Now showing items 173-192 of 230

    Rare earth elements recovery from E-wastes by solvent extraction and supported liquid membrane processes 

    Pavón Regaña, Sandra (Date of defense: 2019-11-28)

    Nowadays, rare earth elements (REEs) have gained importance due to their indispensable and critical use in many high-tech industries like hybrid cars, fluorescent lamps, flat screen televisions, mobile phones, disc drives ...

    Real Time Evolution (RTE) for on-line optimisation of continuous and semi-continuous chemical processes 

    Sequeira, Sebastián Eloy (Date of defense: 2003-07-15)

    En general, el control de procesos es muy eficiente cuando el punto de operación deseado ha sido determinado a priori y el sistema tiene capacidad suficiente para responder a las perturbaciones. Mientras el control de ...

    Recovery of polyphenols by extraction and purification technologies from orange and spinach processing residues 

    Montenegro Landivar, María Fernanda (Date of defense: 2022-09-21)

    The residues resulting from orange and spinach processing, composed mainly by peels and seeds; and leaves, respectively, contain relevant amounts of polyphenols, so they can be used as raw material for recovery natural ...

    Removal of boron from aqueous solutions using biopolymers and composites 

    Demey Cedeño, Hary (Date of defense: 2014-11-25)

    The growing concern over environmental pollution in recent decades has placed increasing focus on research into the development of sustainable processes associated with the removal of contaminants in waters. Water is scarcer ...

    Resines acríliques modificades com a nous productes de readobament i/o adobament sense formol ni fenol 

    Canudas Ventura, Miquel (Date of defense: 2020-07-24)

    The leather manufacturing process consists of a sequence of complex chemical reactions and mechanical processes that allow turning skin, a putrefiable by-product of alimentary industry, into leather, a stable high-value-added ...

    Revestimientos a base de sílica e ácido fosfônico para proteção anticorrosiva da liga de alumínio AA2024-T3 

    Dalmoro, Viviane (Date of defense: 2013-11-04)

    The aluminum alloy AA2024-T3, u sed extensively in the aerospace industry, dueto the heterogeneous microstructures intentionally designed to optím ize the m echanical properties, is very susceptible to localízed corros ...

    Risk analysis of jet fires thermal effects 

    Foroughi, Vahid (Date of defense: 2023-09-20)

    (English) The historical analysis performed has shown that jet fires have been the origin of a high number of domino effect accidents, both in the process industry and in the transportation of flammable fluids by pipelines ...

    The role of superplasticizers and their degradation products on radionuclide mobility 

    García Cobos, David Manuel (Date of defense: 2018-09-20)

    The most widely accepted option for the long-term management of radioactive waste materials considers their disposal in deep underground facilities (examples are Finland, Belgium, France, Sweden, etc.). Such installations ...

    Safety life cycle analysis applied to the engineering of pressure relief valves in process plants 

    Basco Montia, Josep (Date of defense: 2016-02-01)

    Chemical plants and other industrial installations process and store hazardous materials, which represent a certain risk to people, equipment and the environment. Overpressure is one of the most common upsets in process ...

    Self-assembly of phenylalanine derivatives 

    Mayans Tayadella, Enric (Date of defense: 2017-12-18)

    Since the pioneering work of Reches and Gazit in 2003, in which the formation of diphenylalanine (FF) nanotubes in aqueous solution was discovered, significant efforts have been made to develop a new generation of biomaterials ...

    Sewage biogas energy valorization via solid oxide fuel cells 

    Arespacochaga Santiago, Nicolás de (Date of defense: 2015-12-18)

    A more sustainable and secure energy supply is required for the forthcoming generations; where the actual dependence on the fossil fuel reserves should be replaced by self-sufficiency and use of renewable energy resources. ...

    Simulación de estructuras y propiedades de poliamidas helicoidales 

    Zanuy Gómara, David (Date of defense: 2001-05-28)

    Los objetivos que se persiguen la memoria presentada puede desglosarse en dos grandes bloques temáticos, los cuales están estrechamente relacionados.<br/><br/>1) El estudio conformacional y estructural de diferentes ...

    Simulación y desarrollo de reactores catalíticos de membrana para la tecnología del hidrógeno 

    Cifuentes López, Alejandro (Date of defense: 2023-01-19)

    (English) This thesis focuses on the study of the catalytic production of hydrogen from methanol and water. Catalytic production is carried out in a catalytic membrane reactor which manages to produce and purify hydrogen. ...

    Sintesis y caracterización de nuevas poliesteramidas: estudio de sus propiedades 

    Armelín, Elaine (Date of defense: 2002-04-26)

    "Síntesis y caracterización de nuevas poliesteramidas: estudio de sus propiedades."<br/><br/>El estudio de los polímeros biodegradables ha adquirido un gran interés en los últimos años por ser una alternativa al reciclado ...

    Síntesis y caracterización de poliamidas derivadas del ácido tartárico 

    Bou Serra, Jordi (Date of defense: 1994-07-03)

    Con la finalidad de obtener nuevos materiales de altas prestaciones a partir de recursos naturales, la memoria de la tesis "Síntesis y caracterización de poliamidas derivadas del ácido tartárico", presentada por Jordi Bou ...

    Síntesis y caracterización de politartaramidas derivadas de la L-lisina 

    Majó Roca, Mª Antonia (Date of defense: 2003-04-03)

    Dicho trabajo de investigación se basa en la preparación, caracterización y evaluación de propiedades de poliamidas derivadas de la L-lisina y de los ácidos L y D tartáricos, con posibilidades de utilización como polímeros ...

    Síntesis y caracterización de un nuevo polímero conductor basado en biimidazol para pilas de combustible de electrolito polimérico 

    Ortega Marín, María del Carmen (Date of defense: 2016-01-25)

    En esta tesis se sintetiza y caracteriza un nuevo polímero basado en el biimidazol, el poli[4-4'(p-fenilen)-2,2'bi-1H-imidazol] (PBII), con el objetivo de evaluar su viabilidad como polímero conductor en membranas de pilas ...

    Síntesis y caracterización estructural de nuevas poliamidas con unidades monometilénicas. Aplicaciones potenciales en el campo de la biomedicina 

    Franco García, Ma. Lourdes (María Lourdes) (Date of defense: 1994-10-14)

    Se han sintetizado nylons 1,n (n=5,6,7,8,10 y 12); nylons 2/n estadísticos con distintas proporciones de glicina (n=6, 11 y 12) y nylons m,n (m=6,12; n=6) con glicina incorporada secuencialmente y al azar. Los productos ...

    Síntesis, estructura y aplicaciones de poliésteres secuenciales derivados de ácido glicólico y w-hidroxiácidos 

    Martínez Palau, Meritxell (Date of defense: 2008-04-16)

    La creciente demanda de materiales biodegradables para su utilización en el campo de la biomedicina ha incrementado el interés en la síntesis de nuevos polímeros. Los poliésteres alifáticos constituyen el grupo de polímeros ...

    Smart hybrid nanomaterials for biomimetic membranes 

    Lopes Rodrigues, Maximilien (Date of defense: 2019-11-11)

    This thesis focuses on the preparation of nanomaterials made of proteins and polymers. Even though the technology has advanced in the last decades to design new devices at the atomic scale, researchers are still inspired ...