Now showing items 10679-10698 of 11297

    Three Empirical Essays on Education and Informality in the Labor Market of a Developing Country: The Colombian Case 

    Herrera-Idárraga, Paula (Date of defense: 2014-07-18)

    1) Informality and Overeducation in the Labor Market of a Developing Country This chapter explores the connection between labor market segmentation in two sectors, a modern protected formal sector and a traditional- ...

    Three Empirical Essays on Fecundity, Household Overcrowding and its Effects. The Case of Ecuador 

    Díaz Sánchez, Juan Pablo (Date of defense: 2018-04-25)

    This thesis provide a complete and updated understanding of the household overcrowding phenomenon, covering the topic all the way starting in its causes. This dissertation is organized in three chapters beyond this ...

    Three Empirical Essays on Informality 

    Baez Morales, Antonio (Date of defense: 2015-11-05)

    Informality is a very complex subject, with the informal workers we see on the streets as only the surface of larger and more complicated issues. The word "informality," when applied to labour, has negative associations. ...

    Three essays in human capital formation. From colonial institutions in the Americas to early Catalan industrialization 

    Gómez-i-Aznar, Èric (Date of defense: 2021-01-29)

    This doctoral thesis aims to investigate the role of human capital in some of the most economically dynamic areas under the control of the Hispanic monarchy. The period covered by this study extends from the 18th century, ...

    Three Essays on Agglomeration Economies in Ecuador 

    Obaco Álvarez, Moisés Lenyn (Date of defense: 2018-09-25)

    This thesis focuses on analyzing agglomeration effects in Ecuador. The thesis is divided into five chapters. The first chapter is an introductory chapter where it is focused on the motivation of the case study and the ...

    Three essays on Business Groups discount in Chile. Theory and empirical study 

    González González, Rodrigo Hernán (Date of defense: 2022-01-12)

    La tesis es el resultado de tres ensayos sobre los grupos empresariales en Chile. A través los datos obtenidos sobre conglomerados empresariales chilenos se utilizan distintas metodologías que ayudan a la determinación del ...

    Three essays on commodity prices 

    Rubino, Nicola (Date of defense: 2020-09-10)

    In the first part of our thesis, we present an analysis of a group of small commodity exporting countries' price differentials relative to the US dollar. Using unrestricted self exciting threshold autoregressive models ...

    Three Essays on Dynamic Games with Asymmetric Agents 

    Alderborn, Joakim (Date of defense: 2023-01-17)

    [eng] The thesis is divided into three chapters (excluding the concluding chapter and this introduction). Each of them falls within a separate field in Economics. The first is on business cycle theory, a field within ...

    Three Essays on Open Innovation and Low/ Medium Technology Industries and Firms 

    El Rayyes, Abd El salam M. A. (Date of defense: 2014-09-17)

    Our work has focused on the theme of open innovation and Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs). Specifically, we have investigated open innovation, its effects and its connection with the sectors of Low Medium Technology ...

    Three Essays on the Geography of Innovation: The Role of Transportation Networks and Institutions 

    Tsiachtsiras, Georgios (Date of defense: 2022-03-25)

    The long-term growth of economies depends crucially on their capacity to introduce technological progress. Innovation and technological change are at the heart of economic growth. The diffusion of knowledge and ideas is a ...

    Three revolts in images: Catalonia, Portugal and Naples (1640-1647) 

    Fraga, Joana Margarida Ribeirete de (Date of defense: 2013-09-12)

    The dissertation “Three revolts in images: Catalonia, Portugal and Naples (1640-1647) is about the role of political visual communication during the revolts of 1640-1647 in Catalonia, Portugal and Naples. Visual sources ...

    Three-dimensional evaluation of the effect of therapeutic orthodontic premolar extraction using digital dental models. A Retrospective Study 

    Abohabib, Ahmed Mohamed Saad (Date of defense: 2024-05-23)

    [eng] INTRODUCTION: Orthodontic premolar extraction for therapeutic purposes is a widely used orthodontic procedure; however, there is still ongoing investigation into its effects on the dimensions of the upper teeth ...

    Three-dimensional organization of HP1c-complex target genes 

    Puerto Plasencia, Marta (Date of defense: 2022-04-01)

    It has been previously shown that the Drosophila heterochromatin protein 1c (HP1c) forms a complex with the transcription factors (TF) WOC and ROW, and the extraproteasomal ubiquitin receptor dDsk2. The HP1c-complex localizes ...

    Three-dimensional study of the lberian red deer antler (Cervus elaphus hispanicus): application of geometric morphometrics techniques and other methodologies 

    Martínez Salmeron, Debora (Date of defense: 2014-07-15)

    Over time, many studies about deer antlers, based on classical morphometry, have been done. The present study propose a new perspective on the study of Iberian red deer antlers (Cervus elaphus hispanicus) from Sierra Morena ...

    Ti-containing hybrid organosilicas, Mo(x)C/g-C(3)N(4) nanocomposites and engineered Mo(x)C/TiO(2) nanomaterials as noble-metal-free photocatalysts for H(2) production 

    Wang, Yan (Date of defense: 2022-04-07)

    The photocatalytic hydrogen production is considered an environmentally promising and friendly method, which could lead to achieve clean and renewable hydrogen and contribute in the future to store solar energy as chemical ...

    Tidewater glacier flow of Helheim Glacier, Greenland, 2006-2008, using high-rate GPS 

    Juan Verger, Julia de (Date of defense: 2011-03-14)

    This thesis presents a study of the application of Global Positioning System (GPS) techniques to the study of the dynamics of Helheim Glacier, one of the fastest-flowing outlet glaciers in the world, located on the southeast ...

    De Tierra Firme a Natá: La Retaguardia de la Conquista de Centro y Sudamérica (1501-1560) 

    Gracia, Guillermina-Itzel de (Date of defense: 2020-12-18)

    La dominación española en América se caracterizó por ser un proceso de ensayo y error, que se materializó en la sucesiva creación de ciudades, como espacios físicos donde debían adaptarse nuevos y diferentes modos de vida, ...

    Time course of biochemical, biomechanical, and histological changes for the assesment of inflammation and remodelling in a bleomycin-induced murine model of lung injury 

    Pinart Gilberga, Mariona (Date of defense: 2009-09-17)

    Las enfermedades pulmonares intersticiales difusas (EPID), constituyen un grupo variado de trastornos inflamatorios difusos de las vías aéreas inferiores causadas por inflamación, fibrosis (cicatritzación) de las paredes ...

    Time Dependent Processes in Magnetic Systems 

    Iglesias, Oscar (Date of defense: 2002-05-24)

    En este trabajo se presentan modelos para el estudio de los procesos de dependencia en el tiempo de las propiedades magnéticas de diferentes tipos de materiales magnéticos, básicamente sistemas de partículas pequeñas y ...

    Time Distribution and the Acquisition of English as a Foreign Language 

    Serrano Serrano, Raquel (Date of defense: 2007-11-23)

    The purpose of the present dissertation is to investigate the effect of time distribution of practice (or instruction hours) on the acquisition of English as a foreign language. The general objective is to have an overall ...