Modelling Parkinson in zebrafish: from understanding disease to discovering new therapies 

    García Fernández, Jéssica (Fecha de defensa: 2023-06-12)

    The term "neurodegenerative disorder" refers to a set of illnesses in which the neurological system gradually deteriorates and is characterized by cognitive impairment, motor degradation, and behavioural changes. The ...

    Modelling spatiotemporal cell regulation 

    Martínez Corral, Rosa (Fecha de defensa: 2018-09-28)

    In this Thesis we have studied how dynamics and space modulate cellular behaviour, by means of mathematical modelling of particular biological examples. At the single cell level, we show how pulsatile input signals can be ...

    Modelling splicing 

    Tilgner, Hagen (Fecha de defensa: 2011-06-02)

    L’Splicing de les molècules d’ARN és el procés pel qual les seqüències interposades (“introns”) s’eliminen, i les seqüències restants es concatenen per a formar l’ARN madur. La investigació recent mostra que gairebé ...

    Modelling the dawn of simple multicellularity : Cooperation, physics and evolutionary branching 

    Bonforti, Adriano (Fecha de defensa: 2022-07-27)

    L'aparició de la pluricel·lularitat (MC) va definir un esdeveniment evolutiu important en la història de la vida al nostre planeta. Ha tingut lloc diverses vegades dins de grups independents i diferents enfocaments han ...

    Modelling tonal context dynamics by temporal multi-scale analysis 

    Martorell Domínguez, Agustín (Fecha de defensa: 2013-09-19)

    This work explores the multidimensional, ambiguous and temporal characteristics of tonality. The approach relies on interfacing pitch-spaces with time vs. time-scale descriptions. In this combined representation, the spatial ...

    Modelo semántico y computacional para análisis del conflicto armado en Colombia 

    Tangarife Patiño, Ana María (Fecha de defensa: 2024-07-17)

    La disponibilidad de herramientas conceptuales para la descripción y la extracción en un determinado dominio de conocimiento es fundamental para garantizar el acceso a la información. En contextos de conflictos armados ...

    Modelos de organización de los servicios de atención al parto : efecto sobre la provisión de servicios y los resultados 

    Escuriet Peiró, Ramón (Fecha de defensa: 2015-10-16)

    Existen diferentes modelos para la provisión de servicios de atención al parto y distintos factores relacionados con la organización de los servicios en los que se atiende a las mujeres. En esta tesis se exploran los ...

    Modelos experimentales de enseñanza y aprendizaje del chino como lengua extranjera a través de tareas y planteamientos competenciales 

    Chin Ko, Chün Chün (Fecha de defensa: 2016-01-26)

    La tesis Modelos experimentales de enseñanza y aprendizaje del chino como lengua extranjera a través de tareas y planteamientos competenciales se inicia con una reflexión teórica sobre las condiciones de aplicación al caso ...

    Modification on glycosidic enzyons as strategy to alter tumor 

    Padró i Jové, Mercè (Fecha de defensa: 2011-03-28)

    Alterations in the expression of carbohydrates and the enzymes involved in their synthesis (glycosidases and glycosyltransferases) can be considered as universal feature of malignant transformation. Iminosugars, monosaccharide ...

    Modulació de la comunicació intercel·lular com a estratègia per incrementar l'eficàcia de teràpies antitumorals en models de càncer de pàncrees 

    Garcia Rodríguez, Laura (Fecha de defensa: 2008-06-26)

    L'adenocarcinoma ductal de pàncrees és un càncer molt agressiu que actualment representa la quarta causa de mort per càncer als països occidentals. Les teràpies clàssiques, basades en la resecció quirúrgica, la radioteràpia ...

    Modulation of Amyloid-β peptide aggregation and neurotoxicity in Alzheimer's disease 

    Guivernau Almazán, Biuse (Fecha de defensa: 2016-06-10)

    Aggregation of the amyloid-β (Aβ) peptide to form oligomers and amyloid fibrils is a central event in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer’s disease (AD). This thesis aims to provide a better understanding of Aβ toxicity and the ...

    Modulation of memory persistence and brain connectivity by non-invasive electrostimulation 

    Brambilla Pisoni, Cecilia (Fecha de defensa: 2022-02-11)

    Auricular transcutaneous vagus nerve stimulation (atVNS) is an evolving non-invasive neuromodulation technology, which is under investigation for therapeutic applications, including cognitive improvement. In this thesis, ...

    Modulation of T lymphocite activation by ORMDL3 

    Carreras Sureda, Amado (Fecha de defensa: 2014-07-17)

    Genome wide association studies (GWAS) have pointed out ORMDL3 gene as a risk factor for several proinflammatory and autoimmune diseases. The protein encoded by this gene belongs to a family of transmembrane proteins of ...

    Modulation-enhanced localization microscopy: using patterned illumination for super-resolution microscopy: from the localization of single molecules to the descripton of nano-structures 

    Reymond, Loïc (Fecha de defensa: 2023-09-20)

    This thesis introduces SIMPLE (Structured Illumination based Point Lo- calization Estimator), a novel super-resolution technique in fluorescence microscopy. By combining standing-wave patterned illumination with single-molecule ...

    Molecular alterations in muscle wasting and cachexia : therapeutic approaches in animal models 

    Chacón Cabrera, Alba (Fecha de defensa: 2016-09-20)

    Cachexia and muscle deconditioning, which are the major comorbidities in patients with chronic diseases including lung cancer (LC), impair disease prognosis. Several biological mechanisms are involved in these two muscle ...

    Molecular analysis of ovarian resorption by hydric stress in Blatella germanica 

    Herráiz Yebes, Alba (Fecha de defensa: 2014-01-31)

    In the present thesis we studied the effects of hydric stress in the ovary of the cockroach Blattella germanica. At morphological level, we described ovarian resorption induced by water deprivation. At a molecular level, ...

    Molecular and cellular mechanisms of heart regeneration in zebrafish 

    Sleep Ronquillo, Eduard (Fecha de defensa: 2010-06-30)

    In contrast to mammals, zebrafish do have the ability to regenerate their heart after injury. A better understanding of how regenerationcompetent species do so should help developing strategies to enhance human cardiac ...

    Molecular and functional characterization of irem-3, a new activating member of the cmrf/irem family 

    Martínez Barriocanal, Agueda (Fecha de defensa: 2009-04-16)

    En los últimos años hemos sido testigos de la identificación de múltiples familias de receptores inmunológicos. En este contexto encontramos la recientemente descrita familia IREM/CD300 localizada en la región cromosómica ...

    Molecular and functional characterization of the HP1c complex in Drosophila melanogaster 

    Kessler, Roman (Fecha de defensa: 2014-06-03)

    Unlike characteristic HP1 proteins, the HP1c isoform of Drosophila melanogaster is a euchromatic protein. HP1c forms a complex with the zinc finger proteins ROW and WOC, which are crucial for HP1c function. In the present ...

    Molecular and mechanistic characterization of a novel long non-coding RNA derived from NBL2 macrosatellite repeats in colorectal cancer 

    Dumbović, Gabrijela (Fecha de defensa: 2017-01-12)

    DNA hypomethylation of repeats has been found in almost every tumor type studied. Hypomethylation of repetitive elements was shown to increase the likelihood of homologous recombination of these repeated sequences and thus ...