Now showing items 1-20 of 143

    3D Partial scans models for people recognition with a RGB-D sensor 

    Trejo Ramírez, Karla Andrea (Date of defense: 2020-01-22)

    Research developed in this thesis is motivated by a vision of a future where social activities and personalized services are delivered in intelligent environments, entering a new era of more natural and wholesome human-machine ...

    A mixed qualitative quantitative self-learning classification technique applied to situation assessment in industrial process control 

    Aguado, Juan Carlos (Date of defense: 1998-12-22)

    Aquesta memòria s'ha escrit amb l'ànim d'exposar els punts de vista i els resultats nous que l'autor ha pogut obtenir. No s'hi troba, per tant, una descripció detallada de tots els temes que conformen la teoria dels operadors ...

    A socio-technical approach for assistants in human-robot collaboration in industry 4.0 

    Chacón Encalada, Luis Alejandro (Date of defense: 2022-07-08)

    The introduction of technologies disruptive of Industry 4.0 in the workplace integrated through human cyber-physical systems causes operators to face new challenges. These are reflected in the increased demands presented ...

    Absorbed dose assessment in the presence of tissue heterogeneities in external radiotherapy 

    Bueno Vizcarra, Marta (Date of defense: 2013-12-13)

    The absorbed dose assessment in the presence of tissue heterogeneities in external radiotherapy is an issue that has concerned the medical physics community for almost three decades and it is still a matter of concern. ...

    Active power sharing and frequency regulation in inverter-based islanded microgrids subject to clock drifts, damage in power links and loss of communications 

    Rosero Chandi, Carlos Xavier (Date of defense: 2020-02-06)

    Microgrids (MGs) are small-scale power systems containing storage elements, loads and distributed generators that are interfaced with the electric network via power electronic inverters. When an MG is in islanded mode, its ...

    Adaptive control for wearable robots in human-centered rehabilitation tasks 

    Rajasekaran, Vijaykumar (Date of defense: 2015-12-22)

    Robotic rehabilitation therapies have been improving by providing the needed assistance to the patient, in a human-centered environment, and also helping the therapist to choose the necessary procedure. This thesis presents ...

    Advanced bioimpedance signal processing techniques for hemodynamic monitoring during anesthesia 

    Escrivá Muñoz, Jesús (Date of defense: 2018-05-10)

    Cardiac output (CO) defines the blood flow arriving from the heart to the different organs in the body and it is thus a primary determinant of global 02 transport. Cardiac output has traditionally been measured using ...

    Advances in planning and control for autonomous vehicles 

    Alcalá Baselga, Eugenio (Date of defense: 2020-03-24)

    This thesis presents some advances to the state of the art of state estimation, automatic control and trajectory planning fields applied to autonomous vehicles. Such contributions have a common aspect throughout the thesis, ...

    AI-enhanced cyber-physical systems in automotive industry : integration of CPS and application artificial intelligence technologies in automotive paint shop process 

    Sanz Gràcia, Elma (Date of defense: 2023-11-09)

    (English) Transformation of industrial processes to embrace Industry 4.0 revolution needs to use data: valuable data from different data sources, labelled data, semantic layers, metadata to understand better, universes, ...

    Analysis and design of real-time control systems with varying control timing constraints 

    Martí Colom, Pau (Date of defense: 2002-07-26)

    L'anàlisi i el disseny dels sistemes de control de temps real és una tasca complexa, que requereix la integració de dues disciplines, la dels sistemes de control i la dels sistemes de temps real. Tradicionalment però, els ...

    Analysis of forearm muscles activity by means of new protocols of multichannel EMG signal recording and processing 

    Rojas Martínez, Mónica (Date of defense: 2012-12-20)

    Los movimientos voluntarios del cuerpo son controlados por el sistema nervioso central y periférico a través de la contracción de los músculos esqueléticos. La contracción se inicia al liberarse un neurotransmisor sobre ...

    Analysis of the cardiovascular response to autonomic nervous system modulation in Brugada syndrome patients 

    Calvo González, Mireia (Date of defense: 2017-11-10)

    Brugada syndrome (BS) is a genetic arrhythmogenic disease characterized by a distinctive electrocardiographic pattern, associated with a high risk for sudden cardiac death (SCD) due to ventricular fibrillation (VF) in ...

    Analysis of the Interlimb similarity of motor patterns for improving stroke assessment and neurorehabilitation 

    Urra, Oiane (Date of defense: 2016-10-27)

    Stroke is the leading cause of adult disability, with upper limb hemiparesis being one of the most common consequences. Regaining voluntary arm movement is one of the major goals of rehabilitation. However, even with ...

    Anàlisi de patrons funcional i estructurals en la regulació del calci en les cèl·lules cardíaques 

    Nolla Colomer, Carme (Date of defense: 2021-05-28)

    In 2019 the data published by the World Health Organization showed that the cardiac ischemia is the first cause of death worldwide. These diseases are caused by irregularities of the contractile mechanism’s function, ...

    Análisis de complejidad de sistema respiratorio para la ayuda al diagnóstico de patologías 

    González Obregón, Carlos Hernán (Date of defense: 2002-10-11)

    Este trabajo se inspira en la importancia que en el sostenimiento de la vida posee el sistema respiratorio humano, unido a la necesidad de aumentar la información sobre su funcionamiento dinámico y de elemento integrador ...

    Análisis de la actividad muscular respiratoria mediante técnicas temporales,frecuenciales y estadísticas 

    Mañanas Villanueva, Miguel Ángel (Date of defense: 1999-11-08)

    La enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica (EPOC) es la enfermedad crónica de los pulmones más común representando una causa importante de incapacidad y de muerte. La actividad respiratoria está definida en gran medida por ...

    Análisis de la interacción cardíaca y respiratoria en pacientes con cardiomiopatía y pacientes en proceso de extubación 

    Arcentales Viteri, Andrés Ricardo (Date of defense: 2015-10-27)

    Study and evaluation of patients with heart failure related with ischemic and dilated cardiomyopathy is interesting for the clinical practice. Similarly, the analysis of the behavior of the respiratory system of patients ...

    Angular variation as a monocular cue for spatial percepcion 

    Navarro Toro, Agustín Alfonso (Date of defense: 2009-06-18)

    Monocular cues are spatial sensory inputs which are picked up exclusively from one eye. They are in majority static features that provide depth information and are extensively used in graphic art to create realistic ...

    Aportaciò a la detecció de simetries en imatges amb projecció ortogràfica 

    Marès Martí, Pere (Date of defense: 2002-06-11)

    El mètode de detecció de simetria local de reflexió que es presenta, pretén ser una aportació més a la recerca en visió per computador i la robòtica. Com és sabut haches camps d'aplicació impliquen considerar el temps de ...

    Aportació a la descripció i seguiment de camins navegables en entorns naturals a partir de l'anàlisi de regions en seqüències d'imatges 

    Fernández Ruzafa, Josep (Date of defense: 1998-03-20)

    El objetivo principal fijado al inicio de esta tesis era la definición de una metodología para la descripción y seguimiento de caminos mal o débilmente estructurados (como por ejemplo los caminos de montaña, agrícolas o ...