Now showing items 2821-2840 of 3292

    Sticky information and non-pricing policies in DSGE models 

    Molinari, Benedetto (Date of defense: 2008-09-19)

    La tesis consta de dos partes. En la primera parte se analiza la relación entre las fricciones en los flujos de información que llegan a la empresa y la persistencia del patrón de la inflación. En particular, se presenta ...

    Strategic planning proliferation and city aspiration-crafting: investigating city strategic plans through publications, contents and triggers 

    De Freitas, João (Date of defense: 2021-05-10)

    This thesis explores a peculiar phenomenon of urban governance: namely, the recent rise of strategic city planning. Over the last decades, a growing number of cities adopted strategic plans that—following a strikingly ...

    The Strategic use of suitainable development to adequately address social and environmental issues in disputes involving transnational companies 

    Preller Bórquez, Sebastián (Date of defense: 2020-07-17)

    This work examines the place that sustainable development has in the field of international policy and law. The thesis argues that a narrative of balance between different economic, social and environmental aspects, and a ...

    Strategies for creativity development in biomedical education through inquiry 

    Rodríguez Fabià, Gemma (Date of defense: 2019-02-22)

    Els avenços tecnològics i científics que s’han produït durant les últimes dècades han constituït la recerca biomèdica tal i com la coneixem avui en dia. Per poder afrontar els reptes que proposa la ciència, en un futur ...

    Strategies to improve patient-centred care in european hospitals: baseline assessment and tool development 

    Gröne, Oliver (Date of defense: 2010-03-19)

    Substantial research has been carried out on evaluating the physician-patient interaction and on launching policy initiatives to improve patient-centred care. However, the organizational uptake of strategies to improve ...

    Strategy selection and function learning in decision making 

    Stojić, Hrvoje (Date of defense: 2017-01-17)

    This thesis consists of three studies investigating the strategy selection problem and the role of function learning in human decision making. Chapter 1 examines how people learn which decision strategy to use when ...

    Streamlining minimal bacterial genomes : Analysis of the pan bacterial essential genome, and a novel strategy for random genome deletions in Mycoplasma pneumoniae 

    Shaw, Daniel (Date of defense: 2019-12-13)

    Understanding what constitutes a true Minimal Cell is a key challenge in synthetic biology. In this work, we present two new tools to aid in this endeavour. i) A novel methodology for minimising the Mycoplasma pneumoniae ...

    Striking a balance global impact of the local regulation of excitatory-inhibitory balance in cortical networks 

    Páscoa dos Santos, Francisco (Date of defense: 2024-09-06)

    The study of complex systems has unraveled the basic principles underlying the emergence of collective behaviors in networks of interacting units. Following this framework, we suggest that excitatory-inhibitory balance ...

    Striking the balance of powers: the Spanish Constitutional Court and the battle for public support 

    Gil-Porquet, Fernando (Date of defense: 2019-03-08)

    By examining the framing that political actors made of the upcoming landmark LOAPA, Rumasa and abortion decisions issued by the Spanish Constitutional Court between 1980 and 1983, its influence on public debate and the ...

    Structural analysis and segmentation of music signals 

    Ong, Bee Suan (Date of defense: 2007-02-21)

    Con la reciente explosión cuantitativa de bibliotecas y colecciones de música en formato<br/>digital, la descripción del contenido desempeña un papel fundamental para una gestión y<br/>búsqueda eficientes de archivos de ...

    Structural analysis of eythropoietin glycans 

    Llop Escorihuela, Esther (Date of defense: 2008-12-16)

    La eritropoyetina o EPO es una hormona glicoproteica. En los seres humanos adultos, se produce principalmente en el riñón, en respuesta a la reducción de oxígeno en los tejidos (hipoxia tisular). La EPO estimula la ...

    Structural analysis of protein interaction networks 

    Campagna, Anne (Date of defense: 2012-02-17)

    Interactions between proteins give rise to many functions in cells. In the lastdecade, highthroughput experiments have identified thousands of protein interactions, which are often represented together as large protein ...

    The Structural and functional organization of the language network in non- or minimally verbal autism spectrum disorders 

    Slušná, Dominika (Date of defense: 2022-03-31)

    Language impairment forms a broader spectrum in humans than current diagnostic labels such as specific language impairment suggest. This thesis is about language capacities at the neglected bottom end of severity across ...

    Structural basis of conjugative DNA transfer mediated by MobM, a prototype of the major relaxase family of Staphylococcus aureus 

    Pluta, Radoslaw (Date of defense: 2014-11-28)

    MobM relaxase from the promiscuous antibiotic resistance plasmid pMV158 is a prototype of the Mob_Pre/MOBV family of relaxases, the major family of relaxases found in Staphylococcus aureus. Staphylococcal infections cause ...

    Structural language change in Alzheimer's disease: a study of spontaneous speech tasks across different stages of cognitive impairment 

    Chapin, Kayla (Date of defense: 2023-06-30)

    Linguistic characteristics of spontaneous connected speech are showing increasing potential for detecting and tracking cognitive decline in Alzheimer’s disease, and could be particularly suitable to study at-risk populations ...

    Structural study of the therapeutic potential of protein-ligand interactions 

    Martínez-Jiménez, Francisco (Date of defense: 2016-12-16)

    Most of the cellular functions are driven by small-molecules that selectively bind to their protein targets. Is such their importance, that the pharmacological intervention of proteins by small molecule drugs is frequently ...

    Structural VARs and DSGE models: applications to macroeconomics 

    Neri, Stefano (Date of defense: 2003-09-05)

    Los argumentos de la tesis son los modelos VAR estructurales y los modelos dinámicos de equilibrio general ambos aplicados a la macroeconomía.<br/>El primer capítulo analiza, por medio de modelos VAR, los efectos de la ...

    Structure and inference in classical planning 

    Lipovetzky, Nir (Date of defense: 2012-12-07)

    Classical planning is the problem of finding a sequence of actions for achieving a goal from an initial state assuming that actions have deterministic effects. The most effective approach for finding such plans is based ...

    Structure determination of mycoplasma pneumoniae genome 

    Trussart, Marie (Date of defense: 2015-10-30)

    Des de l’aparició de les tecnologies de seqüenciació d’alt rendiment, els conjunts de dades biològiques han esdevingut cada cop més grans i complexes, la qual cosa els fa pràcticament impossibles d’interpretar manualment. ...

    The structure-function relationships underlying Drosophila larval chemotaxis 

    Tastekin, Ibrahim (Date of defense: 2017-01-16)

    The Drosophila larva is an excellent model organism to study the neural correlates of behavior. It possesses a tractable yet complex nervous system that is capable of integrating and transforming multimodal sensory stimuli ...