Now showing items 5853-5872 of 11050

    Implications of oxytocin in speech 

    Theofanopoulou, Constantina (Date of defense: 2019-03-21)

    In my thesis I investigate the evolution of human sociality and its possible role for providing a scaffold to the evolution of language. My approach is multidisciplinary and includes studies ranging from genomic analyses ...

    Implications of phase coexistence in VO(2) thin-films across the metal-insulator transition 

    Rodríguez Domínguez, Laura (Date of defense: 2021-12-16)

    A Metal-insulator transition (MIT) is the ability of some materials to change between metal and insulator electric behaviours as a function of some external stimuli such as temperature, stress, voltage, magnetic field or ...

    Implications of Structural Stability for Drug Design 

    Majewski, Maciej (Date of defense: 2020-07-17)

    The relevance of structural stability in drug design has been shown by the use of DUck in virtual screening campaign, as reported previously. The method provides a fast and easy way to assess hydrogen bond-based structural ...

    Importancia clínica de los micrornas de la vía de p53 en cáncer de pulmón no microcítico: miR-34a y miR-16 

    Gallardo Martín, Elena (Date of defense: 2011-06-22)

    El cáncer de pulmón no célula pequeña es la neoplasia más frecuente en la actualidad en los países industrializados, siendo la primera causa de mortalidad por cáncer en el varón. Su incidencia continúa aumentando ...

    Importancia de la vitamina E y los jasmonatos en la respuesta de las plantas ante la distinta disponibilidad de fósforo 

    Simancas San Martín, Bárbara (Date of defense: 2017-12-22)

    El fósforo es un macroelemento esencial para el desarrollo y crecimiento de todas las plantas. Sin embargo, el fósforo inorgánico (Pi), forma asimilable por las plantas, es cada vez más escaso en los suelos naturales y es ...

    Importancia del déficit de hierro y su tratamiento con hierro endovenoso en pacientes con insuficiencia cardíaca crónica como predictores de mortalidad y hospitalizaciones: Evidencia del mundo real 

    González Costello, José (Date of defense: 2021-11-29)

    [spa] El déficit de hierro (DH) en pacientes con insuficiencia cardíaca crónica (ICC) es frecuente y se considera un factor pronóstico adverso. Sin embargo, no todos los estudios son concluyentes, la mayoría estudian solo ...

    Importància de la centralitat tumoral en el carcinoma pulmonar no cèl·lula petita 

    Martínez Palau, Mireia (Date of defense: 2023-09-15)

    [cat] Introducció: En pacients amb càncer de pulmó cèl·lula no petita (CPNCP) i mediastí normal en proves d'imatge, els tumors de localització central presenten major afectació mediastínica oculta. Per això, les guies ...

    The Impossible Trinity and Financial Stability. The Incidence of Trilemma Regimes on the (In)stability of Stock Markets and Credit Aggregates (1922-2013) 

    Forero-Laverde, Germán (Date of defense: 2018-11-23)

    This dissertation discusses the accumulation and unwinding of financial imbalances in stock markets and credit aggregates in advanced economies since the interwar years until the present. The project is framed within the ...

    La impostura contemporánea. Enrique Vila-Matas y Juan Gabriel Vásquez a la luz del “Exemplo XXXII” de El Conde Lucanor 

    Pizarro Granada, Maite (Date of defense: 2024-02-02)

    [spa] Esta propuesta de investigación se adentra en el mundo de la impostura –entendida como el engaño con apariencia de verdad– y establece una relación de equivalencia entre el “Exemplo XXXII” de El conde Lucanor y seis ...

    Improved Preparative Chemical Methodologies to Address Challenging Targets: Synthetic, Semi-synthetic and Multicomponent Approaches 

    Pedrola Teixell, Marina (Date of defense: 2022-07-14)

    In the context of facilitated methodologies for the obtention of bioactive compounds, in this thesis we have explored the possibility of introducing reliable, pot-economic and semi-synthetic approaches in the quest of ...

    Improvement of seasonal forecasting techniques applied to water resources and forest fires 

    Marcos Matamoros, Raül (Date of defense: 2016-02-09)

    This thesis studies the benefits of different calibration approaches on seasonal forecasting and the improvement of seasonal prognosis of water resources and forest fires. Droughts and wildfires are an inherent problem to ...

    Improving diagnostic strategies for latent tuberculosis infection in populations at risk for developing active disease 

    Muñoz López, Laura (Date of defense: 2017-06-19)

    BACKGROUND Latent tuberculosis infection (LTBI) management is a crucial component of tuberculosis prevention in high-risk individuals. A global approach including diagnosis and treatment completion ensures good ...

    Improving islet-graft revascularization 

    Alves Figueiredo, Hugo Jorge (Date of defense: 2018-06-29)

    El trasplante de islotes ha sido reconocido como una prometedora opción de tratamiento de la diabetes tipo 1 (DT1) tras la introducción del protocolo de Edmonton, el cual enfatiza el requerimiento de un adecuado número de ...

    Improving Performance and Interpretability in Recognizing Facial Action Units with Deep Neural Networks 

    Corneanu, Cipiran Adrian (Date of defense: 2019-12-13)

    Facial expressions are vital ways of communication between humans in social contexts. They are used as conversational markers and they convey information about affective and cognitive state. Many applications would benefit ...

    Improving Self-Regulation for Learning in EFL Writing in Secondary Education in Blended Environments 

    de Salvador de Arana, Núria (Date of defense: 2018-07-09)

    This study aims at improving English as a Foreign Language (EFL) writing instruction at secondary level by implementing a blended instructional design that may foster self-regulation through public online learning diaries ...

    Improving the description of protein-protein association energy 

    Romero Durana, Miguel Alfonso (Date of defense: 2018-11-26)

    Proteins play a crucial role in virtually every biological process taking place within our cells. Most of the times, proteins do not participate in these processes alone but forming complexes of two or more proteins. ...

    Impulsivity and compulsivity as transdiagnostic clinical features in gambling and eating disorders 

    Mestre-Bach, Gemma (Date of defense: 2019-03-04)

    Dimensional theoretical models suggest that gambling disorder and eating disorders have two essential shared risk factors: impulsivity and compulsivity. In order to delve into the association between these factors, the ...

    Imputación extraordinaria. Elementos conceptuales y normativos para un modelo de responsabilidad jurídico-penal 

    Valiente Ivañez, Vicente (Date of defense: 2018-06-02)

    La presente investigación pretende ofrecer elementos conceptuales y normativos para demostrar el rendimiento explicativo de un modelo de imputación extraordinaria. Este modelo es aplicable a varios grupos de casos que se ...

    In Defense of Implicit Times 

    Rey Sampedro, David Alejandro (Date of defense: 2016-12-20)

    The present dissertation explores the hypothesis that English is a language with time-shifting grammatical devices. According to this hypothesis, the linguistic objects of English grammar which serve as the inputs to ...

    In loco horroris et vastae solitudine? Necròpolis i poblament entre els segles V I XII a l'ager tarraconensis occidental/Camp de Tarragona, Conca de Barberà i Priorat 

    Menchon i Bes, Joan Josep (Date of defense: 2021-03-16)

    Es presenta un estudi de l'evolució del poblament del sector occidental de l'ager tarraconensis (comarques del Camp De Tarragona, Conca de Barberà i Priorat) entre els segles V i XII a partir de les necròpolis. Es tracta ...