Now showing items 156-175 of 211

    Lucio Costa : o processo de uma modernidade. Arquitetura e projetos na primeira metade do século XX. 

    Brito, Samuel Silva de (Date of defense: 2014-05-08)

    This project deals with the architectural works of Lucio Costa (1902-1998) and his projects built during the decades of the 1920's, 1930's, and 1940's. lnside a historiographical narrativa, we have structured an architectural ...

    Luis García Pardo (1953-1963) : el proyecto como revelación 

    López de Haro, Diego (Date of defense: 2016-01-12)

    Latin American modern architecture experienced, since mid-1950s, a period of ephemeral splendour that would last until mid-1960s. The end of the Second World War was responsible for setting up a new theoretical horizon ...

    Luz del norte 

    Orden, Verónica Analía (Date of defense: 2010-04-27)

    An infinite gray roof with different degrees of transparency is displayed with authority on a Scandinavia made of pieces, fragmented. However, the sky that covers these lands unifies it. The light passes through it and ...

    Mies y Hilberseimer: la metrópolis como ciudad jardín 

    Llobet Ribeiro, Xavier (Date of defense: 2005-05-12)

    In this thesis we discover a model of city developed jointly by the architect Mies van der Rohe and the city planner Ludwig Hilberseimer, which we have called the Metropolis as a Garden City. This name comes from a sketch ...

    Mies' two-way span 

    Mantovani Genari, Eduardo (Date of defense: 2015-07-17)

    The 50' x50' House Project (1951-1952) introduces the construction of a new formal system in the work of Mies van der Rohe (1886-1969): the two-way span buildings. In 1951, at age 65 and after more than a decade in the ...

    "Mitad fábrica mitad convento" : la casa Tàpies 

    Pérez Mañosas, Antoni (Date of defense: 2016-01-12)

    El tema central del treball és la casa que l'arquitecte José Antonio Coderch va projectar per a l'artista Antoni Tàpies i la seva família, en un procés que va durar des de 1960 fins a 1963. Aquesta casa ha estat abastament ...

    Model and context in the Mediterranean basin 

    Tian, Weijia (Date of defense: 2014-04-02)

    The intention of this thesis is to bring a realistic rethinking and test on actual facts and specific conditions of architectural practices in modern period with the aim of discovering the fundamental but rarely mentioned ...

    Modernidad y vigencia en la arquitectura escolar de Barcelona y Valencia (1956-1968) 

    Martínez Marcos, Amaya (Date of defense: 2016-01-22)

    This thesis investigates how school building architecture was developed according to modern principles between 1956 and 1968 in the Mediterranean area (Barcelona and Valencia) as a response to the relationship between form, ...

    New principles and variations in the architecture of Alvar Aalto : Competition entry for the hospital complex of Zagreb, Yugoslavia (1930-1931) 

    Zmijanovic, Vladanka (Date of defense: 2016-06-13)

    The thesis is based on the beginning of the creation of Aalto's architectural language where are observed and analyzed some new principles, one step away from his first projects of "Functionalism", "extracted" from a vast ...

    Notas sobre (des)función en arquitectura 

    Bota, David (Date of defense: 2008-06-03)

    Una historia de la función, el concepto que revolucionó la arquitectura del siglo XX, está aún por escribir; éste permanece tan evidente como impreciso, subentendido como si siempre hubiera estado ahí. Esta tesis propone ...

    Nueva York. Torres que rematan manzanas 

    Cattani, Rudivan Luiz (Date of defense: 2013-06-13)

    La falta de luz y ventilación naturales provocada por las inmensas sombras de los nuevos edificios elevados del Downtown dio lugar a la ley de zonificación de 1916. La normativa reguló alturas, retrocesos aéreos de las ...

    Nuovi interventi sul patrimonio archeologico: Un contributo alla definizione di un'etica del paesaggio = Nuevas intervenciones en el patrimonio arqueológico : una contribución a la definición de una ética del paisaje 

    Bagnato, Vincenzo Paolo (Date of defense: 2014-05-30)

    The interest for archaeological ruins arises periodically ín the course of history and it expresses ít self through a continuous altemating of attitude towards the "ancient": approaching and moving away, memory and ...

    La obra de Xosé Bar Bóo : objetividad y dimensión colectiva 

    Blanco Granado, Jaime (Date of defense: 2016-01-25)

    The study of Xosé Bar Bóo work (1922-1994), has started from two postulates that have become established by different authors: on the one hand, it is considered a paradigm of professional ethics and, on the other hand, the ...

    ODAM: valores modernos e a comfontação com a realidade produtiva 

    Figueiredo Rosa, Edite Maria (Date of defense: 2006-12-15)

    La tesis analiza las ideas de modernidad y su impacto en la transformación de la práctica productiva arquitectónica portuguesa, a través de la especificidad producida por un grupo de arquitectos de Oporto, el ODAM que ...

    L'ofici i l'art en l'obra d'Albert Viaplana : últim quart del segle XX 

    Nacenta Bisquert, Ester (Date of defense: 2015-09-18)

    "Few people outside the profession would recognize Albert Viaplana as the author of some of the major references of contemporary Barcelona, but his trajectory [ ... ] has left a strong mark on the Catalonian city, not only ...

    Oteiza, arquitectura como desocupación espacial 

    Moral Andrés, Fernando (Date of defense: 2007-06-15)

    Jorge Oteiza Embil (Orio, 1908 - San Sebastián, 2003) diseñó diferentes intervenciones en el campo de la arquitectura. Cronológicamente llegamos a encontrar cerca de 25 operaciones de diferente orden y planteamiento. En ...

    Paisatges d'autopista : la seqüència com a lectura paisatgística 

    Vidal-Casanovas, Eugènia (Date of defense: 2016-02-05)

    The motorway is one of the privileged viewpoints of the contemporary landscape. Is it possible, however, to also conceive it as a creator of new landscapes? A landscape not only understood as a geographical space but also ...

    El Panecillo de Quito, de monte-artificio a artefacto urbano 

    Bueno García, Cristina Vanessa (Date of defense: 2023-07-13)

    (English) The urban fabric of many cities, as they grew, engulfed hills found on the edges of their colonial layout. Cities and their inhabitants developed a complex relationship with these protrusions that questioned the ...

    Patio bonito : un barrio sin proyecto 

    Arboleda, Juliana (Date of defense: 2016-01-26)

    The dissertation focuses its study in Patio Bonito, a self-cons tructed neighborhood in the southwest of Bogota city, analyzing both home interiors and public spaces that were built by coliective work. The analysis provides ...

    Patrones arquitectónicos y urbanísticos del turismo en Florianópolis 

    Rivero Martins, Paulo Edi (Date of defense: 2004-06-30)

    La tesis estudia los patrones arquitectónicos y urbanísticos originados por el turismo, a partir de la década de 1950 en Florianópolis-Isla de Santa Catarina. El turismo de masas, surgido después de la segunda guerra ...