Now showing items 550-569 of 3292

    Corylus avellana: a new biotechnological source of anticancer agents 

    Gallego Palacios, Ana (Date of defense: 2015-03-26)

    The difficulty of increasing taxane production and reducing its costs has prompted a search for new biotechnological sources. The unexpected discovery of taxanes in Corylus avellana has generated considerable interest in ...

    Costs and benefits of the use of derivatives 

    Rangel Hilt, Thomas Alexander (Date of defense: 2007-09-14)

    Se ha escrito mucho sobre la valoración de derivados financieros, pero no se ha estudiado tanto las razones, los costes, las ventajas y el impacto económico de su uso. Esto es sorprendente dada la importancia económica de ...

    Couples’ Decisions and Retirement Age in Europe. A comparative study of three traditions of the Welfare State 

    Recuenco, Luis (Date of defense: 2013-07-15)

    This research analyses from a theoretical, empirical and comparative perspective couples’ decision-making and retirement ages within seven European Union-15 countries belonging to three Welfare State traditions: Social ...

    Coupling by volume conduction as a wireless power transfer and communications method for threadlike biomedical implants. 

    Tudela Pi, Marc (Date of defense: 2022-10-27)

    Although the use of volumetric conduction to power wireless implants has been experimentally validated in recent years, a theoretical framework to determine the power and efficiency obtained by minimally invasive implants ...

    Covariance-based descriptors for pattern recognition in multiple feature spaces 

    Cirujeda Santolaria, Pol (Date of defense: 2015-11-12)

    En aquesta tesi s’explora l’ús de descriptors basats en la covariància per tal de traslladar la observació de característiques dins de regions d’interès a un determinat espai descriptiu que utilitzi les matrius de covariància ...

    CPEB4 replaces CPEB1 to complete meiosis 

    Igea Fernández, Ana (Date of defense: 2009-11-06)

    In vertebrate oocytes, meiotic progression is driven by the sequential translational activation of maternal messenger RNAs stored in the cytoplasm. This activation is mainly induced by the cytoplasmic elongation of their ...

    CPEBs studies on the cell cycle : mapping CPEBs network and unveiling a new function for CPEB-mediated cap-ribose methylation 

    Giangarrà, Valeria (Date of defense: 2013-07-25)

    En el capitulo I mostramos la caracterización funcional de la ribosa-metiltransferasa de cap I en Xenopus laevis. Se trata de una enzima localizada tanto en el núcleo como en el citoplasma y que tras la estimulación con ...

    Cracking the code of 3' ss selection in s.cerevisiae 

    Meyer, Markus (Date of defense: 2010-03-26)

    The informational content of 3' splice sites is low and the mechanisms whereby they are selected are not clear. Here we enunciate a set of rules that govern their selection. For many introns, secondary structures are a key ...

    Creació d'una nova metodologia multistakeholder per a l'amidament de la reputació corporativa a partir de l'anàlisi de les 5 metodologies de referència : Fortune AMAC, Fortune WMAC, Merco, Coeficient 

    Carrió Sala, Marta (Date of defense: 2013-07-12)

    La reputació corporativa es segueix consolidant com un actiu intangible molt important per a les organitzacions. A diferència d'altres constructes, la reputació és un concepte multidisciplinari que té un impacte sobre totes ...

    Creactive subtitles: subtitling for ALL 

    Sala Robert, Èlia (Date of defense: 2016-11-07)

    L’objectiu d’aquesta tesi és contribuir a la pràctica i la teoria de la subtitulació per a persones sordes (SPS), més concretament, per a nens i nenes sords. Després de l’anàlisi de les pràctiques de subtitulació actuals, ...

    Creating ad hoc functional ontologies for complex diseases and understanding drug response with cellular networks 

    Isús Díaz, Laura (Date of defense: 2017-02-13)

    Since the advent of the genomic era, vast amounts of data from heterogeneous biomedical sources have been generated, revealing an overwhelming complexity and creating a need for new computational tools. The etiology for ...

    Creating the AML-specific t(9;11) chromosomal translocation model to study the structural basis of leukemia development in mouse cells 

    Sparavier, Aleksandra (Date of defense: 2022-06-03)

    Chromosomal translocation are large-scale genome rearrangements found in several cancers. They are formed when two (or more) non-homologous chromosomes interchange large parts as a result of erroneous DNA repair after ...

    Creatividad y no dualidad en el arte : una aproximación transdisciplinar 

    Zuloaga Arisa, Yolanda de (Date of defense: 2013-07-22)

    Esta tesis explora el acto creativo y su relación con la experiencia de lo radicalmente desconocido tal como se describe en las primeras enseñanzas del pensamiento budista Chan. El estudio desarrolla una aproximación ...

    Creencias de profesores chinos respecto a la enseñanza del español como lengua extranjera en China 

    Li, Zhiying (Date of defense: 2018-11-06)

    Esta investigación tiene como objetivo fundamental estudiar las creencias de profesores chinos de ELE respecto a la metodología de enseñanza y contrastarlas con su actuación docente (Williams y Burden, 1999). Centramos la ...

    Cricking implementation with augmented reality and RFID: towards independent living of people with motor disabilities 

    Rashid, Zulqarnain (Date of defense: 2016-01-11)

    People with manipulative and locomotive disabilities represents a large fraction of the population classified as disabled, including the elder, injured and other health related issues. Wheelchairs have evolved in order to ...

    Crime control as social interaction. A conversation analysis of police border checks 

    Mora Rodríguez, Michael (Date of defense: 2024-05-14)

    This doctoral thesis examines police border checks organised in the Spain – France border area (La Jonquera – Le Perthus). The main objective of these police checks is to prevent illegal activities (i.e., crime control). ...

    La Crisis y su representación: Huellas de la violencia política en la narrativa chilena contemporánea 

    Balmaceda, Paz (Date of defense: 2015-02-23)

    Esta tesis se propone analizar cómo la literatura, ante determinados sucesos extremadamente violentos y circunstancias traumáticas, puede constituirse en un mecanismo fundamental para la sociedad para interpretar y asimilar ...

    A Critical analysis of full-body interaction learning environments : towards novel design and evaluation methods 

    Malinverni, Laura (Date of defense: 2016-07-27)

    Full-Body interaction represents a branch of research in embodied interaction that addresses the use of the whole body to interact with the physical and digital environment. Several researchers have suggested its potential ...

    Crítica de la razón virtual: las ciencias humanas del castigo y las personas jurídicas: un debate contemporáneo 

    Ballerini, Sebastián (Date of defense: 2023-05-26)

    1. ¿Es correcto llamar al Derecho en general y al Derecho penal en particular bajo el rotulo de ciencia? 2. ¿Es posible todavía hablar de libre albedrío como fundamento último de la responsabilidad penal? 3. ¿Cómo es ...

    Crops and Environment in the Lower Indus Plain During the Bronze Age : A Multi-proxy Approach to the Agricultural Strategies of the Indus Valley Civilization 

    Jiménez Arteaga, Carolina (Date of defense: 2023-07-24)

    The Indus Valley Civilisation (IVC) is the earliest known urban culture of South Asia (2600-1900 BCE). While archaeological research has been conducted in the region for over a century, systematic archaeobotanical analyses ...