Ara mostrant els elements 1-20 de 104
Amorim, Samuel (Data de defensa: 2012-05-14)
Human and economic losses caused by landslides have attracted the interest of the scientific community for the identification of the threatened areas and preventing their consequences. The goal of the landslide susceptibility ...
Aguilar Meléndez, Armando (Data de defensa: 2011-07-23)
In the present work a probabilistic methodology to estimate the seismic risk of buildings in urban areas is proposed. The seismic risk obtained through this methodology is expressed in terms of annual probabilities of ...
Sánchez Castilla, Marcelo (Data de defensa: 2004-07-07)
El análisis de problemas Termo-Hidro-Mecánicos (THM) en medios de baja permeabilidad es un problema complejo en el cual confluyen diversos factores. Esta Tesis está orientada principalmente al estudio de procesos THM ...
Domènech i Surinyach, Guillem (Data de defensa: 2015-10-14)
Due to the exponential grown of the population within the last decades, the landslide hazard assessment of earthflows and rockfalls and their hazard mapping have become an essential tool for the territory management, mostly ...
Offeddu, Francesco G. (Data de defensa: 2015-10-30)
Waters from mines (acid mine drainage-AMD), contain elevated concentrations of SO-24, Fe and other contaminant metals, which can persist in the environment during centuries. The purpose of AMD treatments is to retain metals ...
Ugel Garrido, Ronald David (Data de defensa: 2015-09-18)
In this study it was assessed the seismic behavior of framed buildings with composite structure of steel and reinforced concrete (RC) in a specific configuration formed with lower levels with RC (primary structure) and ...
Henri, Christopher (Data de defensa: 2015-07-09)
Human impact on groundwater resources has led to a rapid growth of social concerns worldwide owing to an increasing presence of toxic chemicals released in the subsurface. Risk assessment provides the scientific tool needed ...
Gran Esforzado, Meritxell (Data de defensa: 2015-05-27)
Unsaturated flow plays an important role in numerous environmental phenomena. It is complex in arid regions, where liquid water fluxes are small and vapor fluxes become relevant, so that heat, water and solute mass transport ...
Levatti, Hector Ulises (Data de defensa: 2015-04-28)
This thesis focuses on the experimental and numerical study of the desiccation processes of low-plasticity clayey soils that usually result in shrinkage and often in cracking. A comprehensive state of the art that defines ...
García Ríos, María (Data de defensa: 2015-03-13)
A test site for CO2 geological storage is situated in Hontomín (Burgos, northern Spain) with a reservoir rock that is mainly composed of limestone (80-85%) and sandstone (15-20%). The reservoir rock is a deep saline aquifer ...
Montaña Peña, Miguel Ángel (Data de defensa: 2015-02-09)
A number of mid-height steel buildings have been erected recently in Bogotá. Their seismic risk might be high, given the new microzonation of Bogotá and the lack of comprehensive previous studies; noticeably, the response ...
Jurado Elices, Anna (Data de defensa: 2013-10-21)
Ensuring good water quality is becoming a major challenge in urban areas. Urban aquifers may suffer pollution from different recharge sources such as water leakage from sewer and septic systems, seepage from rivers, seawater ...
Ramon Tarragona, Anna (Data de defensa: 2014-10-27)
Geological formations containing sulphates are commonly associated with the development of severe expansions when they are involved in tunnel excavation. The intensity of the observed expansive behaviour in these materials ...
Portilla Gamboa, Modesto Eusebio (Data de defensa: 2014-10-28)
En este documento de Tesis Doctoral, se presenta la recopilación, reconstrucción y análisis de los inventarios de movimientos en masa (MM) y los campos de lluvias para tres eventos históricos en los Pirineos, de los que ...
González Páez, Claudia Verónica (Data de defensa: 2014-10-20)
Una base de datos de 33 km de registros de túnel de EPB en la zona de Barcelona se ha examinado en detalle desde el punto de vista de recambio de herramientas de corte y rendimiento de la excavación mecanizada. La base de ...
Espinosa Martínez, Sara (Data de defensa: 2014-09-29)
To test the applicability of atmospheric chloride deposition balance and soil water balance in the estimation of aquifer recharge , the chosen area is Vall Baixa de I'Ebre. This is a coastal area of semi-arid climate, which ...
Butlanska, Joanna (Data de defensa: 2014-07-21)
Cone penetration test (CPT) is a fast and reliable site investigation tool for exploring soils and soft ground. While the interpretation of the test results in clay has advanced considerably from a theoretical and numerical ...
Jaramillo Santana, Nayive (Data de defensa: 2014-06-12)
The risk coming from natural hazards is usually assessed in physical terms by estimating the losses they may cause. Nevertheless, the risk assessment can involve such aspects as the lack of economic and social development, ...
Gharibnezhad, Fahit (Data de defensa: 2014-04-07)
This thesis is devoted to present some novel techniques in Structural Health Monitoring (SHM). SHM is a developing field that tries to monitor structures to make sure that they remain in their desired condition to avoid ...
Barahona-Palomo, Marco (Data de defensa: 2014-02-28)
Characterization of aquifers hydraulic parameters is a difficult task that requires field information. Most of the time the hydrogeologist relies on a group of values coming from different test to interpret the hydrogeological ...