Now showing items 2830-2849 of 5621


    Payaró Llisterri, Miquel (Date of defense: 2007-02-14)

    Al llarg d'aquesta última dècada, s'ha produit un creixement constant en la demanda d'elevades taxes de transmissió de dades que han de suportar les aplicacions sobre comunicacions sense fils. Entre les diferents solucions ...

    Impact of imperfections on correlation-based quantum information protocols 

    Passaro, Elsa (Date of defense: 2016-05-30)

    Quantum information science is a rapidly evolving field both from the theoretical and the experimental viewpoint, motivated by the fact that protocols exploiting quantum resources can perform tasks that are unfeasible in ...

    The impact of open spaces in the social life : the case of Jeddah, Saudi Arabia 

    Summan, Maher Mafoz A. (Date of defense: 2019-12-04)

    This study discusses social life in public open spaces within an urban context of Jeddah city, by examining the quality and design of these spaces. Jeddah is a multicultural city, with a high proportion of immigrant ...

    Impact of rail infrastructure charging systems implemented in europe on the competitiveness of high speed services 

    Sánchez Borràs, Marta (Date of defense: 2009-07-21)

    European railways have been immersed since the nineties in a restructuring process aimed at improving the effectiveness, quality and economic efficiency of the provision of railway services, as well as stimulating the ...

    Impact of solar PV plants with synchronous power controllers on power system stability 

    Remón Rodríguez, Daniel (Date of defense: 2017-12-19)

    The irruption of renewable energy sources with power electronics interfaces is transforming power systems. To minimize the possible adverse effects that these generating systems may have on the power grid, transmission ...

    Impacte ambiental de la valorització d’un residu industrial aviari per a l’obtenció de materials compòsits 

    Molins Duran, Gemma (Date of defense: 2023-12-18)

    (English) Chicken meat production has increased in recent years and is expected to continue growing, which also increases the generation of waste from the poultry industry. Chicken feathers (PlP) are one of these wastes ...

    Impacte dels canvis anatòmics sobre la distribució de dosi en els pacients amb càncer de cap i coll tractats amb 3DCRT i IMRT 

    Beltrán Vilagrasa, Mercè (Date of defense: 2012-12-14)

    En aquesta tesi s’estudien les implicacions dosimètriques que comporten els canvis anatòmics que pateixen els pacients afectats de càncer de cap i coll (CCC) durant el tractament de radioteràpia (RT). L’estudi es realitza ...

    El impacto de la arquitectura del comercio urbano: los diferentes formatos arquitectónicos de venta al detalle y su repercusión medioambiental 

    Olaya Cotrino, Adriana Marcela (Date of defense: 2010-10-18)

    El comercio urbano es el punto de conexión entre la producción y el consumo, el entorno a través del cual los flujos de productos transcurren desde su fabricación hasta las manos del consumidor. Y la arquitectura constituye ...

    Impacto de la capacitación en negociación de los graduados de MBAs y maestrías especializadas en su gestión laboral 

    Talavera Velásquez, Óscar Reynaldo (Date of defense: 2015-11-09)

    The thesis seeks to determine the impact of training in negotiation among graduates of MBA and specialized masters programs in a business and graduate school in Peru on their professional life inside and outside of their ...

    Impactos sociales y económicos de las infraestructuras de transporte viario: estudio comparativo de dos ejes, el "Eix Transversal de Catalunya" y la Carretera MEX120 en México 

    Obregón Biosca, Saúl Antonio (Date of defense: 2008-07-03)

    Las carreteras son una pieza clave en el desarrollo económico y social en el territorio de cualquier país. Por un lado, la red de transporte es la mayor decisión estructurante del territorio, pues el efecto de las carreteras ...

    Implementation and evaluation of the circular economy model in the construction and demolition waste sector 

    López Ruiz, Luis Alberto (Date of defense: 2021-12-02)

    Construction and demolition waste (CDW) is a major environmental concern that requires immediate attention. The large volumes of CDW produced and its associated environmental effects have led to explore new alternatives ...

    Implementation of differential self-mixing interferometry systems for the detection of nanometric vibrations 

    Azcona Guerrero, Francisco Javier (Date of defense: 2018-07-20)

    In this Thesis, we explore Self-mixing interferometry (SMI ), a method capable of producing high resolution optical path related measurements in a simple, compact and cost-effective way. Even with a notably less complex ...

    Implementation, development and evaluation of the gas-phase chemistry within the Global/Regional NMMB/BSC Chemical Transport Model (NMMB/BSC-CTM) 

    Badia i Moragas, Alba (Date of defense: 2014-12-12)

    Air pollution is a serious issue that affects human health, the environment and the climate at levels from local to global scales. The main processes that affect air pollution levels are: emissions, chemistry, transport ...

    Implicaciones de la integración de los sistemas de gestión de calidad, medio ambiente y seguridad y salud laboral basados en estándares internacionales 

    Abad Puente, Jesús (Date of defense: 2011-10-28)

    From the proposed conceptualization of the construct ¿integration of management systems¿ like a ¿semantic diffused universe¿, based on the multidisciplinary confluence in its field of study, this thesis deal with three key ...

    Implicaciones del calcio extracelular y su receptor en mebrana (CaSR) en la angiogénesis y la osteogénesis. Relevancia en ingeniería tisular. 

    González Vázquez, Arlyng Gyveth (Date of defense: 2013-09-26)

    Bone injury is a major health problem nowadays. Bone tissue engineering is a promising strategy to solve it. In this field many reports pointed out the role of scaffolds containing a calcium phosphate glass, such as G5, ...

    Implicacions dels mercats de futurs i opcions sobre bestiar en viu: anàlisi de la possibilitat d'implantació en territori català 

    Torres i Feixas, Carles (Date of defense: 2001-04-27)

    Quan es planteja la possibilitat d'implantació d'un mercat de futurs i opcions sobre bestiar en viu es requereix conèixer les implicacions que comporten i, a més a més, els condicionants de l'entorn per determinar la ...

    Impresión 3D cerámica de densidad variable controlada 

    Aguilar Urquidez, Pavel (Date of defense: 2024-02-26)

    (English) This doctoral thesis aims to develop an Additive Manufacturing technique for the production of Ceramic Building Elements with controlled variable density. The research seeks to provide an alternative to the ...

    Improved condition monitoring of hydraulic turbines based on artificial intelligence techniques 

    Zhao, Weiqiang (Date of defense: 2021-07-21)

    As a type of renewable energy that can provide rapid response to the requirement of the power grid, hydropower plays a fairly important position in the energy market. In recent years, with the enormous entrance of new ...

    Improved control for multilevel inverters in grid applications 

    Hofmann, Martin (Date of defense: 2018-09-27)

    Control systems for three-phase grid connected voltage source inverters (VSI) play an important role in energy transformation systems . They are expected to be stable, robust and accurate during steady state as well as ...