Now showing items 2296-2315 of 3239

    Optimizing CRISPR-Cas technologies in Caenorhabditis elegans : Nested CRISPR and expanded targeting with Cas variants 

    Vicencio, Jeremy (Date of defense: 2021-09-03)

    In this thesis, I present an alternative, cloning-free method for the generation of endogenous fluorescent reporters in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. I demonstrate that Nested CRISPR is an efficient method that can ...

    Oral microbiome : composition, interactions and shaping factors 

    Willis, Jesse (Date of defense: 2021-11-18)

    Microbiome studies have burgeoned in the last few decades, largely thanks to the innovations in high throughput sequencing, affording researchers the opportunity to categorize nearly the entirety of the microbial population ...

    The Orchestration of computer-supported collaboration scripts with learning analytics 

    Amarasinghe, Ishari (Date of defense: 2020-12-16)

    Computer-supported collaborative learning (CSCL) creates avenues for productive collaboration between students. In CSCL, collaborative learning flow patterns (CLFPs) provide pedagogical rationale and constraints for ...

    Orexin receptors as therapeutic target for addiction and anxiety disorders 

    Flores de los Heros, África (Date of defense: 2016-06-22)

    Orexin-A and orexin-B (also known as hypocretin-1 and hypocretin-2) are two neuropeptides exclusively expressed by a small subpopulation of neurons located within the lateral hypothalamic area. These neuromodulators were ...

    Organizational justice and leadership : expanding the causal framework 

    Sajons, Gwendolin Beatriz (Date of defense: 2014-12-12)

    This thesis examines the relationships among managerial justice and employee attitudes, emotions and behaviors to re-conceptualize the traditional causal frameworks of the justice literature. In the first chapter, I propose ...

    Organized class struggle against the financialization of housing in Spain: the case of the PAHC Sabadell 

    Jiménez Iglesias, Albert (Date of defense: 2021-12-13)

    This doctoral thesis studies class-based social movements as a response to the collapse of the Spanish mode of capital accumulation, based on the financialization of housing and the extraction of rents. It argues that the ...

    Origin and evolution of eukaryotic compartmentalization 

    Pittis, Alexandros (Date of defense: 2016-10-14)

    The origin of eukaryotic compartmentalization stands as a major conundrum in biology. Current evidence indicates that the last eukaryotic common ancestor (LECA) already possessed many eukaryotic hallmarks, including a ...

    Origin and evolution of neural microexons 

    Torres Méndez, Antonio (Date of defense: 2020-02-28)

    Post-transcriptional networks control multiple aspects of neuronal biology and their deregulation has been associated with human neurological disorders. This thesis focuses on regulation at the level of pre-mRNA splicing, ...

    Origin of chromatin anaphase bridges 

    Maier, Michael (Date of defense: 2017-03-30)

    Successful chromosome segregation is crucial for the survival of a cell and to avoid diseases such as cancer. Anaphase bridges are a type of segregation defect that can arises from structurally compromised chromosomes. ...

    The origin of logical concepts 

    Cesana Arlotti, Nicolò (Date of defense: 2016-01-15)

    From a developmental perspective, propositional logical reasoning has been often characterized either as the peak of cognitive development or as an innate property of human cognition. Our ignorance of the origin of logical ...

    Origins of recursive phrase structure through cultural self-organisation and selection 

    Garcia Casademont, Emília (Date of defense: 2018-09-17)

    Many human languages in the world exhibit phrase structure. Phrase structure combines words, phrases, and both, into phrases, and it may empower language systems to exploit recursion. This thesis pushes forward the hypothesis ...

    El Oro negro de la ciudad: una etnografia sobre la producción del sujeto mantero y su voz 

    Menna, Laura (Date of defense: 2023-03-17)

    La voz como problema ha sido abordado desde distintos campos. Se ha identificado filosóficamente con la capacidad intrínsecamente humana de narrar la propia historia. En relación a la movilización social, se ha visto ...

    Oteiza-Newman-Mies van der Rohe: espacios compartidos. Una hermenéutica de la desocupación del espacio en escultura, pintura y arquitectura 

    Mena Palacín, Raúl (Date of defense: 2012-07-06)

    El propósito de este estudio es abordar el concepto de espacio y, en particular, su desocupación, a través de tres obras: Caja Vacía/Metafísica de Jorge Oteiza, Who´s afraid of red, yellow and blue de Barnett Newman y el ...

    Outdoor exposure to residential noise, neurodevelopment, and sleep in children and preadoslescents 

    Pérez Crespo, Laura (Date of defense: 2023-03-22)

    Environmental noise pollution has become a major public health concern due to its increase during the last decades as a result of urbanization processes. Environmental noise can be produced by different sources but the ...

    Overeducation: incidence, persistence and institutional differences across countries: the influence of field of study and social origin on graduates' overeducation risk 

    Capsada-Munsech, Queralt (Date of defense: 2016-10-18)

    This dissertation studies overeducation incidence and persistence among graduates from different fields of study and social origin from a social stratification standpoint. Empirical research has shown that overeducation ...

    Ownership and firm behavior 

    Sprenger, Carsten (Date of defense: 2007-07-06)

    La tesis estudia la evolución de la estructura de propiedad de compañías y de sus efectos sobre resultados económicos reales. El capítulo 1 proporciona un análisis empírico de la privatización en Rusia en los años 90. Se ...

    Oxidative stress in toxicity and signaling : Control of cysteine oxidation and reduction by the redoxin systems of fission yeast 

    Domènech Guil, Alba (Date of defense: 2018-03-02)

    Schizosaccharomyces pombe, com tots els organismes aeròbics, requereix l’oxigen per viure i té que lidiar amb la conseqüent toxicitat associada dels productes derivats de l’oxigen. Per mantenir l’ambient intracel·lular, ...

    Paclitaxel: new insights into its regulation, biosynthesis and biotechnological production 

    Escrich Montañana, Ainoa (Date of defense: 2022-12-01)

    The emergency to obtain effective substances against cancer, and the awareness to protect natural resources make plant biofactories a promising alternative for obtaining plant-derived compounds. In this context, the ...

    Padre e hijo: una historia del cine a través de las figuras de Ulises, Abrahan y Hamlet 

    Martínez Samper, Pablo (Date of defense: 2019-11-29)

    Esta investigación propone una “historia del cine” a través de dos figuras que recorren todas sus historias, el padre y el hijo. La hipótesis principal de la que partimos es que el modelo paterno-filial es una trama heredada ...

    Pairing-based non-interactive zero-knowledge arguments and applications 

    Pindado, Zaira (Date of defense: 2021-03-23)

    Elliptic curves with a bilinear map, or pairing, have a rich algebraic structure that has been fundamental to develop practical Non-Interactive Zero-Knowledge (NIZK) proofs. On the theoretical side, we explore how efficient ...