Ara mostrant els elements 9-28 de 43

    Development of a New Parallel Code for 3-D Joint Refraction and Reflection Travel-Time Tomography of Wide-Angle Seismic Data. Synthetic and Real Data Applications to the Study of Subduction Zones 

    Meléndez i Catalán, Adrià (Data de defensa: 2014-12-19)

    This dissertation is devoted to seismic tomography. I have implemented a new modelling tool for 3-D joint refraction and reflection travel-time tomography of wide-angle seismic data (TOMO3D). The reason behind this central ...

    Development of GasChromatographic/Mass Spectrometric procedures and Synchroton Radiation based techniques for the study of painting materials in works of art 

    Lluveras Tenorio, Anna (Data de defensa: 2009-06-30)

    El estudio de muestras de pintura persigue diferentes objetivos. Por un lado, identificar los materiales y técnica de la pintura de una época y por lo tanto el know-how de un período histórico. Por otra parte, estudiar la ...

    Diel feeding rhythms in marine protistan grazers 

    Arias Bulbena, Anna (Data de defensa: 2020-09-10)

    Protistan grazers are a key component of marine planktonic food webs. These marine protists are the major grazers of pelagic primary production in the oceans and, therefore, they display a crucial role in marine ...

    Effects of CO2 and long day length on primary productivity in the Arctic Ocean: a perspective on climate change = Efectos del CO2 y largos fotoperiodos en la productividad primaria del Océano Ártico: una perspectiva sobre el cambio climático 

    Sanz Martín, Marina (Data de defensa: 2018-03-09)

    Climate change, caused by anthropogenic emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) and other greenhouse gasses into the atmosphere, is producing profound impacts on ecosystems. The Arctic Ocean is one of the most vulnerable regions ...

    Estrategias del procesado y análisis espectral de datos sísmicos para el estudio de procesos dinámicos en oceanografía física 

    Mojica Moncada, Jhon Fredy (Data de defensa: 2015-11-04)

    La circulación oceánica de gran escala se encuentra relacionada con la pequeña escala a través de los procesos turbulentos, los cuales hacen posible el intercambio de energía cinética. Alrededor de la frecuencia de Coriolis, ...

    Estructura del Massís del Gaià: relacions estructurals amb les fosses del Penedès i del Camp de Tarragona 

    Amigó i Mitjana, Jordi (Data de defensa: 1986-01-01)

    [cat] L'estudi previ d'una part del contacte entre el Massís del Gaià i la fossa del Penedès (AMIGÓ, 1983) va donar com a resultat l'aportació d'una sèrie de dades referents a l'estructura i evolució cinemàtica de les ...

    Experimental and numerical study of chemo-hydro-mechanical effects of CO2 injection on permeable limestone 

    Vafaie, Atefeh (Data de defensa: 2023-07-07)

    [eng] Carbon capture and storage (CCS) in saline aquifers is a proven technology aimed at reducing atmospheric CO2 emissions and mitigating the climate change crisis. CO2 injection acidifies the formation water inducing ...

    Geophysical constraints on the nature of geological domains of continental rifted margins: examples from the West Iberia margin and Ligurian Basin 

    Merino Perez, Irene (Data de defensa: 2021-10-22)

    In this PhD work, we carry out a geophysical and geological study of two classical examples of rifted continental margins: the Gulf of Lions (GoL), located in the Western Mediterranean, and the Tagus Abyssal Plain (TAP), ...

    Geophysical evidence of the preparedness for a volcanic eruption: El Hierro 2011-2012 

    López Moreno, Carmen (Data de defensa: 2017-09-05)

    The observational data recorded by the monitoring networks during El Hierro 2011-2012 volcanic unrest and eruption, allowed us to conduct a study of the volcanic eruptive phenomena with that wide view. The lack of previous ...

    Hydrmagmatic monogenetic volcanism in continental and oceanic island enronments 

    Pedrazzi, Dario (Data de defensa: 2014-03-07)

    Monogenetic volcanism is characterized by a large diversity of eruptive styles, morphologies and deposits. Monogenetic landforms are the result of a complex merging of internal (magma composition, vesiculation) and external ...

    Inversion of multichannel seismic data by combination of travel-time and full-waveform tomography 

    Gras Andreu, Clàudia (Data de defensa: 2019-11-08)

    This thesis presents the implementation and application of a procedure combining different geophysical techniques to extract high-resolution information that helps characterizing the structure and properties (p-wave velocity, ...

    Links Between Dimethylated Sulfur and Phytoplankton Photophysiology in the Surface Ocean Geographical Paterns and Short-Term Variability = Relación entre el Dimetilsulfuro y la Fotofsiología del Fitoplancton en la Superfcie del Océano. Patrones Geográfcos y Variabilidad a Corto Plazo 

    Royer, Sarah-Jeanne (Data de defensa: 2015-03-02)

    Dimethylsulfide (DMS) and its algal metabolite precursor, dimethylsulfoproprionate (DMSP), are major players in the oceanic and atmospheric sulfur cycle. DMS is the most abundant volatile organic sulfur compound in the ...

    Mid-Late Pleistocene glacial dynamics in the Valira valleys (Principality of Andorra). Asymmetries within the Pyrenees and correlation across the westernmost European mountain ranges 

    Turu, Valentín (Data de defensa: 2023-04-24)

    [eng] Many sediment-covered mountain areas affected by the growth of Pleistocene glaciers are over-consolidated. Palaeoglacial conditions are deduced from glacial consolidation and site investigations. Geomorphological evidence ...

    No-take fishery reserves for restoring overexploited deep-sea habitats: the case of the Norway lobster Nephrops norvegicus in the northwestern Mediterranean Sea 

    Vigo Fernandez, Maria (Data de defensa: 2023-10-30)

    [eng] In September 2017, a no-take fishery reserve was established in the deep waters of the northwestern Mediterranean Sea, specifically focused on recovering the Norway lobster (Nephrops norvegicus) population. The main ...

    Non Stationary Magnetotelluric Data Processing 

    Neukirch, Maik (Data de defensa: 2014-07-01)

    Studies have proven that the desired signal for Magnetotellurics (MT) in the electromagnetic (EM) field can be regarded as 'quasi stationary' (i.e. sufficiently stationary to apply a windowed Fourier transform). However, ...

    North Atlantic Oscillation imprints in the Central Iberian Peninsula for the last two millennia: from ordination analyses to the Bayesian approach 

    Sánchez López, Giomar (Data de defensa: 2016-09-16)

    The climate variability of the Iberian Peninsula (IP) can be explained in terms of relatively few large-scale atmospheric modes, such as the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO), the East Atlantic (EA) and the Scandinavian ...

    Occurrence, Transport and Fate of Persistent Organic Pollutants in the Global Ocean = Presencia, Transporte y Destino de Contaminantes Orgánicos Persistentes en el Océano Global 

    González-Gaya, Belén (Data de defensa: 2015-10-02)

    The Open Ocean has been recognized as playing a key role on global dynamics of pollutants due to its large coverage of the planet surface, its high degradation potential and its sink and accumulation capacities towards ...

    Origen de la estructura de la caldera Cañas Dulces y su relación con el recurso geotérmico de alta entalpía 

    Molina Zúñiga, Fernando (Data de defensa: 2017-09-27)

    El ambiente geotectónico en que se ubica Costa Rica, ha permitido el desarrollo de un arco volcánico activo, contexto geológico que favorece la formación de sistemas hidrotermales con potencial geotérmico; fuente de energía ...

    The origin and tectono-sedimentary structure of the Alboran Basin 

    Gómez de la Peña, Laura (Data de defensa: 2017-06-08)

    In this PhD thesis we present a geophysical study of the westernmost Mediterranean basin: the Alboran Basin. This basin is located between the Iberian Peninsula and North Africa, and it is surrounded by the Betics and Rif ...

    Pore pressure build-up in mixed contourite-turbidite systems: the SW Iberian margin 

    Mencaroni, Davide (Data de defensa: 2022-02-25)

    Contourite drifts are the depositional expression of bottom currents, which are capable of shaping the morphology of the seafloor by transporting, eroding and reworking marine sediments, and are distributed on continental ...