Earth remote sensing with SMOS, Aquarius and SMAP missions 

    Pablos Hernández, Miriam (Fecha de defensa: 2016-10-03)

    The first three of a series of new generation satellites operating at L-band microwave frequencies have been launch in the last decade. L-band is particularly sensitive to the presence of water content in the scene under ...

    Efectos de la turbulencia atmosférica en la propagación de ondas electromagnéticas 

    Belmonte Molina, Aniceto (Fecha de defensa: 1995-05-04)

    El trabajo se divide en tres partes: 1) estudio sintético de las técnicas de calculo de los efectos de las fluctuaciones aleatorias del índice de refracción inducidas por la turbulencia atmosférica en la propagación de ...

    Efficient, end-to-end and self-supervised methods for speech processing and generation 

    Pascual De La Puente, Santiago (Fecha de defensa: 2020-01-31)

    Deep learning has affected the speech processing and generation fields in many directions. First, end-to-end architectures allow the direct injection and synthesis of waveform samples. Secondly, the exploration of efficient ...

    Electromagnetic propagation in tunnels 

    Izquierdo Fernández, Benjamín (Fecha de defensa: 2011-09-22)

    Introduction of wireless communications systems in railway communications are at the origin of this thesis. Ifercat, the company in charge of the development of Línia 9 of Barcelona Metro, decided that wireless systems ...

    Empirical Determination of the Sea Surface Emissivity at L-band: A contribution to ESA's SMOS Earth Explorer Mission 

    Villarino Villarino, Ramón María (Fecha de defensa: 2004-09-08)

    El estudio de la medida de la salinidad del océano junto con la humedad del terreno constituyen dos de las aplicaciones más importantes dentro del mundo de la teledetección que no han sido estudiadas hasta la fecha. ...

    Energy and cost management in shared heterogeneous network deployments 

    Oikonomakou, Maria (Fecha de defensa: 2019-04-10)

    During the recent years, a huge augmentation of the data traffic volume has been noticed, while a further steep increase is expected in the following years. As a result, questions have been raised over the years about the ...

    Energy efficient offloading techniques for heterogeneous networks 

    Miliotis, Vasileios (Fecha de defensa: 2016-03-11)

    Mobile data offloading has been proposed as a solution for the network congestion problem that is continuously aggravating due to the increase in mobile data demand. The concept of offloading refers to the exploitation of ...

    Energy-aware service provisioning in P2P-assisted cloud ecosystems 

    Sharifi, Leila (Fecha de defensa: 2016-11-23)

    Energy has been emerged as a first-class computing resource in modern systems. The trend has primarily led to the strong focus on reducing the energy consumption of data centers, coupled with the growing awareness of the ...

    Energy-driven techniques for massive machine-type communications 

    Liesegang Maria, Sergi (Fecha de defensa: 2022-11-07)

    In the last few years, a lot of effort has been put into the development of the fifth generation of cellular networks (5G). Given the vast heterogeneity of devices coexisting in these networks, new approaches have been ...

    Energy-efficient wireless communication schemes and real-time middleware for machine-to-machine networks 

    Predojev, Tatiana (Fecha de defensa: 2014-10-06)

    Esta tesis estudia sistemas Machine-to-Machine (M2M) en los que se ejecutan tareas de manera autónoma sin, o con mínima intervención humana. Los sistemas M2M están formados por dispositivos desplegados en un entorno que ...

    Entrenamiento Disciminativo de Modelos Ocultos de Markov de Unidad Subléxica para su Aplicación a Sistemas de Reconocimiento Automático del Habla Continua 

    Nogueiras Rodríguez, Albino (Fecha de defensa: 1999-11-22)

    En esta tesis se aborda el entrenamiento discriminativo de unidades subléxicas utilizando bases de datos de propósito geneal. Las unidades subléxicas son la base de funcionamiento de los sistemas de reconocimiento de grandes ...

    Estimation and control in energy harvesting wireless communication networks 

    Calvo Fullana, Miguel (Fecha de defensa: 2017-07-25)

    Long thought to be an unattainable ambition, self-sustainable and green-powered wireless networks are rapidly becoming a reality. This is driven by recent hardware improvements in what is known as Energy Harvesting (EH). ...

    Estudi, anàlisi, disseny i implementació de tècniques de reconeixement d'espectres Raman. Aplicació a la identificació de materials pictòrics. 

    Castanys Tutzó, Mireia (Fecha de defensa: 2009-04-24)

    L'espectroscòpia Raman és una tècnica fotònica molt emprada per l'anàlisi i la caracterització de materials. Entre les seves aplicacions destaca el seu ús en l'estudi del patrimoni cultural, on s'aplica per exemple en ...

    Evaluation of the surface impedance of ReBCO coated conductors and requirements for their use as beam screen materials for the FCC-hh 

    Krkotic, Patrick (Fecha de defensa: 2022-11-25)

    (English) The Future Circular Hadron Collider (FCC-hh) is a proposal for a 100-kilometre-long particle accelerator with collision energy substantially higher than previous colliders to expand the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) ...

    Experimental estimation of soil emissivity and its application to soil moisture retrieval in the SMOS Mission 

    Monerris Belda, Alessandra (Fecha de defensa: 2009-09-07)

    Tot i que l'aigua retinguda pel sòl constitueix una petita fracció del volum total d'aigua que hi ha a la Terra, l'humitat del sòl juga un paper important als models climàtics i hídrics. La radiometria en banda L (1.400 a ...

    Exploiting cognition for energy and spectrum efficient wireless networks 

    Mesodiakaki, Agapi (Fecha de defensa: 2015-11-09)

    The main objective of this thesis is to propose and evaluate medium access layer algorithms, that will exploit different types of cognition to provide energy and spectrum efficiency enhancement. In particular, two main ...

    Exploiting spatial modulation and analog network coding for the design of energy-efficient wireless networks 

    Ntontin, Konstantinos (Fecha de defensa: 2015-11-03)

    As the data rate demands of the cellular users increase, together with their number, it is expected that unprecedented capacity demands should be met in wireless networks in the forthcoming years. However, the energy ...

    Exponentiated weibull fading channel model in free-space optical communications under atmospheric turbulence 

    Barrios Porras, Ricardo (Fecha de defensa: 2013-05-17)

    Free-space optical (FSO) communications is drawing increasing attention as a promising technology to overcome bandwidth shortage, of an evermore crowded wireless marketplace. Currently radio-frequency (RF) technology ...

    Face recognition by means of advanced contributions in machine learning 

    Espinosa Duró, Virginia (Fecha de defensa: 2013-06-14)

    Face recognition (FR) has been extensively studied, due to both scientific fundamental challenges and current and potential applications where human identification is needed. FR systems have the benefits of their non ...

    Fairness Analysis of Wireless Beamforming Schedulers 

    Bartolomé Calvo, Diego (Fecha de defensa: 2005-01-12)

    Aquesta tesi es dedica a l'anàlisi de la justícia a la capa física en entorns de comunicacions amb múltiples antenes i diversos usuaris, cosa que implica un nou punt de vista sobre problemas tradicionals. Malgrat això, el ...