017-05-26)

    Cancer virotherapy with oncolytic adenoviruses represents a promising therapeutic approach due to the capacity of these viruses to infect and selectively kill tumor cells without damaging normal tissues. Although the ...

    Blood-Brain Barrier Shuttles: From Design to Application 

    Arranz Gibert, Pol (Data de defensa: 2017-01-12)

    The work of this thesis is based on research on peptides able to cross the blood-brain barrier and their use as tools to enable the delivery of drugs into the brain. The blood-brain barrier (BBB) is a permeable but ...

    Bloqueig de branca dreta i morbimortalitat cardiovascular 

    Alventosa i Zaidin, Marina (Data de defensa: 2019-11-25)

    INTRODUCCIÓ: El bloqueig de branca dreta (BBD) és una de les alteracions electrocardiogràfiques més freqüents. La significació clínica que pot tenir el BBD en pacients sans sense evidència de malaltia cardiovascular ...

    Bloqueo espacial 

    Rodrigo i Calduch, Mª Teresa (Data de defensa: 1996-07-12)

    ¿Cómo resuelven los animales las discriminaciones espaciales o encuentran el camino a una meta situada en una determinada localización? O'Keefe y Nadel (1978) consideran que las ratas pueden aprender el camino hacia una ...

    Blow-up algebras in Algebra, Geometry and Combinatorics 

    Cid Ruiz, Yairon (Data de defensa: 2019-06-26)

    The primary topic of this thesis lies at the crossroads of Commutative Algebra and its interactions with Algebraic Geometry and Combinatorics. It is mainly focused around the following themes: I Defining equations ...

    Bolivia Public Finances, 1882-2007. Challenges and restricitons of State intervention in a small, multiethnic and revolutíonary economy 

    Peres Cajías, José Alejandro (Data de defensa: 2013-10-25)

    My dissertation aims at analyzing the impact of State intervention in Bolivia by looking at the long term evolution of Bolivian Public Finances, 1882-2007. My dissertation is compound by four different chapters. In the ...

    Bonding with Robotic Pets. Children’s Cognitions, Emotions and Behaviors towards Pet-Robots. Applications in a Robot Assisted Quality of Life Intervention in a Pediatric Hospital 

    Díaz Boladeras, Marta (Data de defensa: 2017-09-15)

    This dissertation addresses the emergence of emotional involvement in the interaction with social robots. More specifically, we investigate the dynamics of children bonding with robotic pets to design robot based programs ...

    Bones pràctiques per a adolescents vulnerables. Educar a les Unitats d'Escolarització Compartida 

    López-Dóriga de Dalmau, Maria (Data de defensa: 2018-01-12)

    Amb la consolidació d’un sistema educatiu comprensiu i obligatori fins als setze anys es fa evident el desencaix entre un grup d’adolescents i l’institut, entre l’escola i joves que abans de fer setze anys diuen no a ...

    Borges, antólogo de lo fantástico: hacia una poética del género 

    González Mut, Marcos (Data de defensa: 2015-06-12)

    La presente tesis describe y analiza la serie de antologías de literatura fantástica realizadas por el autor argentino Jorge Luis Borges entre los años 1940 (fecha de la publicación de la selección Antología de la literatura ...

    Born to be bound: Intermolecular interactions and thermodynamics in RNA folding 

    Aspas Cáceres, Jaime (Data de defensa: 2024-05-15)

    [eng] This thesis focuses on RNA, one of the most versatile molecules in biological systems, and how intermolecular interactions with ions and proteins govern RNA folding. On its way to biological function, RNA transits a ...

    Boscos i incendis. Percepció i aprenentatge social. Els casos de les Gavarres i la Catalunya Central 

    Rodríguez Carreras, Roser (Data de defensa: 2023-01-18)

    [cat] La present tesi pretén reflexionar sobre els canvis territorials i paisatgístics en dues zones de Catalunya rurals i forestals: Les Gavarres i la Catalunya Central, a través de la mirada de persones representatives ...

    Bottled natural mineral water in Catalonia: Origin and geographical evolution of its consumption and production 

    Nobajas i Ganau, Alexandre (Data de defensa: 2013-04-05)

    Bottled mineral water has managed to become a commodity and can be found virtually anywhere in the world. However, even if it is a very common and well recognized product, little it is known about its history, about how, ...

    A bottom-up and citizen-centred approach to transitional justice: public opinion towards reparations in post-Franco Spain 

    Enssle, Patricia (Data de defensa: 2021-07-09)

    Forty-five years after the death of the Spanish dictator Francisco Franco dealing with the legacies of the country's repressive past and addressing the needs of the regime's victims of human rights violations continues to ...

    Bottom-up Engineering of Chalcogenide Thermoelectric Nanomaterials 

    Liu, Yu (Data de defensa: 2018-07-12)

    In this thesis, it is detailed the bottom-up production and characterization of thermoelectric (TE) nanomaterials with significant enhanced performance by using colloidal nanocrystals (NCs) as building blocks. The production ...

    Bottom-up Engineering of Thermoelectric Nanomaterials and Devices from Solution-Processed Nanoparticle Building Blocks 

    Ortega Torres, Silvia (Data de defensa: 2017-07-20)

    In the world around us, it is easy to think in different situations in which there are temperature gradients available. These could be converted into a great source of energy if using the proper technology. Thermoelectric ...

    Boundedness of the Hilbert Transform on Weighted Lorentz Spaces 

    Agora, Elona (Data de defensa: 2012-07-13)

    The main goal of this thesis is to characterize the weak-type (resp. strong-type) boundedness of the Hilbert transform H on weighted Lorentz spaces Λpu(w). The characterization is given in terms of some geometric ...

    Bo’ol si’ipil, K’eex, Proomesa, Jets’t’aan y Su’tsil: una aproximación etnográfica a la normatividad de los nunkinienses 

    Cen Montuy, Maria Jesús (Data de defensa: 2017-01-13)

    Desde mi llegada al pueblo de Nunkiní en el año 2004, observé tres cosas: la primera fue la incesante vida ritual de los pobladores y la importancia de los yumtsilo’ob o dueños del monte; la segunda fue la devoción a San ...

    Brain connectivity and cognitive impairment in Parkinson’s disease 

    Baggio, Hugo César (Data de defensa: 2014-10-06)

    Parkinson’s disease is a neurodegenerative process with several motor and non-motor manifestations. Among non-motor symptoms, cognitive decline is a major cause of disability, and its neural bases are poorly understood. ...

    Brain connectivity network models based on multi-modal MRI to study brain reorganization of prenatal origin using intrauterine growth restriction as a model 

    Batallé Bolaño, Dafnis (Data de defensa: 2014-07-17)

    This PhD thesis is focused in the application of brain network models obtained from different modalities of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to characterize anomalies in neurodevelopment of a prenatal origin, using ...

    Brain correlates of obsessive-compulsive symptoms in healthy children 

    Suñol Rodrigo, Maria (Data de defensa: 2021-01-22)

    Esta tesis busca contribuir al estudio de los correlatos neurobiológicos de los síntomas obsesivos-compulsivos subclínicos (SOCS) con la esperanza de que sus hallazgos puedan ser eventualmente vinculados al desarrollo del ...