Now showing items 5523-5542 of 5567

    Voltage-source-inverters with legs connected in parallel 

    Capellá Frau, Gabriel José (Date of defense: 2015-03-26)

    The number of applications that require the use of power converters has been continually increasing in the last years on account of environmental and economical concerns. The power to be processed by these converters has ...

    La voluntad moderna en la vivienda unifamiliar : Caracas 1945-1965 

    Campos Arévalo, María Antonia (Date of defense: 2016-01-27)

    The first political trame of the Venezuela urban history, established by "La Comisión Municipal de Urbanismo"in 1937;"La Dirección de Urbanismo","El Plan Monumental de Caracas' in 1939 and the 1952 and 1954 Caracas planimetry ...

    Vom Bau der Kirche : formulazioni teoriche e strategie compositive di Rudolf Schwarz 

    Drago, Samuel Joseph (Date of defense: 2016-01-27)

    Despite Rudolf Schwarz is one of the leading figures of contemporary architecture, he is also one of the lesser-known both in his country and outside. However, to quote the words of Mies van der Rohe, the baumeister ...

    Vulnerabilidad del diámetro de ciertas familias de grafos 

    Simó Mezquita, Ester (Date of defense: 1995-07-14)

    En este trabajo hemos realizado un estudio completo sobre la vulnerabilidad del diámetro de dos familias de grafos:<br/><br/>Los grafos impares y los n-cubo plegados. En el caso de los grafos impares, hemos probado que la ...

    Vulnerabilidad sísmica de edificaciones esenciales. Análisis de su contribución al riesgo sísmico 

    Safina Melone, Salvador (Date of defense: 2003-02-21)

    El presente trabajo se dedica al estudio de la vulnerabilidad y riesgo sísmico de las edificaciones esenciales. Se destaca la relevante función que desempeñan en la atención y gestión de la emergencia debido a sismos y la ...

    Vulnerabilidad sísmica de edificios de acero 

    Bermúdez Mejía, Carlos Alberto (Date of defense: 2010-10-08)

    En esta tesis se aplican los métodos estático no lineal y dinámico no lineal en el edificio prototipo y en otros seis representativos de las principales subclases de las estructuras de acero. Como resultado se expresan los ...

    Vulnerabilidad sísmica en edificaciones porticadas compuestas de acero y hormigón armado 

    Ugel Garrido, Ronald David (Date of defense: 2015-09-18)

    In this study it was assessed the seismic behavior of framed buildings with composite structure of steel and reinforced concrete (RC) in a specific configuration formed with lower levels with RC (primary structure) and ...

    Vulnerabilidad y daño sísmico de edificios porticados de hormigón armado, irregulares en planta, en Barquisimeto, Venezuela 

    Herrera Gonzalez, Reyes Indira (Date of defense: 2017-03-31)

    In this research, the seismic response, the vulnerability and the expected damage in rein-forced concrete residential buildings, with irregular plants, are analyzed. This irregularity is mainly due to inbound and outbound ...

    Vulnerabilidad y riesgo sísmico de edificios. Aplicación a entornos urbanos en zonas de amenaza alta y moderada. 

    Bonett Díaz, Ricardo León (Date of defense: 2003-12-15)

    Las nuevas tendencias en la Ingeniería Sísmica, reconocen la necesidad de evaluar la vulnerabilidad de los edificios en entornos urbanos. De hecho, es allí donde se concentra la mayor parte de la población mundial, las ...

    Wake-up radio systems : design, development, performance evaluation and comparison to conventional medium access control protocols for wireless sensor networks 

    Oller i Bosch, Joaquim (Date of defense: 2015-03-06)

    During the recent years, the research related to Wake-up Radio (WuR) systems has gained noticeable interest. In WuR systems, a node initiating a communication first sends a Wake-up Call (WuC) by means of its Wake-up ...

    Walking with virtual humans : understanding human response to virtual humanoids' appearance and behaviour while navigating in immersive VR 

    Ríos Jerez, Alejandro (Date of defense: 2022-02-17)

    In this thesis, we present a set of studies whose results have allowed us to analyze how to improve the realism, navigation, and behaviour of the avatars in an immersive virtual reality environment. In our simulations, ...

    Wassily kandinsky y la evolución de la forma: fundamentos teóricos para presenciar el espacio y el tiempo 

    Maltas i Mercader, Antoni (Date of defense: 2009-11-09)

    ¿Es posible abordar cuestiones pictóricas en Kandinsky en función del tiempo más bien que del espacio?, ¿cómo puede el tiempo ser la medida de un trabajo de Kandinsky cuando lo pictórico se manifiesta básicamente por una ...

    Water mass variability in the eastern South Pacific and the ventilation of the oxygen minimum zone 

    Llanillo del Río, Pedro José (Date of defense: 2014-10-29)

    This dissertation aims at extending our knowledge of the ESP OMZ through two main approaches. The first approach is based on tracer analysis and inverse modeling techniques. Such techniques are applied to hydrographic ...

    Water resources assessment in cold regions: the Upper Tuul River basin, Mongolia 

    Dandar, Enkhbayar (Date of defense: 2017-06-23)

    Groundwater withdrawals are growing in most developing countries, including Mongolia, where freshwater resources are limited and unevenly distributed, and most surface waters are frozen during winter. Groundwater represents ...

    Water service delivery solutions in rural and peri-urban areas in developing countries : are public-public partnerships a valuable alternative to private sector participation? 

    Avolio, Ciro (Date of defense: 2016-11-18)

    This dissertation will focus on the analysis of water and sanitation service delivery solutions in the context of peri-urban and rural areas. In particular, it will investigate if public-public partnerships (PuPs) can ...

    The water-energy-food nexus to tackle climate change in Morocco 

    Barbarà Mir, Laia (Date of defense: 2020-11-12)

    The water, energy and food nexus is a theoretical approach to better understand and systematically examine the interactions between the natural environment and human activities, and to work towards a more organized management ...

    Wave propagation problems with aeroacoustic applications 

    Espinoza Román, Héctor Gabriel (Date of defense: 2015-05-08)

    The present work is a compilation of the research produced in the field of wave propagation modeling. It contains in-depth analysis of stability, convergence, dispersion and dissipation of spatial, temporal and spatial-temporal ...

    WDM/TDM PON bidirectional networks single-fiber/wavelength RSOA-based ONUs layer 1/2 optimization 

    López Pastor, Eduardo Tommy (Date of defense: 2013-09-12)

    This Thesis proposes the design and the optimization of a hybrid WDM/TDM PON at the L1 (PHY) and L2 (MAC) layers, in terms of minimum deployment cost and enhanced performance for Greenfield NGPON. The particular case of ...

    Weak value amplification : new insights and applications 

    Salazar Serrano, Luis José (Date of defense: 2016-10-13)

    Weak Value Amplification (WVA) is a signal enhancement technique proposed in 1988 by Aharonov, Albert, and Vaidman that has been widely used to measure tiny changes that otherwise cannot be determined because of technical ...

    Wear mechanisms in press hardening of boron steel : identification and laboratory study 

    Pujante Agudo, Jaume (Date of defense: 2015-12-21)

    Press hardening, also known as hot stamping, is a hot sheet metal forming technique which allows producing lightweight components with complex geometry and outstanding mechanical properties. For this reason, use of press ...